• Time Period of the Dataset [?]: February 23, 2024-February 23, 2024 ... More
    Modified [?]: 23 February 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 24 February 2024
    UNOSAT code: FR20240222GNQ This map illustrates the burned areas as observed from Sentinel-2 images acquired on the 3rd and 18th of February 2024, over the Pico Basil Volcano on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Approximately 3 km2 of vegetation appeared to have burned around the Pico Basil Volcano as of February 3rd, 2024, increasing to about 6 km2 by 18th of February 2024. UNOSAT has identified 16 potentially affected structures and potentially affected roads approximately 2 kilometers. This is a preliminary analysis and has not yet been validated in the field. Please send ground feedback to the United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT).
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: UNOSAT - Wildfires