Morocco - Subnational Population Statistics

  • COD
  • 200+ Downloads
  • This dataset updates: Every year
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: COD - Subnational Population Statistics


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Source Morocco Haut-Commissariat au Plan (HCP)
Time Period of the Dataset [?] January 01, 2014-December 31, 2014 ... More
Modified [?] 19 January 2024
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 10 September 2023 Less
Expected Update Frequency Every year

Prepared by OCHA from Morocco Haut-Commissariat au Plan (HCP) data. Warning - link may be insecure.

Source data are provided as whole numbers for Female and Male and single decimal-place percentages for five-year age cohorts. Thus individual data have only about 0.15 precision.

Data are prepared for only 31 of the 69 administrative level 2 features.

Caveats / Comments

Data are provided from the HCP site for administrative level 2 features (provinces) only provinces understood to have been significantly affected by the September 2023 earthquake.

Because many administrative level 2 features are excluded, administrative level 1 totals should not be derived from this dataset.

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