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Organisations [47]
  • Country-Based Pooled Funds (OCHA)

    3 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 127 Followers
    Member since 9 March 2017
    Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) are established by the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) when a new emergency occurs or when an existing humanitarian situation deteriorates. They allow donors to pool contributions into single, unearmarked country-specific funds to support humanitarian efforts, and are managed locally under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC). CBPFs allocate funds to the best placed responders (international and national NGOs, UN Agencies, Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement organizations) through an inclusive and transparent process in support of priorities set out in Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP). In 2016, CBPFs were the largest source of direct funding for national NGOs. Currently, there are 18 active CBPFs, which together received a record $706 million in donor contributions in 2016. Recognizing their critical role, the UN Secretary-General's Agenda for Humanity called on donors to increase the proportion of HRP funding channeled through CBPFs to 15 percent by 2018, which would translate to more than $1.9 billion per year. More details -
  • GeoThings

    2 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 258 Followers
    Member since 18 December 2017
    GeoThings was funded in 2015, a spin-off company from Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan as the very first technical-oriented social enterprise, focused on information coordination for disaster and emergency preparedness and response. With the investments from the technical industrial leaders, GeoThings started its journey aiming for the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as the assistant tool and coordination platform for pre-disaster preparedness, in-disaster response, and post-disaster assessment. Not only cooperating with the regional organizations and non-government organizations, GeoThings actively participates in various international activities/communities and was invited as an expert observer of UN-GGIM, co-worked with OCHA on MicroMappers project, became the member of OGC, and partnered with Mapbox, Planet Labs, Digital Humanitarian Networks (DHN), and Humanitarian OSM Team (HOT). Our major software service, geoBingAn, which means “all the best” in Taiwanese, is an App/Web service platform that is currently used by various organizations and agencies. The geoBingAn service has been adopted by some of the city-level government agencies in Taiwan that allows the citizens to report issues such as street light outage to government, and further extended with Asian Development Bank for regional capacity building to strengthen the disaster resilience and emergency response in Armenia, Bangladesh, Fiji, and Philippines.
  • ITOS

    13 Datasets - 11 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 35 Followers
    Member since 1 May 2015
    Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) is a division of the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia, USA. The ITOS Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Visualizations program is funded through US AID/BHA by the generous support of the American People. The program operates in partnership with UN OCHA and teams to produce a wide variety of digital assets for humanitarian work, the majority of which include the Common Operational Datasets coordinated through UN OCHA Field Information Services (FIS) ITOS serves the mission of strengthening partnerships and operational response work through preparedness and ready and reliable data. For achievement, teams engage in design, quality assurance workflows, change management, automation tools and processes, solutions development including dashboards, application programming interfaces, documentation, continuous integration, and hosting. ITOS works in a variety of frameworks including the Esri platforms for results.
  • OCHA Afghanistan

    82 Datasets - 14 Archived Datasets - 7 Members - 311 Followers
    Member since 6 August 2014
    OCHA resumed its operation in Afghanistan in 2009, providing humanitarian assistance in a complex environment where separate – and not always complementary – military, political and security objectives pose challenges to the implementation of humanitarian principles, the ability of responders to reach people in need and the safety and security of aid workers
  • OCHA Burkina Faso

    11 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 4 Members - 74 Followers
    Member since 18 July 2019
    United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Burkina Faso
  • OCHA Burundi

    11 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 6 Members - 119 Followers
    Member since 21 July 2016
    United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs office in Burundi
  • OCHA Cameroon

    11 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 4 Members - 122 Followers
    Member since 23 January 2017
    United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs office (OCHA) in Cameroon
  • OCHA Central African Republic

    24 Datasets - 4 Archived Datasets - 11 Members - 218 Followers
    Member since 15 October 2015
    UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) country office in the Central African Republic.
  • OCHA Chad

    16 Datasets - 1 Archived Dataset - 6 Members - 185 Followers
    Member since 6 October 2015
    OCHA is the part of the United Nations responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. OCHA ensures there is a framework within which each actor can contribute to the overall response effort.
  • OCHA Colombia

    96 Datasets - 60 Archived Datasets - 10 Members - 298 Followers
    Member since 28 April 2014
    UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) country office in Colombia.
  • OCHA Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

    29 Datasets - 7 Archived Datasets - 11 Members - 258 Followers
    Member since 16 July 2014
    In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, conflicts, disease outbreaks, chronic underdevelopment and natural disasters combine to make one of the most complex humanitarian situations in the world. An estimated 19.6 million people need humanitarian assistance and protection in 2021.
  • OCHA Digital Services

    4 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 5 Members - 61 Followers
    Member since 25 May 2017
    OCHA coordinates effective and principled humanitarian action, advocates the rights of people in need, promotes preparedness and prevention and facilitates sustainable solutions. OCHA delivers its mandate through five core functions.
  • OCHA Eritrea

    3 Datasets - 1 Archived Dataset - 3 Members - 107 Followers
    Member since 18 October 2016
    UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) country office in Eritrea.
  • OCHA Ethiopia

    45 Datasets - 10 Archived Datasets - 18 Members - 249 Followers
    Member since 12 August 2015
    United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) country office in Ethiopia
  • OCHA Field Information Services Section (FISS)

    142 Datasets - 6 Archived Datasets - 6 Members - 217 Followers
    Member since 15 August 2014
    UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - Field Information Services Section based in Geneva, Switzerland. Generic e-mail (
  • OCHA Financial Tracking System (FTS)

    282 Datasets - 2 Archived Datasets - 4 Members - 755 Followers
    Member since 20 October 2014
    The Financial Tracking System (FTS) is a centralized source of curated, continuously updated, fully downloadable data and information on humanitarian funding flows.  Government donors, UN-administered funds, UN agencies, NGOs and other humanitarian actors exchange data and information with FTS in order to provide: a timely and continuously updated picture of funding flows into existing humanitarian operations; funding progress against humanitarian response plan and related appeal requirements and information on existing gaps; visibility on who is funding what across humanitarian operations FTS collects, curates and publishes all data reported to it by designated focal points within organizations. This is known as “total reported funding.” Some of this funding may contribute to collectively agreed objectives, activities and projects within Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs) while other data may fall outside existing appeals.
  • OCHA Haiti

    26 Datasets - 7 Archived Datasets - 8 Members - 219 Followers
    Member since 25 September 2015
    UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) country office in Haiti.

    16 Datasets - 3 Archived Datasets - 11 Members - 262 Followers
    Member since 19 June 2014
    OCHA is the part of the United Nations Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. OCHA also ensures there is a framework within which each actor can contribute to the overall response effort. OCHA's mission is to: Mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors in order to alleviate human suffering in disasters and emergencies. Advocate the rights of people in need. Promote preparedness and prevention. Facilitate sustainable solutions. A world that comes together to help crisis-affected people rapidly get the humanitarian assistance and protection they need. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all.
  • OCHA Indonesia

    6 Datasets - 2 Archived Datasets - 4 Members - 181 Followers
    Member since 6 October 2015
    UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) country office in Indonesia
  • OCHA Iraq

    19 Datasets - 6 Archived Datasets - 7 Members - 246 Followers
    Member since 11 November 2015
    UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) country office in Iraq.
  • OCHA Latin America and the Caribbean (ROLAC)

    181 Datasets - 127 Archived Datasets - 20 Members - 409 Followers
    Member since 4 June 2015
    OCHA Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (ROLAC). El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras, países que conforman el Norte de Centroamérica (NCA), reúnen una serie de necesidades humanitarias impulsadas por condiciones compartidas de pobreza elevada, choques climáticos recurrentes, violencia crónica, acceso limitado a servicios de salud y flujos migratorios desde y dentro de sus países, entre otros factores.
  • OCHA Lebanon

    16 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 5 Members - 223 Followers
    Member since 10 November 2015
    OCHA Office in Lebanon is to support the Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator in his/her endeavour to ensure a coherent and effective humanitarian response to people in need in Lebanon within the context of the Syrian crisis, and in line with the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan. Specifically, the CO’s objectives are to (1) enhance coordination mechanisms at the strategic level, in support of the HC and the HCT to improve planning and monitoring of a joint-up response across all sectors; (2) strengthen situational awareness in a fluid context as well as the analysis of humanitarian needs, gaps and response; (3) mobilize flexible, predictable humanitarian funding and (4) advocate for improved protection and humanitarian access. OCHA maintains a presence in Beirut with frequent travel to field locations and will, in the course of 2015 establish antennas in the north and the Bekaa.
  • OCHA Libya

    7 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 67 Followers
    Member since 28 March 2016
    The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Libya mobilizes & coordinates humanitarian assistance to people in need.
  • OCHA Mali

    38 Datasets - 11 Archived Datasets - 10 Members - 234 Followers
    Member since 16 July 2014
    United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Mali country office
  • OCHA Middle East and North Africa (ROMENA)

    61 Datasets - 38 Archived Datasets - 6 Members - 189 Followers
    Member since 26 October 2015
    The OCHA Regional Office for Middle East and North Africa (ROMENA) based in Cairo and Amman and covers 21 countries and territories spread across the region.