Iraq - Humanitarian Operational Presence 3W

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  • This dataset updates: As needed
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Source Humanitarian partners
Time Period of the Dataset [?] January 01, 2022-December 31, 2022 ... More
Modified [?] 5 February 2023
Confirmed [?] 19 February 2023
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 2 July 2020 Less
Expected Update Frequency As needed
Methodology Registry
Caveats / Comments

Notes on fields: "Month" Month of reported activity; format "YYYY-MM" (ISO 8610) "Location" IDP in-camp, IDP out-of-camp, or informal settlement locations "admin_level" Admin level of the reported activity (1) Admin1, (2) Admin2, (3) Admin3, (4) Location. If an activity is only reported to Admin2, then the Admin3 level is only a nominal assignment, such that: 1) for known official district centres (e.g. Markaz Al-Falluja), the sub-district of district centre is assigned, and 2) for districts without a known official district, the sub-district of the geographical centre of the district has been assigned. "Plan" Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) related to partner activity

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