Rwanda - Socio-economic assessment of refugees in Rwanda's Gihembe, Kigeme and Kiziba camps 2016

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  • This dataset updates: Never
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: UNHCR - Socioeconomic assessment of Refugees


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Source Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees
Time Period of the Dataset [?] May 05, 2016-May 25, 2016 ... More
Modified [?] 7 February 2021
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 7 February 2021 Less
Expected Update Frequency Never

Kind of Data: Sample survey data [ssd]
Unit of Analysis: All refugees living in Gihembe, Kigeme and Kiziba refugee camps.

Sampling Procedure: The survey's objective was to deliver representative data of all refugees living in Gihembe, Kigeme and Kiziba refugee camps. The total population in the three camps at the time of the survey was estimated at around 8,500 refugee households.

For the in-camp component of this survey a stratified, three-stage (i.e. clustered) sample design was applied. The three camps were considered sampling strata. First, seven "quarters" were randomly selected within a given camp; second, one village was randomly selected within each quarter; third, 20 households were randomly selected within each village from a registration list.

The total sample size was 427 refugee households.

NB: The original data collection also included 953 households from the neighbouring host community; however, purposive elements were introduced into the sample selection process for the host community to serve the particular research interest of the original study (market exclusion criteria and largest village in cell criteria). In consequence, the host population sample cannot be considered fully representative of the wider host population, hence these observations were removed from the public-release version of the dataset.
Data Collection Mode: Computer Assisted Personal Interview [capi]

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