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  • Global Child Protection AoR

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 4 Members - 105 Followers
    Member since 16 January 2019
    The Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR) is specifically focused on enhancing child protection coordination and response in humanitarian contexts (as defined as Humanitarian Coordinator and Early Warning contexts).
  • Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 0 Followers
    Member since 26 November 2024
    GDACS is a cooperation framework between the United Nations, the European Commission and disaster managers worldwide to improve alerts, information exchange and coordination in the first phase after major sudden-onset disasters.
  • Global Earthquake Model Foundation

    47 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 1 Member - 127 Followers
    Member since 19 February 2021
    The GEM Foundation is a non-profit, public-private partnership that drives a global collaborative effort to develop scientific and high-quality resources for transparent assessment of earthquake risk and to facilitate their application for risk management around the globe. Assisted by an initiative of the OECD's Global Science Forum, GEM was formed in 2009 as a non-profit foundation in Pavia, Italy, funded through a public-private sponsorship with the vision to create a world that is resilient to earthquakes. GEM’s mission is to become one of the world’s most complete sources of risk resources and a globally accepted standard for seismic risk assessment; and to ensure that its products are applied in earthquake risk management worldwide.
  • Global Education Cluster

    2 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 108 Followers
    Member since 23 June 2020
    The Global Education Cluster (GEC) supports country clusters and working groups to work towards a predictable, holistic, equitable and well-coordinated response by providing direct and remote field support, developing guidance, building evidence, strengthening capacities and advocating for the continued prioritisation of education, to meet growing education needs of crisis affected children and youth.
  • Global Healthsites Mapping Project

    207 Datasets - 1 Archived Dataset - 6 Members - 649 Followers
    Member since 31 March 2016
    Healthsites is an initiative to build an open data commons of health facility data with OpenStreetMap.
  • Global Logistics Cluster

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 4 Members - 102 Followers
    Member since 20 May 2020
    Logistics Information, focusing on logistics infrastructure and services either baseline and situational on either global and country level
  • Global Shelter Cluster

    7 Datasets - 4 Archived Datasets - 12 Members - 339 Followers
    Member since 4 June 2015
    The Global Shelter Cluster (GSC) is an Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) coordination mechanism that supports people affected by natural disasters and internally displaced people affected by conflict with the means to live in safe, dignified and appropriate shelter. The GSC enables better coordination among all shelter actors, including local and national governments, so that people who need shelter assistance get help faster and receive the right kind of support. The GSC is co-chaired by IFRC and UNHCR at the global level. IFRC is the convener of the Shelter Cluster in natural disasters while UNHCR leads the Shelter Cluster in conflict situations.

    5 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 8 Members - 97 Followers
    Member since 13 April 2021 is the first of its kind, easy-to-use global data repository and visualization platform that enables open access to real-time epidemiological anonymized line-list data. This platform was created by researchers from leading institutions around the world including Oxford, Harvard, Northeastern, Boston Children’s Hospital, Georgetown, University of Washington, and Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Our mission is to enable rapid sharing of trusted and open public health data to advance the response to infectious diseases. is a collaborative effort by technologists and researchers from leading international institutions to build a trusted, detailed, and accurate resource of real-time infectious disease data. As research becomes increasingly data-driven, our understanding of the world around us is only as accurate as the data we have available. We believe in equitable health research that serves communities of all backgrounds. This is why we built – a platform that brings together outbreak data from diverse communities and makes it available to all, regardless of geographic location or organizational affiliation. By creating a centralized open resource of verified case-level data from around the world, our aim is to accelerate the work of researchers, public health officials, and the global community to better prepare for, respond to, and reduce the burden of disease outbreaks. We hope that this work will help cultivate a global community invested in improving health outcomes for all through open and secure data sharing.
  • Globhe Drones

    14 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 139 Followers
    Member since 23 February 2018
    Globhe helps create digital twins of assets and environments at global scale by delivering high resolution, reality data from drones to your software. Our marketplace matches your needs with 11 000 professional drone operators and their drones across 147 countries and counting. Automated order and data delivery, bidding function to get you the best market price, and dedicated client support. For your company. For our planet. MORE RESOURCES: Web: LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
  • Google Research

    6 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 6 Members - 50 Followers
    Member since 14 September 2023
    Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field. Our researchers publish regularly in academic journals, release projects as open source, and apply research to Google products.
  • GRID3 (Geo-Referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development)

    181 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 5 Members - 220 Followers
    Member since 1 May 2020
    GRID3 (Geo-Referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development) works with countries to generate, validate and use geospatial data on population, settlements, infrastructure, and boundaries. GRID3 combines the expertise of partners in government, United Nations, academia, and the private sector to design adaptable and relevant geospatial solutions based on capacity and development needs of each country. The programme provides countries with a unique package of tools with which to generate open-source data, support for data applications to ensure effective impact, and training to strengthen the national geospatial foundation for future evidence-based development and humanitarian decision making. The programme offers a unique and efficient approach, combining the highest-resolution and most recent satellite imagery, dynamic modelling and newest scientific methods, and capacity-strengthening services to ensure sustainable use of geospatial data nationally.
  • Ground Truth Solutions

    6 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 194 Followers
    Member since 28 October 2016
    Ground Truth provides humanitarian agencies with the tools to systematically listen and respond to the voices of affected people.
  • HDX

    373 Datasets - 152 Archived Datasets - 24 Members - 1826 Followers
    Member since 2 April 2014
    The Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) is an open data sharing platform managed by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The HDX organization is managed by the HDX data team and is used to share data on behalf of a number of partners
  • HDX Humanitarian API Data

    177 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 0 Followers
    Member since 16 December 2024
    Contains downloadable CSVs of data obtained from the HDX Humanitarian API (HDX HAPI) for users who prefer not to use APIs. HDX HAPI Data is standardized for seamless interoperability from multiple sources. The data facilitates automated workflows and visualizations to support humanitarian decision making. For more information, please see the HDX HAPI landing page ( and documentation (
  • Health Cluster

    18 Datasets - 1 Archived Dataset - 9 Members - 68 Followers
    Member since 7 March 2022
    The Global Health Cluster exists to support Health Clusters/Sectors in countries. It can make a difference by: providing the right expertise at the right place at the right time; building capacity of Health Cluster Coordinators and other Health Cluster staff in countries; gathering and disseminating sound and relevant information to guide partners’ response; identifying and addressing gaps in technical knowledge and available guidance to ensure the health response follows global best practices and standards; and promoting and advocating for the importance of humanitarian health action on the global stage, to make sure that Health Clusters receive the political and financial support needed. WHO is the Cluster Lead Agency and it provides secretariat support through the Global Health Cluster Team in the WHO Emergency Response Division, Health Emergencies Programme. Email:
  • Healthware Group

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 6 Members - 87 Followers
    Member since 7 April 2020
    Healthware is a next-generation integrated consulting group that for more than 20 years has been offering large companies and start-ups in the life sciences and insurance sectors a unique set of services and expertise in strategic consulting, communication, technology and innovation, to drive the digital transformation of health. Founded in Italy, it is led by CEO and founder Roberto Ascione, an international entrepreneur and opinion leader with 20 years of experience in marketing and communication, business process transformation and innovation applied to health. Healthware and its US-based joint venture partner Intouch Group, represent one of the largest global independent consultancies with a combined team of more than 1,000 dedicated specialists and offices in San Francisco, San Diego, Kansas City, Chicago, New York, Boston, London, Barcelona, Cologne, Milan, Rome, Salerno, Helsinki, and Mumbai.
  • Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology

    231 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 5 Members - 51 Followers
    Member since 4 February 2022
    HeiGIT (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology) performs applied research relating to geographic information. Results and data are made freely available for the benefit of the environment and society through stakeholders such as researchers and aid organizations & associations. The core foci of HeiGIT range from supporting humanitarian missions with customized geodata, to developing intelligent routing solutions for disasters or heatwaves. HeiGIT also implements innovative methods from the fields of spatial data processing and machine learning to analyze, enrich, and visualize geodata (e.g. OpenStreetMap data), as well as offering practical data analysis for climate protection initiatives. HeiGIT gGmbH was founded in 2019 as an affiliated institute of Heidelberg University, with core funding from the Klaus Tschira Foundation.
  • HERA - Humanitarian Emergency Response Africa

    37 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 1 Member - 115 Followers
    Member since 14 May 2020
    French organization focused on information management. We support NGOs in their interventions by giving them reliable and timely information about humanitarian crises. Currently working on Covid-19 and Ebola response in Africa. Contact us at Let us know how you use our datasets !
  • Hub Latin America

    115 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 99 Followers
    Member since 9 August 2021
    The Latin America HUB will focus on the spatial analysis and visualization of redistribution of poverty and other emergent processes related to it. Specifically, will focus on the processes related to migration/mobility and the multiplicative effects of the collapse of tourism in different cities. The HUB will focus on short- and long-term migrants, especially migrants from Venezuela and urban dwellers, which arrived recently to large cities from rural areas. Additionally, the collapse of tourism will allow to explore the distributive and multiplicative impact of the pandemics.
  • Humanitarian Exchange Language (#HXL)

    3 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 82 Followers
    Member since 11 December 2014
    Multi-organisation humanitarian data standards initiative.
  • Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)

    2587 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 47 Members - 1244 Followers
    Member since 14 November 2014
    For up-to-the-minute exports from OpenStreetMap in a variety of formats for GPS and GIS, visit Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) acts as a bridge between the traditional humanitarian responders and the OpenStreetMap Community. HOT works both remotely and physically in countries to assist the collection of geographic data, usage of that information and training others in OpenStreetMap.
  • Humanitarian Outcomes

    26 Datasets - 2 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 101 Followers
    Member since 24 May 2019
    Humanitarian Outcomes is a team of specialist consultants providing research and policy advice for humanitarian aid agencies and donor governments. We undertake independent research as well as commissioned studies and evaluations. Our work covers the institutional, financial, and operational mechanics of the international humanitarian system, and considers the broader political and strategic environment in which aid policy takes shape. In all our research products, we aim to provide practical solutions built on evidence-based analysis. The Aid Worker Security Database is a Humanitarian Outcomes project and has been managed by the organisation since 2005.
  • IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Center (ICPAC)

    10 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 26 Followers
    Member since 15 August 2023
    ICPAC is a Climate Center accredited by the World Meteorological Organization that provides Climate Services to 11 East African Countries. Our services aim at creating resilience in a region deeply affected by climate change and extreme weather.
  • iMMAP Inc.

    189 Datasets - 15 Archived Datasets - 39 Members - 343 Followers
    Member since 17 April 2015
    iMMAP is an international not-for-profit 501(c)3 non-governmental organization (NGO) that provides targeted information management support to partners responding to complex humanitarian and development challenges.
  • Infoculture

    3 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 65 Followers
    Member since 19 February 2021
    Russian NGO focused on open data, open government, digital preservation, privacy and plain language initiatives. ANO "Information Culture" ("Infoculture") is based on the principle of freedom of access to information , its transparency and reliability.