2022 Iraq Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment (MCNA-X) - Preliminary Analysis & Summary Tables

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  • REACH-Iraq_MCNA-X-Preliminary-Analysis-Summary-Tables-06.09 (6).xlsxXLSX (6.3M)
    Modified: 2 October 2022

    In close coordination with the Assessment Information Management Working Group (AIM WG), UN OCHA, and the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG), the tenth round of the Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment (MCNA) seeks to understand multi-sectoral household conditions and priority needs of conflict-affected populations living in Iraq.

    Between June 3rd and August 18th 2022, REACH Iraq and partners collected multi-sectoral household data on vulnerabilities across Iraq, reaching 13,000 households and 70,000 individuals, focusing on Returnee households, IDP households living in and out-of-camp, and host community households. This data has been analyzed, and the 2022 Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment (MCNA X) Preliminary Analysis and Summary Tables (with Arabic translation) is available for download.

    REACH Iraq is grateful for its partners for committing resources to ensure the completion of the 2022 MCNA in Iraq: Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Arbeiter-Samariter Bund (ASB), Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI), CARE, Youth Save Organization, People in Need (PIN), INTERSOS.

    For any additional questions or information queries concerning MCNA X, please contact Ted Jaspers (theodore.jaspers@reach-initiative.org).

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Source REACH Initiative
Time Period of the Dataset [?] June 05, 2022-August 17, 2022 ... More
Modified [?] 2 October 2022
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 2 October 2022 Less
Expected Update Frequency As needed
Methodology Sample Survey
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