Cameroon: CASH Country Profile November 2016

November 2016 report on Cash Transfer Program (CTP) interventions in Cameroon

  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 2016-December 31, 2016 ... More
    Modified [?]: 14 March 2018
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 27 March 2017
    This dataset updates: Every six months
    Cameroon is currently faced with three simultaneous crises, whose combined effect has severely impacted the most vulnerable communities, threatening their livelihoods and eroding their ability to adapt. According to the latest census issued in October 2016, the number of internally displaced people (IDPs) has increased by more than 115 percent, reaching a total of 199 000 as compared to early 20154. This adds to approximately 259 145 Central Africans and 74,000 Nigerian refugees hosted in Adamaoua, EST, Nord and Far North regions. The food security situation has consequently deteriorated from 19 percent in 2015 to 24 percent in 2016, now affecting nearly 2.5 million people - almost 80 percent of whom reside in the North and Far North regions. Additionally, there are concerns of disease outbreaks, including cholera and measles. These strains on an already vulnerable population have pushed the country into a humanitarian crisis; with some agencies like WFP declaring a Level Three emergency in Cameroon from May to August, and the country remains on alert. As determined by a recent joint CALP/OCHA mission on 7-11 November 2016, a number of agencies are turning to cash transfers as a modality of delivering aid in hard to reach areas. Cash Based Transfers (CBT) programs have already been implemented in the East and Far North regions in Cameroon by various agencies including: World Food Programme, Catholic Relief Services, International Rescue Committee (IRC), French Red Cross, Premiere Urgence International (PUI), PAJED (MINJEC/GIZ) and Plan International, in the sectors of Food Security and Nutrition, Economic Recovery and Livelihoods and WASH.