Suriname - Financial Sector

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This dataset is part of the data series [?]: World Bank - Economic and Social development


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  • Financial Sector Indicators for SurinameCSV (265.8K)
    Modified: 27 May 2024

    HXLated csv containing Financial Sector indicators

    Indicators: 5-bank asset concentration, ATMs per 100, Automated teller machines, Average transaction cost of sending remittances to a specific country, Bank Z-score, Bank accounts per 1, Bank branches per 100, Bank concentration, Bank cost to income ratio, Bank credit to bank deposits, Bank deposits to GDP, Bank lending-deposit spread, Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio, Bank net interest margin, Bank noninterest income to total income, Bank overhead costs to total assets, Bank return on assets, Bank return on equity, Banking crisis dummy, Borrowers from commercial banks, Broad money, Broad money growth, Broad money to total reserves ratio, Central bank assets to GDP, Claims on central government, Claims on other sectors of the domestic economy, Claims on private sector, Commercial bank branches, Consolidated foreign claims of BIS reporting banks to GDP, Consumer price index, Credit to government and state-owned enterprises to GDP, DEC alternative conversion factor, Deposit interest rate, Deposit money bank assets to deposit money bank assets and central bank assets, Deposit money banks'' assets to GDP, Depositors with commercial banks, Depth of credit information index, Domestic credit to private sector, Domestic credit to private sector by banks, External loans and deposits of reporting banks vis-à-vis all sectors, External loans and deposits of reporting banks vis-à-vis the banking sector, External loans and deposits of reporting banks vis-à-vis the nonbanking sectors, Financial system deposits to GDP, Firms identifying access to finance as a major constraint, Firms not needing a loan, Firms using banks to finance investments, Firms using banks to finance working capital, Firms whose recent loan application was rejected, Firms with a bank loan or line of credit, Firms with a checking or savings account, Foreign direct investment, GDP deflator, Gross portfolio debt liabilities to GDP, Gross portfolio equity assets to GDP, Inflation, Insurance company assets to GDP, Interest rate spread, International debt issues to GDP, International migrant stock, Investments financed by banks, Lending interest rate, Life insurance premium volume to GDP, Liquid assets to deposits and short term funding, Liquid liabilities in millions USD, Liquid liabilities to GDP, Loans from nonresident banks, Loans requiring collateral, Monetary Sector credit to private sector, Net domestic credit, Net foreign assets, Net migration, Non-life insurance premium volume to GDP, Official exchange rate, Outstanding international public debt securities to GDP, Pension fund assets to GDP, Personal remittances, Personal transfers, Portfolio equity, Portfolio investment, Private credit bureau coverage, Private credit by deposit money banks and other financial institutions to GDP, Private credit by deposit money banks to GDP, Public credit registry coverage, Real interest rate, Remittance inflows to GDP, Small firms with a bank loan or line of credit, Strength of legal rights index, Total reserves, Total reserves in months of imports, Total reserves minus gold, Value of collateral needed for a loan, Working capital financed by banks

  • QuickCharts-Financial Sector Indicators for SurinameCSV (868.0B)
    Modified: 27 May 2024

    Cut down data for QuickCharts

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Source World Bank
Time Period of the Dataset [?] January 01, 1960-December 31, 2023 ... More
Modified [?] 27 May 2024
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 19 November 2019 Less
Expected Update Frequency Every month
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