Global Secondary Impacts of COVID-19

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Source ACAPS
Time Period of the Dataset [?] September 09, 2020-September 09, 2020 ... More
Modified [?] 2 December 2020
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 9 September 2020 Less
Expected Update Frequency Never

The data collection is conducted on a country-level and identifies the secondary impacts the COVID- 19 pandemic is having in more than 190 countries. Data comes from a range of available sources, including international organisations, research centres, and media analysis.

The data collection is supported by a group of student volunteers from various universities worldwide. Volunteers are provided training on the analytical framework and indicators to ensure coherent data. Additional guidance on analytical and data collection techniques are also provided. A team of ACAPS analysts have oversight of data entered. This model has already been successfully implemented in the ACAPS Government Measures project.

Note: These are the preliminary results of the data collection on secondary impacts. This dataset is currently in the beta-testing phase, we will keep improving and updating in the coming weeks Read more

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