Greece-Thessaloniki Profiling Exercise

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Report printed: July 2019. Report preparation: Febraury 2019. Data collection: April - July 2018
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Source Municipality of Thessaloniki, UNHCR, JIPS, NRC, Alkyone Refugee Day Care Centre, Arsis Association for the Social Support of Youth, Solidarity Now, DRC, IOM, voluntary association OMNES, civil society network Help Refugees, INTERSOS, Filoxenia and Hellenic Red Cross
Time Period of the Dataset [?] April 01, 2018-July 31, 2018 ... More
Modified [?] 21 October 2020
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 28 August 2020 Less
Expected Update Frequency Never
Methodology Sample Survey
Caveats / Comments

Methodology & limitations: A mixed methods approach was used in the profiling exercise, where both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods were combined, depending on the information sought. The approach included key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and a household survey. Sampling approach for refugees and asylum seekers: In total, the survey of refugees and asylum seekers covered 1,808 individuals comprising 641 households.The sample was stratified by accommodation type into three strata: i. those in the urban accommodation scheme, who had been provided with apartments; ii. those selfaccommodated in Thessaloniki, i.e. who were either renting an apartment by themselves, or were hosted by friends, relatives or volunteers; and iii, those who were fully registered residents of the Open Reception Facilities (ORF) in Diavata Sampling of third country nationals not registered with the Asylum Service: The enumeration team interviewed 451 persons making up 227 households under the category of third country nationals not registered with the Asylum Service. This number of households interviewed was slightly higher than the number originally foreseen, a possible explanation for this being the aforementioned influx of arrivals to Thessaloniki the same month. The survey results support this theory, as more than half of the survey respondents from this target group had been in Thessaloniki for less than a month at the time of the interview. The high number of recent arrivals made the estimate of the total population more uncertain. In addition, many of the persons who were approached, declined to be interviewed. As a result, it is difficult to assess how representative the interviewees were of the target group.

Limitations: (1) A simple random sample of households was initially drawn for the accommodation scheme strata and the self-accommodated strata shortly before the data collection was due to begin. During data collection, reaching a majority of the sampled households was challenging due to the listed phone numbers being outdated, as persons of concern often change their pre-paid SIM cards. Unannounced home visits were not an option given time and resource constraints. (2) The unified registry for persons with police notes (EURODAC II) could not be accessed for the purpose of the profiling study. Although organizations that provide assistance to police note holders hold information about this population group, including UNHCR which provides cash assistance, there is no exhaustive list. Similarly there is no unified registry for undocumented persons. However, through comparing aggregated information from multiple service providers, a population figure of 200 households was estimated as a rough baseline

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