French Guiana - Food Prices

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This dataset is part of the data series [?]: FAO - Food Prices


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French Guiana - Food Prices
Prices Data Dashboard for French Guiana FAO statistics collates and disseminates food and agricultural statistics globally. The division...
1 Dataset

  • Producer Prices data for French GuianaCSV (1.5K)
    Modified: 26 August 2024

    Producer Prices: This sub-domain contains data on Agriculture Producer Prices and Producer Price Index. Agriculture Producer Prices are prices received by farmers for primary crops, live animals and livestock primary products as collected at the point of initial sale (prices paid at the farm-gate). Annual data are provided from 1991, while mothly data from January 2010 for 180 country and 212 products.Producer Price Index is the index of agricultural producer prices that measures the average annual change over time in the selling prices received by farmers (prices at the farm-gate or at the first point of sale). The three categories of producer price index available in FAOSTAT comprise: single-item price index, commodity group index and the agriculture producer price index.

  • Consumer Price Indices data for French GuianaCSV (128.2K)
    Modified: 26 August 2024

    Consumer Price Indices: The FAOSTAT monthly Food CPI and General CPI database was based on the ILO CPI data until December 2014. In 2014, IMF-ILO-FAO agreed to transfer global CPI data compilation from ILO to IMF. Upon agreement, CPIs for all items and its sub components originates from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the UN Statistics Division(UNSD) for countries not covered by the IMF. However, due to a limited time coverage from IMF and UNSD for a number of countries, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Central Bank of Western African States (BCEAO), Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB), UNdata, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and national statistical office website data are used for missing historical data from IMF and UNSD food CPI. The FAO CPI dataset for all items(or general CPI) and the Food CPI, consists of a complete and consistent set of time series from January 2000 onwards. Data gaps on monthly Food CPI and General CPI are filled using statistical estimation procedures to have full data coverage for all countries for Food CPI and for General CPI. These indices measure the price change between the current and reference periods of the average basket of goods and services purchased by households. The General CPI is typically used to measure and monitor inflation, set monetary policy targets, index social benefits such as pensions and unemployment benefits, and to escalate thresholds and credits in the income tax systems and wages in public and private wage contracts. The FAOSTAT monthly Food CPI inflation rates are annual year-over-year inflation or percentage change over corresponding month of the previous year. The regional and sub-regional Food and General CPI, and the aggregated Food and General CPI at the different income levels (High-income economies, Low-income economies, Lower-middle-income economies and Upper-middle-income economies) are calculated using 2 different statistical methods:- A weighted average of food and general CPI values of countries and territories within each region using the weights of Household final consumption expenditure (including non-profit institutions serving households) in 2015 in USD at constant prices of 2015. Household final consumption expenditure is available at Median of food and general CPI values of countries and territories within each region.

  • QuickCharts-Consumer Price Indices data for French GuianaCSV (21.9K)
    Modified: 26 August 2024

    Cut down data for QuickCharts

  • Exchange rates data for French GuianaCSV (103.7K)
    Modified: 26 August 2024

    Exchange rates: * Annual exchange rates, Standard Local Currency Units (SLC) per US dollar.* Annual and Monthly exchange rates, Local currency Units (LCU) per US dollar.

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Time Period of the Dataset [?] January 01, 1992-December 31, 1995 ... More
Modified [?] 26 August 2024
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 4 May 2020 Less
Expected Update Frequency Every year
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Caveats / Comments

Reliability and accuracy depend on the sampling design and size of the basic variables and these might differ significantly between countries just as the use of data sources, definitions and methods. The accuracy of an indicator is very much dependent on the accuracy of the basic variables that make up the indicator.

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