Afghanistan - Socio-economic assessment of IDPs and returnees in the five most populated settlements of Afghanistan's Herat Province - 2017

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  • This dataset updates: Never
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: UNHCR - Socioeconomic assessment of Refugees


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Source UNHCR
Time Period of the Dataset [?] January 01, 2017-December 31, 2017 ... More
Modified [?] 5 December 2019
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 11 July 2021 Less
Expected Update Frequency Never

Kind of Data: Sample survey data [ssd]
Unit of Analysis: All IDPs and returnees living in the five most populated IDP/returnee settlements of Afghanistan's Herat Province, namely Shagofan, Jebrael, Maslakh, Now Abad and Kahdistan.

Sampling Procedure: The survey's objective was to deliver representative data of all IDPs and returnees living in the five most populated IDP/returnee settlements of Afghanistan's Herat Province, namely Shagofan, Jebrael, Maslakh, Now Abad and Kahdistan. The total population of IDPs/returnees in these settlements at the time of the survey was estimated at around 38,700 households.

For this survey a stratified, single-stage (i.e. non-clustered) sample design was applied. The five settlements were considered sampling strata. Within each of these strata, a sample of households was drawn systematically (based on alphabetic sort order) from the "list of inhabitants".

The total sample size was 11,264 IDP/returnee households.

NB: The original data collection also included a small number of households from the neighbouring host community; however, these observations were dropped from the public-release version of the dataset.
Data Collection Mode: Face-to-face [f2f]

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