Light for the World is a global development organisation. We empower people with disabilities and enable eye health services in low income countries. Over the last three decades we improved health systems, enabled education for all, and amplified the voices of people with disabilities.
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SIRA Dataset for disability and older age - Cabo Delgado, Mozambique
The Survey for Inclusive Rapid Assessment (SIRA) Dataset for disability and older age was collected in May 2024 in Pemba (urban) and Metuge (rural) localities of Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, as part of the Data that Matters project funded by Elrha. Stratified clustered random sampling was used in this survey, the aim of which is to assess the barriers and enablers people face in accessing humanitarian assistance, in particular persons with disabilities and older persons.
The Data
The dataset consists of:
* SIRA Dataset #1. Household-level data: locality, household size, displacement status, registration
* SIRA Dataset #2. Individual-level data: sex, age, education, health, employment
* SIRA Dataset #3. Individual-level data: Washington Group (WG) questions taken from short (WG_SS), extended (WG-ES) of questions and child functioning modules (0-4 and 5-17 years). Questions include functioning domains associated with mental health.
* SIRA Dataset #4. Individual-level data: barriers in accessing humanitarian assistance for i) distributions, ii) services, iii) livelihood opportunities, iv) sexual, maternal and reproductive health, v) safety and security.
The datasets can be merged via the respondent identifier "indID", with "hhID" allowing to group individuals linked to a common household.