Pakistan - Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention, November 2020

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  • This dataset updates: Never
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: UNHCR - Post-Distribution Monitoring of Cash-Based Intervention

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Source UNHCR
Time Period of the Dataset [?] November 04, 2020-November 27, 2020 ... More
Modified [?] 30 June 2021
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 4 July 2021 Less
Expected Update Frequency Never

Kind of Data: Sample survey data [ssd]
Unit of Analysis: The total population spans all beneficiaries of Cash-Based Interventions.
Sampling Procedure: The survey's objective was to deliver representative data of all refugee households that were beneficiaries of cash-based interventions. The total number of beneficiaries of the Cash-Based Interventions is 70,000 (sampling frame). For this survey, a simple random sample design was applied. The total sample size was 320 refugee households, but only 180 respondents were reached and gave their consent to participate in the survey.
Data Collection Mode: Computer Assisted Telephone Interview [cati]

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