About this Dashboard

The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) is a global effort to improve the transparency of development and humanitarian financing to help address poverty and crises. More than 1,300 organizations — bilateral and multilateral providers, international and local NGOs, civil society organizations, academia, partner country governments, and other stakeholders — publish their data using the IATI Standard.

Following the World Health Organization’s declaration of a pandemic on 11 March 2020, the IATI Secretariat issued a Guidance Note on how to publish data on COVID-19 using the IATI Standard, writing that:

Organisations who are involved in the international effort to address the COVID-19 pandemic are strongly encouraged to publish data on all their spending and activities. By publishing timely and comprehensive data, you will be providing partners across the globe with better information to plan, coordinate and evaluate the response to the pandemic.

This dashboard was created to visualize, explore and analyze all of the published IATI data that is related to the coronavirus pandemic. It was developed by the OCHA Centre for Humanitarian Data with the support of the United States Agency for International Development, and it builds on previous work by Mark Brough at Development Initiatives.

A guiding principle for developing this dashboard has been to ‘hold up a mirror’ to IATI data. The dashboard presents financial information as reported, without attempting any reconciliation among different publishing organizations or verification of those numbers from other sources. In other words, the key data reported here is as received and published by respective publishing organizations.

Methodology Notes

The dashboard applies the rules described below to determine which IATI transactions and activities are relevant to the global COVID-19 pandemic, and how to aggregate them.

Technical Details / Resources for Developers

Everything developed for this dashboard is shared as open source software. Data is extracted from d-portal.org and transformed every 24 hours.

For more information, view our GitHub repositories:

IATI open-data licensing

Original source data licensing

As described in the IATI data-licensing guidance, each publishing organization should choose an open-data license when they enroll with the IATI Registry. Using the IATI Dashboard, you can find which license any individual publishing organization is using (scroll down to the list of publishers, then select a publisher to see the license): http://dashboard.iatistandard.org/files.html

Aggregated data

In our IATI COVID-19 Funding Dashboard, when filtering commitments and spending by sector or location (country/region), or viewing flows, you are looking at aggregated data compiled from multiple IATI publishers. Onward use of this aggregated data is governed by the open data licenses chosen by the IATI publishers whose data is included. The OCHA Centre for Humanitarian Data claims no additional rights over the aggregated data. For more information about the data-aggregation algorithms, see the About this Dashboard tab.


For IATI publishing organizations who share data under a mandatory attribution license such as CC-BY, attribution is provided for the use of their data in results aggregated by sector, by location, or as flows, in the pull-down organization lists on each tab.

Terms of Service / Privacy Notice

The Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) Terms of Service govern your use of this website.

Get in Touch

If you have any further questions or comments, please get in touch with us at centrehumdata@un.org.