
URL: https://data.humdata.org/dataset/58a738e0-729f-4f36-b184-911a68786fd6/resource/9ffd5357-7c93-41ce-9836-55e1b34df2d1/download/el_v2_1_teacher.csv

This file contains data at the teacher level and corresponds to the TDP IE endline teacher interview (TI) and teacher development needs assessment (TDNA) instruments. It also contains some variables required for weighting the data. Refer to the Weighting section in 'TDP IE EL data documentation 12 08 2018.pdf' for a description of the weighting procedure and refer to the technical document 'TDP IE EL_Weights and survey settings for the different samples' for details over which weight variables, sample identification variables and survey settings to use for each level/type of analysis.

Some variables from the questionnaire have been excluded from this dataset for confidentiality and other purposes. See 'TDP IE List of variables excluded from endline survey datasets' for a list of these variables and reasons why they were excluded.

The dataset includes a record for every teacher that was interviewed at baseline (and who was supposed to be interviewed at endline) and the outcome of the interview at endline as well as the reason why a teacher was not interviewed (no longer employed at school, not available on the day of the survey, etc.). The teachers are assigned an ID from 2 to 4, and they can be matched to the teacher IDs in the baseline datasets (using the school_id and teacher_id variables).

The dataset also includes the TDNA data for all teachers and head teachers who were successfully administered the TDNA at endline. All head teachers have a teacher_id=1. Data from the first and second versions of the TDNA instrument are both included in the dataset (refer to the Description of Scope sub-section in 'TDP IE EL data documentation 12 08 2018.pdf' for more details on why a second version of the TDNA was developed and administered in the last weeks of fieldwork). The variable 't_type' in the dataset identifies which observations correspond to the first version and which correspond to the second version. Note that the TDNA variables in the dataset are not the answers that the teachers provided but rather they are the points that they got for each answer that was assessed by the data collection team during the marking stage (refer to the 'TDP EL survey TDNA Mark Scheme_Oct17' and 'TDP EL survey TDNA Mark Scheme_Nov17_Altered' provided for an explanation of the marking scheme). Also included are some constructed indicators for teacher TDNA scores (prefixed by n_).

Names of districts, schools, teachers and pupils have been removed in the anonymisation process.

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