Ukraine - Subnational Administrative Boundaries

This dataset is part of the Ukraine Data Grid
  • COD+
  • 11000+ Downloads
  • This dataset updates: Every year
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: COD - Subnational Administrative Boundaries


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Source State Scientific Production Enterprise “Kartographia”
Time Period of the Dataset [?] February 01, 2023-September 01, 2024 ... More
Modified [?] 27 May 2024
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 22 December 2021 Less
Expected Update Frequency Every year

Sourced from Ukraine Kartografia. P-coding by OCHA and ITOS.

Caveats / Comments

See the COD-AB caveats about incomplete information in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, and about certain limitations in the transliteration of place names. Note that all Ukraine COD datasets incorrectly use 'UA' instead of 'UK' in the place name designations. See the COD-AB caveats about incomplete information in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, and about certain limitations in the transliteration of place names. Note that all Ukraine COD datasets incorrectly use 'UA' instead of 'UK' in the place name designations.

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