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Data series [?]:
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 01, 2024-September 01, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 30 January 2024
    This dataset updates: Every month
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: HOTOSM - Railways
    OpenStreetMap exports for use in GIS applications. This theme includes all OpenStreetMap features in this area matching ( Learn what tags means here ) : tags['railway'] IN ('rail','station') Features may have these attributes: name name:en railway ele operator:type layer addr:full addr:city source name:sq name:sr This dataset is one of many OpenStreetMap exports on HDX. See the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team website for more information.
  • 10+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 01, 2024-September 01, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 30 January 2024
    This dataset updates: Every month
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: HOTOSM - Waterways
    OpenStreetMap exports for use in GIS applications. This theme includes all OpenStreetMap features in this area matching ( Learn what tags means here ) : tags['waterway'] IS NOT NULL OR tags['water'] IS NOT NULL OR tags['natural'] IN ('water','wetland','bay') Features may have these attributes: name name:en waterway covered width depth layer blockage tunnel natural water source name:sq name:sr This dataset is one of many OpenStreetMap exports on HDX. See the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team website for more information.
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 01, 2024-September 01, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 30 January 2024
    This dataset updates: Every month
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: HOTOSM - Health Facilities
    OpenStreetMap exports for use in GIS applications. This theme includes all OpenStreetMap features in this area matching ( Learn what tags means here ) : tags['healthcare'] IS NOT NULL OR tags['amenity'] IN ('doctors', 'dentist', 'clinic', 'hospital', 'pharmacy') Features may have these attributes: name name:en amenity building healthcare healthcare:speciality operator:type capacity:persons addr:full addr:city source name:sq name:sr This dataset is one of many OpenStreetMap exports on HDX. See the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team website for more information.
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 01, 2024-September 01, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 30 January 2024
    This dataset updates: Every month
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: HOTOSM - Sea Ports
    OpenStreetMap exports for use in GIS applications. This theme includes all OpenStreetMap features in this area matching ( Learn what tags means here ) : tags['amenity'] = 'ferry_terminal' OR tags['building'] = 'ferry_terminal' OR tags['port'] IS NOT NULL Features may have these attributes: name name:en amenity building port operator:type addr:full addr:city source name:sq name:sr This dataset is one of many OpenStreetMap exports on HDX. See the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team website for more information.
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 01, 2024-September 01, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 30 January 2024
    This dataset updates: Every month
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: HOTOSM - Education Facilities
    OpenStreetMap exports for use in GIS applications. This theme includes all OpenStreetMap features in this area matching ( Learn what tags means here ) : tags['amenity'] IN ('kindergarten', 'school', 'college', 'university') OR tags['building'] IN ('kindergarten', 'school', 'college', 'university') Features may have these attributes: name name:en amenity building operator:type capacity:persons addr:full addr:city source name:sq name:sr This dataset is one of many OpenStreetMap exports on HDX. See the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team website for more information.
  • 10+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 01, 2024-September 01, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 30 January 2024
    This dataset updates: Every month
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: HOTOSM - Populated Places
    OpenStreetMap exports for use in GIS applications. This theme includes all OpenStreetMap features in this area matching ( Learn what tags means here ) : tags['place'] IN ('isolated_dwelling', 'town', 'village', 'hamlet', 'city') Features may have these attributes: name name:en place population is_in source name:sq name:sr This dataset is one of many OpenStreetMap exports on HDX. See the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team website for more information.
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 01, 2024-September 01, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 30 January 2024
    This dataset updates: Every month
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: HOTOSM - Financial Services
    OpenStreetMap exports for use in GIS applications. This theme includes all OpenStreetMap features in this area matching ( Learn what tags means here ) : tags['amenity'] IN ('mobile_money_agent','bureau_de_change','bank','microfinance','atm','sacco','money_transfer','post_office') Features may have these attributes: name name:en amenity operator network addr:full addr:city source name:sq name:sr This dataset is one of many OpenStreetMap exports on HDX. See the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team website for more information.
  • 10+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 01, 2024-September 01, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 30 January 2024
    This dataset updates: Every month
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: HOTOSM - Points of Interest
    OpenStreetMap exports for use in GIS applications. This theme includes all OpenStreetMap features in this area matching ( Learn what tags means here ) : tags['amenity'] IS NOT NULL OR tags['man_made'] IS NOT NULL OR tags['shop'] IS NOT NULL OR tags['tourism'] IS NOT NULL Features may have these attributes: name name:en amenity man_made shop tourism opening_hours beds rooms addr:full addr:housenumber addr:street addr:city source name:sq name:sr This dataset is one of many OpenStreetMap exports on HDX. See the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team website for more information.
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 01, 2024-September 01, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 30 January 2024
    This dataset updates: Every month
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: HOTOSM - Airports
    OpenStreetMap exports for use in GIS applications. This theme includes all OpenStreetMap features in this area matching ( Learn what tags means here ) : tags['aeroway'] IS NOT NULL OR tags['building'] = 'aerodrome' OR tags['emergency:helipad'] IS NOT NULL OR tags['emergency'] = 'landing_site' Features may have these attributes: name name:en aeroway building emergency emergency:helipad operator:type capacity:persons addr:full addr:city source name:sq name:sr This dataset is one of many OpenStreetMap exports on HDX. See the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team website for more information.
  • 400+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 2018-August 23, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 29 August 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 15 December 2021
    This dataset updates: Every week
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: ACLED - Conflict Events
    A weekly dataset providing the total number of reported political violence, civilian-targeting, and demonstration events in Kosovo. Note: These are aggregated data files organized by country-year and country-month. To access full event data, please register to use the Data Export Tool and API on the ACLED website.
  • 30+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: August 18, 2015-March 08, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 12 April 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 12 April 2024
    This dataset updates: Every year
    This dataset contains administrative polygons grouped by country (admin-0) with the following subdivisions according to Who's On First placetypes: - macroregion (admin-1 including region) - region (admin-2 including state, province, department, governorate) - macrocounty (admin-3 including arrondissement) - county (admin-4 including prefecture, sub-prefecture, regency, canton, commune) - localadmin (admin-5 including municipality, local government area, unitary authority, commune, suburb) The dataset also contains human settlement points and polygons for: - localities (city, town, and village) - neighbourhoods (borough, macrohood, neighbourhood, microhood) The dataset covers activities carried out by Who's On First (WOF) since 2015. Global administrative boundaries and human settlements are aggregated and standardized from hundreds of sources and available with an open CC-BY license. Who's On First data is updated on an as-need basis for individual places with annual sprints focused on improving specific countries or placetypes. Please refer to the file for complete data source metadata. Refer to our blog post for explanation of field names. Data corrections can be proposed using Write Field, an web app for making quick data edits. You’ll need a account to login and propose edits, which are then reviewed by the Who's On First community using the Github pull request process. Approved changes are available for download within 24-hours. Please contact WOF admin about bulk edits.
  • 40+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: March 11, 2020-October 31, 2022 ... More
    Modified [?]: 2 February 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 2 February 2024
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: UN Peace and Security Data Hub - Peace and Security Data
    UNMIK collected daily, from publicly available sources, COVID-19 information for Kosovo* (daily and total cases, fatalities, recoveries as well as active cases and testing). This dataset combines information issued by both Pristina and Belgrade authorities in the Mission area, as well as presenting the breakdown of the two systems. *All references to “Kosovo” in this document are made in the context of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999.
  • 40+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: July 10, 2023-November 01, 2023 ... More
    Modified [?]: 3 January 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 3 January 2024
    This dataset updates: As needed
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Kontur - Population Density for 400m H3 Hexagons
    Kosovo population density for 400m H3 hexagons. Built from Kontur Population: Global Population Density for 400m H3 Hexagons Vector H3 hexagons with population counts at 400m resolution. Fixed up fusion of GHSL, Facebook, Microsoft Buildings, Copernicus Global Land Service Land Cover, Land Information New Zealand, and OpenStreetMap data.
  • 3100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: February 17, 2021-March 03, 2021 ... More
    Modified [?]: 28 June 2022
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 24 June 2021
    This dataset updates: Every year
    In partnership with Yale, Meta launched a climate change opinion survey that explores public climate change knowledge, attitudes, policy preferences, and behaviors. The 2022 survey includes respondents from nearly 200 countries and territories. We are sharing country level data from this survey, providing policymakers, research institutions, and nonprofits with an international view of public climate change opinion. For more information please see If you're interested in becoming a research partner and accessing record level data, please email