Sahel - Subnational Administrative Boundaries

  • COD
  • 400+ Downloads
  • This dataset updates: Every year
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: COD - Subnational Administrative Boundaries


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Source Refer to individual COD-AB datasets (linked below)
Time Period of the Dataset [?] September 11, 2020-September 11, 2020 ... More
Modified [?] 17 November 2021
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 11 September 2020 Less
Expected Update Frequency Every year

Shape was created after merging different countries' admin3 layers. Nigeria and Chad have their layers available only for certain regions. Layer designed to meet multiple requests from different partners and is only for cartographic use.

Source COD-AB datasets:

Burkina Faso - Subnational Administrative Boundaries

Cameroon - Subnational Administrative Boundaries

Chad - Subnational Administrative Boundaries

Mali - Subnational Administrative Boundaries

Mauritania - Subnational Administrative Boundaries

Niger - Subnational Administrative Boundaries

Nigeria - Subnational Administrative Boundaries

Senegal - Subnational Administrative Boundaries

Caveats / Comments

Nigeria and Chad are not fully represented

Edge matching is unofficial. Certain border locations may not be represented according to the particular COD-AB or the particular government position.

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