DTM Iraq IDPs Master List Round 125

URL: https://data.humdata.org/dataset/2b0573f3-3277-4943-b536-8eb651c37e79/resource/977db652-4e8d-4efa-917a-d39fc2165c9b/download/hdx_20224126460_round125_master_list_idp_2022-03-31_iom_dtm.xlsx

Data collection for Round 125 took place between 1 January and 31 March 2022. As of 31 March 2022, DTM identified 4,959,714 returnees (826,619 households), dispersed across 8 governorates, 38 districts, and 2,179 locations in Iraq. A total of 7,482 new returnees were recorded between January and March 2022. This is significantly lower than the number of returns recorded in the previous period between October and December 2021 (13,158). Notably, this is the lowest number of returns recorded since they commenced in April 2015. During this period, the highest number of newly arrived returnees was recorded in Salah al-Din (3,174), followed by Ninewa (2,064), Anbar (660), and Baghdad (612).

Additionally, between January and March 2022, DTM identified a total of 1,184,818 IDPs (203,447 households), dispersed across 18 governorates, 105 districts, and 2,803 locations. This represents an overall net decrease of 1,738 IDP individuals since the October-December 2021 period, and is a smaller decrease than what was recorded between then and August-September 2021 (3,025). Regarding IDPs’ area of origin, consistent with the previous round, 56 per cent of the current caseload of IDPs come from Ninewa governorate (663,138), especially from the districts of Mosul (246,229), Sinjar (193,354), and Al-Ba’aj (93,751). The next highest shares of IDPs come from the governorates of Salah al-Din (137,726; 12% of the total caseload), Anbar (133,321; 11%), Kirkuk (75,873; 6%), and Diyala (73,946; 6%).

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