Yemen: Cholera Outbreak Epidemiology Update Data

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  • This dataset updates: Never


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Source World Health Organisation (WHO)
Time Period of the Dataset [?] July 01, 2018-July 01, 2018 ... More
Modified [?] 13 September 2018
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 22 June 2017 Less
Expected Update Frequency Never
Methodology Registry
Caveats / Comments
  • The data contains figures from epi bulletins, weekly epi bulletins and daily bulletins.
  • Starting 19 June 2017, the unit used for the attack rate changed from per 10,000 to per 1,000. Previous data were adjusted to the new unit by dividing by 10.
  • Starting 2 July 2017, the data included figures for a Moklla. These data were not mapped into any of the govenorates in the Yemen CODs.
  • Starting 6 July, the data included figures for Say'on. These data were not mapped into any of the govenorates in the Yemen CODs.
  • Governorate level updates were discontinued in this dataset. The last governorate level update was on 18 February 2018. The governorate level updates were discontinued in this dataset because the governorate level data is published as an image since that date.
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