Cote d'Ivoire - Food Median Prices


Food median prices data with HXL tags. Median of all prices for a given commodity observed on different markets is shown, together with the market where it was observed. Data are shortened in multiple ways:

  • Rather that prices on all markets, only median price across all markets is shown, together with the market where it has been observed.
  • Only food commodities are displayed (non-food commodities like fuel and wages are not shown).
  • Only data after 2013-01-15 are shown. Missing data are interpolated.
  • Column with shorter commodity names "cmnshort" are available to be used as chart labels.
  • Units are adapted and prices are rescaled in order to yield comparable values (so that they can be displayed and compared in a single chart). Scaling factor is present in scaling column. Label with full commodity name and a unit (with scale if applicable) is in column "label".

This reduces the amount of data and allows to make cleaner charts.

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