Mediterranean Sea Arrivals data in 2015

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Source Government authorities (Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain)
Time Period of the Dataset [?] January 01, 2015-December 31, 2015 ... More
Modified [?] 27 January 2016
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 27 January 2016 Less
Expected Update Frequency Never

Data on Sea Arrivals; Based on latest available figures from the following sources in Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain; For Greece: Figures collected in the framework of UNHCR's border activities. For Italy: Ministry of Interior/Italian Police/UNHCR estimates. For Malta: Migration Police. For Spain: Ministry of Interior/Spanish Police.

Caveats / Comments

Country data for some countries are updated more frequently than regional data and may present discrepancies. Updates should not be considered final and might change. Actual figures might be higher. The figures do not include persons arriving by other means and outside Mediterranean coasts.

Estimates of Dead and Missing in the Mediterranean: Figures included in the dead and missing file are compiled from a variety of sources, including report from survivors and family members collected by UNHCR staff, governments, Coast Guards or Navy vessels. New Media and Civil Society are also an important source of information. Because of the varying quality and reliability of data, every efforts has been made to ensure that all the statistical information in verified and figures on dead and missing at sea represent conservative estimates of a number that could possibly be higher than reported.

Nationality and Demographic data: Based on latest available information that may be partial and may change.

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