Action Contre la Faim - Regional Office West and Central Africa

Member since 19 December 2016
Data Datasets [17] | Archived Datasets[0] [?]
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  • 1500+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 1999-December 31, 2023 ... More
    Modified [?]: 14 April 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 7 September 2018
    This dataset updates: Every year
    Yearly biomass Production and anomalies retrieved from DMP and computed by BioGenerator The data used comes from the data generated by the COPERNICUS terrestrial service, the European Commission's Earth observation programme. The research that led to the current version of the product has received funding from various research and technical development programmes of the European Commission. The product is based on data from PROBA-V (©) and SPOT-VEGETATION (©) ESA Anomaly file values: [0; 200]: Anomaly expressed as a % of the average (1999-today) -9999: No data -9998: Biomass always zero -9997: Season not started yet -9996: Biomass too low -9995: Outside area of ​​interest Biomass file values: [0 ; +inf[: Yearly biomass production (kg/ha) -9999: No data -9995: Outside area of interest Productions annuelles de biomasse et anomalies en Afrique de l'Ouest de 1999 à 2023 : version raster Production annuelle de biomasse et anomalies extraites du DMP et calculées par BioGenerator Les données utilisées sont issues des données générées par le service terrestre COPERNICUS, le programme d'observation de la Terre de la Commission européenne. La recherche qui a conduit à la version actuelle du produit a reçu un financement de divers programmes de recherche et de développement technique de la Commission européenne. Le produit est basé sur les données de PROBA-V (©) et SPOT-VEGETATION (©) ESA Valeurs des fichiers d'anomalies : [0 ; 200] : Anomalie exprimée en % de la moyenne (1999-aujourd'hui) -9999 : Aucune donnée -9998 : Biomasse toujours nulle -9997 : Saison pas encore commencée -9996 : Biomasse trop faible -9995 : Hors zone d'intérêt Valeurs des fichiers de biomasse : [0 ; +inf[ : Production annuelle de biomasse (kg/ha) -9999 : Aucune donnée -9995 : En dehors de la zone d'intérêt
  • 2300+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 1999-December 31, 2023 ... More
    Modified [?]: 22 January 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 24 November 2020
    This dataset updates: Every year
    Total Biomass Production (tonnes of dry matter) for Admin 0, Admin 1 and Admin 2 Levels for years from 1999 to 2023. Yearly biomass Production and anomalies retrieved from DMP and computed by BioGenerator The data used comes from the data generated by the COPERNICUS terrestrial service, the European Commission's Earth observation programme. The research that led to the current version of the product has received funding from various research and technical development programmes of the European Commission. The product is based on data from PROBA-V (©) and SPOT-VEGETATION (©) ESA Administrative boundaries are provided by OCHA Productions et anomalies annuelles de biomasse en Afrique de l'Ouest de 1999 à 2023 : version vectorielle Production totale de biomasse (tonnes de matière sèche) pour les niveaux Admin 0, Admin 1 et Admin 2 pour les années 1999 à 2022. Production annuelle de biomasse et anomalies extraites du DMP et calculées par BioGenerator Les données utilisées sont issues des données générées par le service terrestre COPERNICUS, le programme d'observation de la Terre de la Commission européenne. La recherche qui a conduit à la version actuelle du produit a reçu un financement de divers programmes de recherche et de développement technique de la Commission européenne. Le produit est basé sur les données de PROBA-V (©) et SPOT-VEGETATION (©) ESA Les limites administratives sont fournies par OCHA
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: February 01, 2021-March 31, 2021 ... More
    Modified [?]: 30 April 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 30 April 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    These data are collected by sentinel sites in Burkina-Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal. They provide weekly data on water availability, animal diseases and pasture conditions. The data are agregated at the end of a 2-months period and published via (1) a bulletin available on website and maps available on a mapping platform : These dataset are the summary of the data collected by sentinel sites over period from February to March 2021.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: December 01, 2020-January 31, 2021 ... More
    Modified [?]: 11 March 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 11 March 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    These data are collected by sentinel sites in Burkina-Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal. They provide weekly data on water availability, market prices, animal diseases and pasture conditions. The data are agregated at the end of a 2-months period and published via (1) a bulletin available on website and maps available on a mapping platform : These dataset are the summary of the data collected by sentinel sites over period of Decembre 2020 to January 2021.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: October 01, 2020-November 30, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 11 January 2021
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 11 January 2021
    This dataset updates: Never
    These data are collected by sentinel sites in Burkina-Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal. They provide weekly data on water availability, market prices, animal diseases and pasture conditions. The data are agregated at the end of a 2-months period and published via (1) a bulletin available on website and maps available on a mapping platform : These dataset are the summary of the data collected by sentinel sites over period of October and November 2020.
  • 90+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: August 01, 2020-September 30, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 24 November 2020
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 24 November 2020
    This dataset updates: Never
    These data are collected by sentinel sites in Mali, Burkina-Faso, Senegal and Niger. They provide weekly data on water availability, market prices, animal diseases and pasture conditions. The data are agregated at the end of a 2-months period and published via (1) a bulletin available on website and maps available on a mapping platform : These dataset are the summary of the data collected by sentinel sites over period of August and September 2020.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: June 01, 2020-July 31, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 21 August 2020
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 21 August 2020
    This dataset updates: Never
    These data are collected by sentinel sites in Mali, Burkina-Faso, Senegal and Niger. They provide weekly data on water availability, market prices, animal diseases and pasture conditions. The data are agregated at the end of a 2-months period and published via (1) a bulletin available on the platform and maps available on a mapping platform : These dataset are the summary of the data collected by sentinel sites during June and July 2020.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: April 01, 2020-May 31, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 15 July 2020
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 21 June 2020
    This dataset updates: Every three months
    These data are collected by sentinel sites in Mali, Burkina-Faso, Senegal and Niger. They provide weekly data on water availability, market prices, animal diseases and pasture conditions. The data are agregated at the end of a 2-months period and published via (1) a bulletin available on the platform and maps available on a mapping platform : These dataset are the summary of the data collected by sentinel sites during April and May 2020.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: February 01, 2020-April 01, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 28 April 2020
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 28 April 2020
    This dataset updates: Never
    These data are collected by sentinel sites in Mali, Burkina-Faso, Senegal and Niger. They provide weekly data on water availability, market prices, animal diseases and pasture conditions. The data are agregated at the end of a 2-months period and published via (1) a bulletin available on the platform and maps available on a mapping platform : These dataset are the summary of the data collected by sentinel sites during February and March 2020.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: December 01, 2019-January 31, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 10 March 2020
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 10 March 2020
    This dataset updates: Every three months
    These data are collected by sentinel sites in Mali, Burkina-Faso, Senegal and Niger. They provide weekly data on water availability, market prices, animal diseases and pasture conditions. The data are agregated at the end of a 2-months period and published via (1) a bulletin available on the platform and maps available on a mapping platform : These dataset are the summary of the data collected by sentinel sites during December and January 2020.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: October 01, 2019-December 01, 2019 ... More
    Modified [?]: 18 December 2019
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 18 December 2019
    This dataset updates: Every three months
    These data are collected by sentinel sites in Mali, Burkina-Faso, Senegal and Niger. They provide weekly data on water availability, market prices, animal diseases and pasture conditions. The data are agregated at the end of a 2-months period and published via (1) a bulletin available on the platform and maps available on a mapping platform : These dataset are the summary of the data collected by sentinel sites during October and November 2019.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: October 01, 2019-October 01, 2019 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 November 2019
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 6 November 2019
    This dataset updates: Every year
    Biomass Production (in tonnes) for Admin 2 Level. Source: 10-day images of Dry Matter Productivity (DMP) from Proba V Satellite. Data processed by Flemish Institute of Technology (VITO) through the Copernicus Global Land Service.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: August 01, 2019-October 01, 2019 ... More
    Modified [?]: 20 October 2019
    Confirmed [?]: 21 November 2019
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 20 October 2019
    This dataset updates: Every three months
    These data are collected by sentinel sites in Mali, Burkina-Faso, Senegal and Niger. They provide weekly data on water availability, market prices, animal diseases and pasture conditions. The data are agregated at the end of a 2-months period and published via (1) a bulletin available on the platform and maps available on a mapping platform : These dataset are the summary of the data collected by sentinel sites during August and September 2019.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: June 01, 2019-August 01, 2019 ... More
    Modified [?]: 3 September 2019
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 19 August 2019
    This dataset updates: Every three months
    These data are collected by sentinel sites in Mali, Burkina-Faso, Senegal and Niger. They provide weekly data on water availability, market prices, animal diseases and pasture conditions. The data are agregated at the end of a 2-months period and published via (1) a bulletin available on the platform and maps available on a mapping platform : These dataset are the summary of the data collected by sentinel sites during June and July 2019.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: April 01, 2019-May 31, 2019 ... More
    Modified [?]: 3 July 2019
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 3 July 2019
    This dataset updates: Every three months
    These data are collected by sentinel sites in Mali, Burkina-Faso, Senegal and Niger. They provide weekly data on water availability, market prices, animal diseases and pasture conditions. The data are agregated at the end of a 2-months period and published via (1) a bulletin available on the platform and maps available on a mapping platform : These dataset are the summary of the data collected by sentinel sites during April and May 2019.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 01, 2018-September 01, 2018 ... More
    Modified [?]: 7 September 2018
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 7 September 2018
    This dataset updates: Never
    Bulletin sur la Production de Biomasse et l’Eau de Surface sur le Sahel, mi-saison d’hivernage 2018. Les données satellitaires utilisées pour cette étude sont issues des mesures provenant depuis 1998 de la série des satellites SPOT-VEGETATION 4 & 5, remplacés en 2014 par PROBA-V. Ces satellites appartiennent au programme de l’agence spatiale européenne ESA. Les données brutes sont traitées et distribuées par l’Institut Flamande pour la recherche Technologique VITO (Belgique) et ensuite analysées à l’aide des outils développés par ACF : BioGenerator et HydroGenerator. BioGenerator permet de quantifier les productions totales annuelles de biomasse végétale, exprimées en kg de matière sèche à l’hectare kg/ha, ainsi que l’anomalie de production en comparaison avec la moyenne calculée sur l’ensemble des années disponibles depuis 1998 sans discontinuité. HydroGenerator permet de suivre statistiquement la présence des points d’eau de surface, et de calculer l’indice d’accessibilité à l’eau de surface et son anomalie par comparaison à la moyenne calculée sur la période 1998 à 2018. Les prévisions des précipitations se base sur les données produites par le CPC (Climate Prediction Center) de la NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), administration des Etats-Unis d’Amérique. Le CPC donne accessible publiquement au téléchargement une série de prévisions climatiques sur le globe. Les prévisions de précipitations utilisées sont issues d’une combinaison de plusieurs modèles climatiques. Ces prévisions de moyennes mensuelles des précipitations concernent une période de 4 mois suivant la période initiale, ici août 2018.
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: June 26, 2018-June 26, 2018 ... More
    Modified [?]: 4 July 2018
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 4 July 2018
    This dataset updates: Never
    Prévisions des précipitations se base sur les données produites par le CPC (Climate Prediction Center) de la NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) sur l'Afrique de l'Ouest pour la saison d'hivernage 2018.