Myanmar and Bangladesh combined administrative level 2 boundaries

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Source Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU) and Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)
Time Period of the Dataset [?] May 11, 2023-July 18, 2024 ... More
Modified [?] 11 May 2023
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 11 May 2023 Less
Expected Update Frequency Every year

GIS Union of the Bangladesh COD-AB ADM2 layer and the adm2 layer from the Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU) administrative level 2 shapefile performed by OCHA.

Overlaps assigned arbitrarily to Bangladesh and merged with corresponding Bangladesh features.

Caveats / Comments

The features at the Myanmar - Bangladesh border have not been properly reconciled; especially, they have not been adjusted to the UN Cartographic boundary in the way that recent Edge-matched Common Operational Datasets (COD-EMs) have been reconciled. (In most sections of the shared border the two boundary sets meet each other more closely than they meet the UN boundary.) Where the union features leave a gap, it has not been filled. Where features overlap, the overlapping area has been arbitrarily assigned to Bangladesh.

The Bangladesh source has 64 features with unique P-codes. The Myanmar source has 84 features with one P-code occurring three times and two P-codes each occurring twice. This product merged the repeated P-code features and therefore contains 64 Bangladesh features and 80 Myanmar features.

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