Democratic Republic of the Congo: Integrated Context Analysis (ICA), 2018

  • This dataset updates: Never
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: WFP - Integrated Context Analysis ICA


  • ICA Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017 - Recurrence of Food Insecurity, EFSA 2012-2018SHP
    Modified: 24 October 2023

    This layer contains information about the recurrence of food insecurity - by second-level administrative area - resulting from the Emergency Food Security Assessments (EFSAs) used to integrate the food security analysis performed for the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) run in Democratic Republic of Congo in 2017. The emergency assessments were performed in the hot-spot province of Sud-Kivu. Data source: Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA), 2012-2018. The main indicator used for the analysis was the recurrence of food insecurity conditions, using a threshold set to 20%.

    Cette couche contient les données d'une analyse de tendance de la sécurité alimentaire - par unité administrative de deuxième niveau - utilisée au fin de intégrer l'analyse employée pendant l'Analyse Integrée de Contexte (AIC) exécuté en République Démocratique du Congo en 2017. L'analyse additionelle a été executée dans trois dans la province de Sud-Kivu. Source des données: Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA), 2012-2018. L'indicateur principale utilisé pour l'analyse était la récurrence d'insécurité alimentaire, avec un seuil fixé à 20%.

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Source World Food Programme
Time Period of the Dataset [?] January 01, 2018-December 31, 2018 ... More
Modified [?] 24 October 2023
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 24 October 2023 Less
Expected Update Frequency Never

Volunteered geographic information

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