• The Migrants' Files (inactive)

    0 Datasets - 2 Archived Datasets - 0 Members - 1 Follower - Visit Website
    Member since 22 October 2015
    The Migrants Files measures the human and financial cost of Fortress Europe. It is a consortium of journalists from over 15 European countries. It is coordinated by Journalism++.
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    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: October 29, 2015-October 29, 2015 ... More
    Modified [?]: 17 July 2016
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 29 October 2015
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset contains a list of events from 2000 to present during which someone died or went missing while trying to reach or stay in Europe. Details such as the date of the incident, the cause of death, number of dead and missing, location and coordinates of event are included.
  • 10+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: October 28, 2015-October 28, 2015 ... More
    Modified [?]: 28 October 2015
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 28 October 2015
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset contains data on the amounts paid by refugees and migrants to facilitate their movement to Europe. The dataset has over 2400 records from 2000 to present, for refugees and migrants from locations mainly in African, the Middle East and Europe. The estimates on the amount paid by refugees and migrants is based on the number of "detections" reported by European Member States to FRONTEX (before 2008: data from Clandestino which is compatible with said routes) and the median of various sources mentioning the prices of a crossing on a FRONTEX-defined route. A 2011 report on Turkish refugees points out that one in 7 refugee or migrant do not pay for the journey (other accounts, like the Red Cross data set, show a higer rate of paying passengers - 97%). Therefore, a 15% discount was applied to the final results for all routes. Prices are in 2014 euros (prices before 2014 have been corrected for inflation).