Ukraine Private Sector Donations Tracker

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  • This dataset updates: Every three months


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1 Dataset

  • ukraine-ps-contributions.csvCSV (277.4K)
    Modified: 23 March 2023

    CSV database of information collected by the OCHA/UNDP Connecting Business initiative (CBi) on cash and in-kind donations made by private sector entities (corporations and corporate-affiliated foundations) to help support the the humanitarian response in Ukraine.

    This data feeds into the Ukraine Private Sector Contributions Donations Tracker, available at

    Update notes

    [2023-03-23]: Technical corrections/edits.

    [2023-02-24]: Multiple long overdue updates marking one year of the war.

    [2022-07-07]: Updated contributions from WFP; new contributions from German companies; minor additional updates.

    [2022-06-29]: Added contributions from UNICEF (+$90m); new contributions from Ukrainian companies; updated reporting from Ukraine Humanitarian Fund; minor data clean-up

    [2022-06-17]: Added contributions from Netherlands National Postcode Lottery (+$66m); minor data clean-up

    [2022-06-15]: IOM updated 14 June (no changes); WFP updated 14 June (+$39m new contributions); SAP SE updated 15 June (breakdown of contributions); Adobe Inc. updated 15 June (+$1.5m new contributions)

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Source OCHA/UNDP Connecting Business initiative (CBi)
Time Period of the Dataset [?] February 24, 2022-July 24, 2024 ... More
Modified [?] 23 March 2023
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 11 March 2022 Less
Expected Update Frequency Every three months
Methodology Direct Observational Data/Anecdotal Data
Caveats / Comments

Information contained in this dataset has been collected by the OCHA/UNDP Connecting Business initiative (CBi) team. CBi has made every effort possible to validate and cross-check this data, but we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy, nor can we guarantee that we have captured all of the contributions of private sector entities. To report missing or mistaken data, please reach out to

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