Cesvi Palestine

4 Datasets - 1 Member - 67 Followers - Visit Website
Datasets [4] | Archived Datasets[0] [?]
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: July 01, 2019-September 30, 2019 ... More
    Modified [?]: 2 May 2023
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 8 October 2019
    The dataset contains the full data collected in the field related to energy access. The assessment used the "Beyond Connection" methodology, developed by ESMAP (World Bank). The full sample is based on 210 interviews at the household level in 68 different communities within the Hebron Governorate. All the households are in Area C. As soon the data are fully analyzed, an open version will be released.
    This data is by request only
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: March 25, 2018-September 24, 2019 ... More
    Modified [?]: 9 December 2019
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 27 May 2019
    Analysis of water quality at household level during 10 months in 180 families. Three different samples have been analized for each household : raw water, water after the filter and water in the cup/glass. Parameters: E.coli, Total Coliforms, turibidity, conductivity.
    100+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: As needed
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 27, 2017-April 15, 2018 ... More
    Modified [?]: 22 July 2019
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 1 July 2019
    The data is about the WASH assessment in 4 unconnected communities in Area C. The data has been anonymized through a Statistical Disclosure Control approach.
    100+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: As needed
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: October 23, 2018-October 24, 2018 ... More
    Modified [?]: 21 July 2019
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 21 July 2019
    The dataset provides information regarding the presence of toilet at household level. HHs without latrine = practice of open defecation HHs hasting latrine = high risk for practicing open defecation HHs with latrine = low risk of open defecation
    100+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: As needed