DTM Iraq IDPs Master List Round 126

URL: https://data.humdata.org/dataset/2b0573f3-3277-4943-b536-8eb651c37e79/resource/62d25e6e-92f7-48ca-9d72-540c5a31aa93/download/2022718211508_round126_master_list_idp_2022-06-30_iom_dtm.xlsx

Between 1 April and 30 June 2022, DTM identified a total of 1,177,234 IDPs (202,206 households), dispersed across 18 governorates, 105 districts, and 2,792 locations. This represents an overall net decrease of 7,584 IDP individuals since the January-March 2022 period. This is mainly attributed to the improvements in living conditions in some areas of return, in addition to the lack of jobs in the areas of displacement. Regarding IDPs’ area of origin, consistent with the previous round, 56 per cent of the current caseload of IDPs come from Ninewa governorate (660,914), especially from the districts of Mosul (242,697), Sinjar (183,274), and Al-Ba’aj (183,274). The next highest shares of IDPs come from the governorates of Salah al-Din (135,151;11% of the total caseload), Anbar (131,677; 11%), Kirkuk (75,892,6%), and Diyala (73,161; 6%).

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