Unplanned explosion at munition sites (UEMS)

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Time Period of the Dataset [?]
January 01, 1979-December 15, 2021 ... More
Modified [?]
16 February 2024
Dataset Added on HDX [?]
9 June 2020 Less
Expected Update Frequency
Small Arms Survey

Data on unplanned explosions at munition sites is collected through a range of sources, including governments, NGOs, and international organizations, experts, multi-languages internet searches as well as existing data collections. The Survey takes the information that it collects and collates and subjects it to a rigorous internal and external review process.

Caveats / Comments

Only the incidences meeting the definition of unplanned explosion at munitions sites are included in the database. According to the definition, UEMS are accidents that result in an explosion of abandoned, damaged, improperly stored, or properly stored stockpiles of munitions at a munitions site. The Survey takes the information that it collects and collates and subjects it to a rigorous internal and external review process. Once more recent reliable information on an incident is made available, the relevant data is either deleted or amended as appropriate.

Field Names
fatalities, location, date, cause
File Types
Number of Rows
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