Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC)

Member since 31 January 2017
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  • 1600+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: November 13, 2019-December 31, 2022 ... More
    Modified [?]: 15 May 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 18 February 2019
    This dataset updates: As needed
    With its Global Militarisation Index (GMI), BICC is able to objectively depict worldwide militarisation for the first time. The GMI compares, for example, a country’s military expenditure with its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its health expenditure. It contrasts the total number of military and paramilitary forces in a country with the number of physicians. Finally, it studies the number of heavy weapons available to a country’s armed forces. These and other indicators are used to determine a country’s ranking, which in turn makes it possible to measure the respective level of militarisation in comparison to other countries. The latest GMI of 2023 is based on the latest available figures (in most cases data for 2022). The ten countries with the highest level of militarisation in 2022 are Ukraine, Israel, Armenia, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Singapore, Azerbaijan and Russia. These countries allocate particularly high levels of resources to the military in comparison to other areas of society. See project website for more information
  • 100+ Downloads
    Time Period of the Dataset [?]: December 31, 2017-December 31, 2017 ... More
    Modified [?]: 25 March 2019
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 25 March 2019
    This dataset updates: Never
    With its SALW guide, BICC provides a non-specialist, user-friendly and multi-language platform to inform about different categories and types of small arms and light weapons, their whereabouts in the world, and where possible, by whom they are held. It is designed to build knowledge on how to recognize different types, makes and models of commonly used SALW; to collect data on the global and country-specific spread of these SALW; and to describe some of their visual and technical specifications. The guide is not an exhaustive list of all SALW that are used around the world. Global SALW control relies on, among other things, data and knowledge of the weapons themselves. Our aim is that the Guide will be used to support national reporting duties on SALW holdings; facilitate and ameliorate the collection of data on SALW; and increase general knowledge of global distribution of SALW. Thus, the guide addresses researchers, journalists, photographers as well as civil servants, officials and policymakers dealing with the aforementioned challenges of SALW control. The underlying database of the SALW guide can be queried by either a geographical or weapon specific search term. In total, the guide contains visual images, markings and descriptions on 131 types of small arms or light weapons worldwide. The main source of the guide, the Small Arms and Light Weapons Guide (2016) by the German Bundeswehr Verification Center (BWVc), has been validated by various institutions and databases. See project website for more information