El Salvador

Key Figures
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: October 23, 2020-April 05, 2022 ... More
    Modified [?]: 10 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 7 November 2022
    InterAction is an alliance of international NGOs, all working to make the world a more peaceful, just, and prosperous place. NGO Aid Map highlights the work of InterAction Member NGOs around the globe.
    70+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every month
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: Work of InterAction Members
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 02, 2020-August 14, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 9 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 28 February 2018
    This dataset contains agency- and publicly-reported data for events in which an aid worker was killed, injured, kidnapped, or arrested (KIKA). Categorized by country. Please get in touch if you are interested in curated datasets: info@insecurityinsight.org
    5200+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every week
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 07, 2020-July 30, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 9 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 11 January 2022
    This dataset contains publicly-reported cases of sexual violence by conflict actors, security personnel, and sexual violence violence that targets aid workers, educators, health workers and IDPS/refugees. Please get in touch if you are interested in curated datasets: info@insecurityinsight.org
    1400+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every week
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 15, 2005-June 15, 2022 ... More
    Modified [?]: 8 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 26 September 2018
    This dataset contains Food Prices data for El Salvador, sourced from the World Food Programme Price Database. The World Food Programme Price Database covers foods such as maize, rice, beans, fish, and sugar for 98 countries and some 3000 markets. It is updated weekly but contains to a large extent monthly data. The data goes back as far as 1992 for a few countries, although many countries started reporting from 2003 or thereafter.
    1500+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every month
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: WFP - Food Prices
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 2024-December 31, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 7 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 14 August 2024
    This dataset contains standardised Humanitarian Needs Overview data taken from the OCHA HPC Tools system which is under active development. For more detailed but less standardized data on humanitarian needs, see the Humanitarian Needs Overview data series.
    100+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every year
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 02, 1980-December 25, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 7 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 13 March 2024
    Tropical cyclone wind footprints (m/s) at 150 arcsec (approx 4 kilometers at equator) resolution. Available as global files and per country; available for historically observed records, and synthetically created, probabilistic events, from various modelling sources, for present and future climate scenarios.
    1800+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every year
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 2018-September 17, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 6 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 7 September 2021
    Projects proposed, in progress, or completed as part of the annual El Salvador Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs) or other Humanitarian Programme Cycle plans. The original data is available on https://hpc.tools Important: some projects in El Salvador might be missing, and others might not apply specifically to El Salvador. See Caveats under the Metadata tab.
    10+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Live
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: OCHA FTS - Humanitarian Response Plan Projects
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: December 01, 2022-September 17, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 5 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 11 January 2024
    The Movement Distribution dataset shows the range of movement of people away from the area where they live on a daily basis. These maps are useful for projects focused on transportation, tourism, displacement, and other areas. More info available here: https://dataforgood.facebook.com/dfg/tools/movement-distribution-maps
    3200+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every month
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 1989-March 27, 2022 ... More
    Modified [?]: 3 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 16 September 2019
    This dataset is UCDP's most disaggregated dataset, covering individual events of organized violence (phenomena of lethal violence occurring at a given time and place). These events are sufficiently fine-grained to be geo-coded down to the level of individual villages, with temporal durations disaggregated to single, individual days. Sundberg, Ralph, and Erik Melander, 2013, “Introducing the UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset”, Journal of Peace Research, vol.50, no.4, 523-532 Högbladh Stina, 2019, “UCDP GED Codebook version 19.1”, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University
    200+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every month
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: UCDP - Data on Conflict Events
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: February 01, 2017-September 17, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 3 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 4 October 2022
    El Salvador Current Situation FEWS NET Acutely Food Insecure Population Estimates Data Since 2017 to 2021.
    This dataset updates: Every month
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 2020-December 31, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 16 July 2024
    Estimated share of urban population who can access a public transport stop within a walking distance of 500 meters (for low capacity public transport systems) and/or 1000 meters (for high capacity public transport systems) along the street network.
    10+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every year
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 2000-December 31, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 16 July 2024
    Multi-temporal city data on a) Annual land consumption rate (%), b) population growth rate (%), c) ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate, and d) built up area per capita.
    This dataset updates: Every year
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 2020-December 31, 2020 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 16 July 2024
    Data on a) Average share of urban areas allocated to streets and open public spaces, and b) Share of urban population with convenient access to an open public space (defined as share of urban population within 400 meters walking distance along the street network to an open public space).
    10+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every year
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 2005-December 31, 2022 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 September 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 17 July 2024
    Proportion of urban population living in slums or informal settlements per country, territory and region, based on 4 out of 5 main household shelter deprivations defined by UN-Habitat as indicators of informality: lack of access to improved water, lack of access to improved sanitation, lack of sufficient living area and quality/durability of structure. Security of tenure is the fifth deprivation that is not included due to data limitations. Proportion of urban population living in inadequate housing, calculated based on households with net monthly expenditure on housing exceeding 30% of their total monthly income .
    This dataset updates: Every year
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: August 29, 2024-August 31, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 29 August 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 29 August 2024
    El Salvador administrative level 0-3 edge-matched gazetteer, shapefiles, geodatabase, and geoservice. COD-EM datasets do not replace the authoritative COD-AB available here; however COD-EM datasets may be preferred for cartographic purposes. See caveats. These layers are suitable for database or GIS linkage to the El Salvador- Subnational Population Statistics administrative level 0-3 tables using the ADM0, ADM1, ADM2, and ADM3_PCODE fields. Vetting and live service provision by Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) with funding from USAID.
    This dataset updates: Every year
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: August 01, 2024-August 31, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 29 August 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 9 June 2015
    El Salvador administrative level 0-2 sex and age disaggregated 2024 projected population statistics REFERENCE YEAR: 2024 These tables are suitable for database or GIS linkage to the El Salvador - Subnational Administrative Boundaries using the ADM0_PCODE, ADM1_PCODE, ADM2_PCODE, and ADM3_PCODE fields.
    COD+ 3100+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every year
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: COD - Subnational Population Statistics
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: May 29, 2020-September 17, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 29 August 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 10 October 2017
    "El Salvador administrative level 0-3 boundaries (COD-AB) dataset. NOTE: ABOUT THIS UPDATE. This administrative boundary structure was changed in August 2024 to insert a new administrative level between the previous administrative level 1 and level 2 boundaries. The previous level 2 boundaries have become level 3 boundaries. The general administrative structure is now 'departamento' (administrative level 1), 'municiplo' (level 2), and 'distrito' (level 3). The former caveat about uninhabited administrative features being unrepresented in the COD-PS no longer applies. The COD-PS now contains 'zero population' records for those features. This COD-AB was most recently reviewed for accuracy and necessary changes in August 2024. The COD-AB requires improvements. Sourced from www.gadm.org. Live geoservices are available for this COD-AB. Please see COD_External. (For any earlier versions please see here, here, and here.) Vetting, configuration, and geoservices provision by Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) with funding from USAID. This COD-AB is suitable for database or GIS linkage to the El Salvador COD-PS. An edge-matched (COD-EM) version of this COD-AB is available on HDX here: Please see the COD Portal. Administrative level 1 contains 14 feature(s). Administrative level 2 contains 48 feature(s). Administrative level 3 contains 266 feature(s)."
    COD+ 2900+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every year
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: COD - Subnational Administrative Boundaries
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 18, 2020-January 11, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 27 August 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 23 March 2020
    'Our World in Data' is compiling COVID-19 testing data over time for many countries around the world. They are adding further data in the coming days as more details become available for other countries. In some cases figures refer to the number of tests, in other cases to the number of individuals who have been tested. Refer to documentation provided here.
    22000+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every week
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: November 01, 2017-May 31, 2022 ... More
    Modified [?]: 26 August 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 8 July 2020
    The IPC Acute Food Insecurity (IPC AFI) classification provides strategically relevant information to decision makers that focuses on short-term objectives to prevent, mitigate or decrease severe food insecurity that threatens lives or livelihoods. This data has been produced by the National IPC Technical Working Groups for IPC population estimates since 2017. All national population figures are based on official country population estimates. IPC estimates are those published in country IPC reports. There is also a global dataset.
    200+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: As needed
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: IPC - Acute Food Insecurity Classification
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 1997-December 31, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 21 August 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 13 March 2023
    The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian network. Our secretariat supports local Red Cross and Red Crescent action in more than 192 countries, bringing together almost 15 million volunteers for the good of humanity. We launch Emergency Appeals for big and complex disasters affecting lots of people who will need long-term support to recover. We also support Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to respond to lots of small and medium-sized disasters worldwide—through our Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) and in other ways. There is also a global dataset.
    60+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every week
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: IFRC - Appeals
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: June 30, 2024-August 16, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 20 August 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 19 July 2024
    Business Activity Trends during Crisis uses the rate that businesses post on Facebook compared to pre-crisis levels to measure how crisis events are affecting different economic sectors each day. Learn more details here: https://dataforgood.facebook.com/dfg/tools/business-activity-trends and https://dataforgood.facebook.com/dfg/resources/business-activity-trends-methodology-paper Here we are posting datasets from selected crisis events.
    40+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: As needed
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 1985-December 31, 1985 ... More
    Modified [?]: 20 August 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 8 August 2019
    Contains data from the DHS data portal. There is also a dataset containing El Salvador - Subnational Demographic and Health Data on HDX. The DHS Program Application Programming Interface (API) provides software developers access to aggregated indicator data from The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program. The API can be used to create various applications to help analyze, visualize, explore and disseminate data on population, health, HIV, and nutrition from more than 90 countries.
    1100+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every year
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: The DHS Program - Subnational Health and Demographic Data
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 1970-December 31, 2023 ... More
    Modified [?]: 16 August 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 3 April 2020
    Education indicators for El Salvador. Contains data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics bulk data service covering the following categories: SDG 4 Global and Thematic (made 2024 February), Other Policy Relevant Indicators (made 2024 February), Demographic and Socio-economic (made 2024 February)
    400+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every three months
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: UNESCO - Education Indicators
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 2024-December 31, 2026 ... More
    Modified [?]: 9 August 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 16 February 2023
    Forecasts of forced displacement (IDPs, asylum seekers and refugees) one to three years into the future based on machine learning model.
    500+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every six months
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: January 01, 1990-December 31, 2022 ... More
    Modified [?]: 1 July 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 29 April 2020
    The aim of the Human Development Report is to stimulate global, regional and national policy-relevant discussions on issues pertinent to human development. Accordingly, the data in the Report require the highest standards of data quality, consistency, international comparability and transparency. The Human Development Report Office (HDRO) fully subscribes to the Principles governing international statistical activities. The HDI was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone. The HDI can also be used to question national policy choices, asking how two countries with the same level of GNI per capita can end up with different human development outcomes. These contrasts can stimulate debate about government policy priorities. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a decent standard of living. The HDI is the geometric mean of normalized indices for each of the three dimensions. The 2019 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) data shed light on the number of people experiencing poverty at regional, national and subnational levels, and reveal inequalities across countries and among the poor themselves.Jointly developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) at the University of Oxford, the 2019 global MPI offers data for 101 countries, covering 76 percent of the global population. The MPI provides a comprehensive and in-depth picture of global poverty – in all its dimensions – and monitors progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 – to end poverty in all its forms. It also provides policymakers with the data to respond to the call of Target 1.2, which is to ‘reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women, and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definition'.
    100+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Every year
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: UNDP Human Development Reports Office - Human Development Indicators