Nepal: Languages

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  • This dataset updates: As needed
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: CLEAR Global - Languages


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Source Translators without Borders
Time Period of the Dataset [?] December 31, 2011-December 31, 2011 ... More
Modified [?] 4 June 2020
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 4 June 2020 Less
Expected Update Frequency As needed
Methodology Census
Caveats / Comments

All data is drawn from government survey results and is subject to any associated limitations or distortions present in the source data. The methodology by which literacy was measured during the census is not known. Language and dialect naming conventions in the census are sometimes unclear and in some cases have been grouped or allocated to the Other Languages field. Languages with population shares less than 0.01% or under 1,000 people (whichever is greater) have been aggregated into the “Other” field. All decimal values have been rounded to a maximum of 3 decimal places. As a result language shares may not total 100%. Empty values represent non-existent data and should not be treated as zero values.

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