Shelter and Settlements Vulnerability Assessment - Cyclone Pam Response, Vanuatu

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Source REACH Initiative / Vanuatu Shelter Cluster
Time Period of the Dataset [?] April 07, 2015-May 01, 2015 ... More
Modified [?] 24 November 2015
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 3 July 2015 Less
Expected Update Frequency Never
Methodology Sample Survey
Caveats / Comments

The overall confidence level of 90% and the margin of error of 10% correspond to indicators which are calculated from the full sample at the island / site level. Any findings which have been calculated based on specific sub-sets of the population, for example availability of reported material, equipment, or support needs for shelter recovery, invariably have a lower confidence level. As such, findings calculated on this basis should only be considered as indicative.

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