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Organisations [212]
  • 3iSolution

    38 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 19 Members - 12 Followers
    Member since 31 October 2023
    3iSolution is an international NGO that provides information management services to humanitarian and development organizations. Through information management, we help our partners target assistance to the world's most vulnerable populations. Today, we work with the humanitarian and development sector in 10 different countries, having been active in more than 25 countries in the last 15 years. We have carried out more than 300 projects and currently have a team of 150 people working all over the world. Our work focuses on using innovation and technological knowledge generated by the private and academic sectors, in order to enhance the power of information to achieve a direct and concrete impact at the level of the beneficiaries, which are the organizations we support. Our experience, your impact!

    13 Datasets - 1 Archived Dataset - 9 Members - 144 Followers
    Member since 31 May 2014
    ACAPS is an independent information provider that is free from the bias or vested interests of any specific enterprise, sector, or region. As independent specialists in humanitarian needs analysis and assessment, we are not affiliated with the UN or any other organisation. This helps guarantee that our analysis is objective and evidence-based. ACAPS was established in 2009 as a nonprofit, nongovernmental project with the aim of conducting independent, groundbreaking humanitarian analysis to help humanitarian workers, influencers, fundraisers, and donors make better-informed decisions. The project is overseen by a consortium of three NGOs: the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Save the Children and Mercy Corps. ACAPS datasets are also available from an API system accessible at
  • Acción contra el hambre - GIS4tech

    41 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 11 Followers
    Member since 26 June 2023
    Somos una Spin-Off de la Universidad de Granada vinculada al grupo de Investigación «Research Cluster on Territorial Synergies» (RNM034)(1), transferimos conocimiento del mundo universitario al profesional adaptando e implementando las más nuevas tecnologías y prestamos asistencia técnica para desarrollar proyectos eficientes y apoyar la toma de decisiones de cualquier administración mediante el análisis y la visualización de datos, el estudio del territorio y la Inteligencia Artificial. Somos el brazo tecnológico de ACH.
  • Action Against Hunger ACF - Regional Office for West and Central Africa ROWCA

    5 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 147 Followers
    Member since 19 December 2016
    Action Contre la Faim ACF West and Central Africa Surveillance and Data Analysis
  • ADF Haiti

    2 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 27 Followers
    Member since 30 December 2021
    ADF is a Haitian-led and managed nonprofit. We believe that the socio-economic transformation of Fond-des-Blancs is possible if we tap into the latent talents of Haitians. We are a multi-faceted organization that functions as a service provider, knowledge management hub, collaboration and idea exchange forum, partnerships facilitator, and solutions incubator. Our work focuses on strengthening civil society organizations that serve Fond-des-Blancs, Haiti's poorest communities. We work at the grassroots level with Haitians to identify the most pressing needs and provide appropriate solutions. We strive to be a nonprofit that provides Haitians with a voice and power to make decisions in their own communities so they can take control of their futures. We believe that Haitians need to be at the forefront of the decision-making process. We are committed to fostering sustainable development led by Haitians.
  • Créée par la loi n° 2004-21 du 21 juillet 2004 portant organisation des activités statistiques et organisée par le décret 2005-436 du 23 Mai 2005, l’Agence Nationale de la Statistique et de la Démographie (ANSD) est une structure administrative chargée d’assurer la coordination technique des activités du système statistique national et de réaliser elle-même les activités de production et de diffusion des données statistiques pour les besoins du Gouvernement, des Administrations publiques, du Secteur privé, des Partenaires au développement et du Public. En outre, elle assure la formation des statisticiens à l’Ecole nationale de la statistique et de l’analyse économique (ENSAE) qui fait partie du réseau des écoles de statistique africaine à côté de l’ENSEA et de l’ISSEA.
  • ALHASAN Systems Private Limited

    8 Datasets - 7 Archived Datasets - 7 Members - 84 Followers
    Member since 2 October 2014
    ALHASAN SYSTEMS is a privately owned development company registered in Canada and Pakistan. This hi-tech knowledge management, business psychology modeling, and publishing company is constantly contributing its data and services to both humanitarian and developmental causes through its Public/ Private Partnership [PPP] SKIM and ODOA initiatives. ALHASAN SYSTEMS strives to provide the most cost effective solutions and services, which not only serve its clients’ immediate requirements but also contribute to the much larger cause of community welfare and development. Its area of professional services spreads from environment, energy, health, education, natural resources, critical infrastructure, utilities management, tourism, and investments, to community development and crisis management. ALHASAN SYSTEMS corporate roadmap focuses on new trends in the field of Geomatics Engineering, Geo-engineering, Data Management, Bio Interfacing, Business Psychology Modeling, Hi-tech publishing, e-Learning, and Smart Power Gridding and Engineering Services. This is possible when fairly serious ecological, political, and moral ramifications are addressed strategically. That’s why social awareness, advocacy, and capacity building remain at the heart of ALHASAN SYSTEMS. ALHASAN SYSTEMS constantly update its data in relation to its projects and also as a service to larger public bodies as well as research community to promote its pioneering 100% self-financed Open Data/ Open Access [OD/OA] initiative in Pakistan. We also share a number of additional layers and thousands of maps each year free-of-cost in the larger public interest. All our data are made available through Pakistan’s only Metadata portal [] launched in 2012 by iMMAP in collaboration with its partners under USAID funding. This portal is now hosted and maintained at NED University of Engineering & Technology with hundreds of registered researchers in Pakistan.
  • Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)

    246 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 5 Members - 539 Followers
    Member since 9 January 2015
    The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is a disaggregated data collection, analysis, and crisis mapping project. ACLED collects the dates, actors, locations, fatalities, and types of all reported political violence and protest events in more than 200 countries and territories in real time. The ACLED team conducts analysis to describe, explore, and test conflict scenarios, and makes both data and analysis open for free use by the public. ACLED is a registered non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status in the United States. By using ACLED data you agree to abide by the Terms of Use & Attribution Policy. For questions or comments, please contact: Resources Available on the ACLED Website: The full disaggregated event-based dataset is available for download through ACLED’s Data Export Tool and API with an open access account. Explore our latest data through our interactive global dashboard and check in for weekly data updates and analysis tracking key political violence and protest trends around the world, as well as special projects like our Early Warning Research Hub. Additional guides and methodology documents can be found in the ACLED Resource Library. Resources Available on HDX: ACLED makes a range of aggregated data files available through the HDX portal, updated weekly. Because the main ACLED dataset is disaggregated, ACLED data can be aggregated both spatially (e.g. to the national level) and temporally (e.g. to the month or year level), among other options. When a user downloads ACLED’s disaggregated event-based data, each row in the file represents a single event occurring between designated actors in a specific named location on a specific day. In the spatially and temporarily aggregated files available on HDX, each row in the data represents a country-year (e.g. Iraq-2017) or a country-month-year (e.g. Somalia-January 2010), depending on the file. Note: to access full event data, please register to use the Data Export Tool and API on the ACLED website.
  • Assistance Coordination Unit

    14 Datasets - 1 Archived Dataset - 2 Members - 122 Followers
    Member since 18 July 2018
    The Assistance Coordination Unit (ACU) is a national Syrian non-government, non-political, a non-profit institution focused on maximizing the impact of assistance delivered to the Syrian people by coordinating the efforts of donors, implementing agencies, and community representatives.
  • Atlas AI

    6 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 38 Followers
    Member since 18 February 2023
    Atlas AI's inclusive growth platform analyzes, monitors, and forecasts regions of growth, vulnerability, and opportunity around the world. The platform offers insight into where organizations can grow most successfully, and where investment can boost historically under-served communities. Atlas AI's platform has been used around the world to expand infrastructure access, inform economic policy, optimize logistics networks, power commercial growth activities and monitor the sustainability of supply chains. Atlas AI was founded by a team of Stanford University scientists in partnership with The Rockefeller Foundation and with support from Airbus Ventures and Micron Technologies Inc. For more information, please contact Atlas AI at
  • Atmospheric and Environmental Research

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 2 Followers
    Member since 11 March 2024
    At Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER), we are dedicated to advancing the scientific understanding of the atmosphere, ocean, and space environment, and translating this into actionable information for our customers. We prepare public agencies and insurance, investment, and energy companies to anticipate, manage, react to, and profit from weather and climate related risk. We serve our clients by providing state-of-the-art research, development, and analysis delivered in reports, databases, and software solutions. Our scientists and engineers – more than 65 of whom hold PhDs or other advanced degrees – are globally recognized for being at the forefront of their respective fields. Areas of expertise span climate change, defense, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, space, remote sensing, and atmospheric and environmental science. Through externally funded research conducted by our in-house scientific staff, and often in collaboration with world-renowned scientists at academic and other research institutions, we have developed analytical tools to help measure and observe the properties of the environment and to translate these measurements into useful information to take action. We have clients in the private and public sectors around the world.
  • Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 51 Followers
    Member since 1 April 2020
    The Blavatnik School of Government is one of the University of Oxford’s newest and most vibrant departments. We combine the academic rigour of the top-ranked university in the world* with an applied, real-world focus.
  • Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (BICC)

    2 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 4 Members - 81 Followers
    Member since 31 January 2017
    As an independent, non-profit organization, BICC (Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies) deals with a wide range of global topics in the field of peace and conflict research centering around organized violence. Our vision is a more peaceful world. Our mission is to conduct critical, problem-oriented, policy relevant research in response to the problems posed by organized violence. To do so, we engage in active exchanges with scholars and politicians as well as stakeholders in everyday practice and civil society. As a think tank, BICC seeks to engage in a dialogue with NGOs, governments, private organizations, research institutes and universities and well as with interested individuals. BICC examines the dynamics of organized violence at three levels: concepts, means and practices. Its work is clustered in various research themes among them 'discourses about war', arms transfers and arms control', 'mobilization and demobilization', 'natural resources and conflict', 'refugees and IDPs'. BICC’s portfolio includes: applied research, policy advice, technical advice and capacity development, data and geographic information systems, information of the public. BICC cooperates with international and national research institutes and foundations, UN and other international organizations, ministries such as the Federal Foreign Office (AA) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) as well as with institutions such as the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), NGOs, and international and bilateral organizations working in the field of development cooperation. BICC is co-editor of the annual “Peace Report” (Friedensgutachten).
  • BRAC

    3 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 0 Followers
    Member since 8 October 2024
    BRAC is an international development organisation founded in Bangladesh in 1972 that partners with over 100 million people living with inequality and poverty to create opportunities to realise human potential.
  • Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 0 Followers
    Member since 28 June 2024
    The Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) is a federal agency with legal personality under public law, administrative and financial autonomy, linked to the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), according to Art. 2 of Law No. 7,735, of February 22, 1989 .
  • British Red Cross Maps Team

    17 Datasets - 15 Archived Datasets - 8 Members - 69 Followers
    Member since 13 September 2014
    British Red Cross Maps Team
  • CARE Bangladesh

    2 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 5 Members - 87 Followers
    Member since 5 December 2018
    Initially focusing on providing emergency disaster relief and nutrition, over the years we moved towards amore complex and forward-thinking program of development and resilience. Placing women and girls at the center of our work enables us to tackle the root causes of poverty and inequity amongst Bangladesh's rural and urban populations. Working with over 29 national NGOs, 17International NGOs and 23 civil society platforms partners and reaching millions of beneficiaries, CAREBangladesh creates lasting change by strengthening marginalized, excluded and extremely poor rural communities. We aim to build their resilience to shocks and amplify their voices to influence governance, public policy, and development practices. Through our partners, we implement programs that encompass strengthening livelihoods and dignified work, food, and nutrition security, inclusive governance, sexual and reproductive health, ending violence against women and child marriage, pro-poor market engagement, disaster and climate risk reduction and emergency response.
  • CCCM Cluster Somalia

    5 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 28 Followers
    Member since 26 September 2022
    Activated in 2017 during the drought response in Somalia. Presence across Somalia and covers about 3,000 IDP sites with over 20 partners.
  • Central African Republic Education Cluster

    2 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 1 Member - 73 Followers
    Member since 21 January 2019
    Permanent Inter-Agency Committee (IASC) declared on 11 December 2013, the level of urgency 3 (level 3 or L3) for the Central African Republic and activated clusters including Education as this conflict has greatly affected the education sector
  • Central Emergency Response Fund

    4 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 6 Members - 292 Followers
    Member since 12 October 2015
    The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) is one of the fastest and most effective ways to support rapid humanitarian response for people affected by natural disasters and armed conflict. CERF receives voluntary contributions year-round to provide immediate funding for life-saving humanitarian action anywhere in the world.
  • Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 115 Followers
    Member since 20 December 2019
    The Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) is the world’s foremost agency for the study of public health during mass emergencies, including the epidemiology of diseases, plus the structural and socio-economic impacts of natural and technological disasters and human conflicts. Based since 1973 at the School of Public Health of the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium, CRED became in 1980 a World Health Organization (WHO) collaboration centre. Since then, CRED has worked closely with United Nations agencies, inter-governmental and governmental institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), research institutes and other universities. Disasters preparedness, mitigation and prevention for vulnerable populations have also gained a higher profile within CRED’s activities in recent years. CRED is maintaining the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) since 1988. The main objectives of EM-DAT are to inform humanitarian action at the national and international levels in order to improve rational decision-making in disaster preparedness, provide objective data for assessing communities’ vulnerability to disasters and help policy-makers set priorities. EM-DAT contains core data on the occurrence and effects of more than 23,000 natural and technological disasters from 1900 to the present day. It is compiled from various sources (UN agencies, the US Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, national governments, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, NGOs, insurance companies, research institutes and the media) according to a priority list. CRED defines a disaster as “a situation or event that overwhelms local capacity, necessitating a request at the national or international level for external assistance; an unforeseen and often sudden event that causes great damage, destruction and human suffering”. CRED defines a disaster as “a situation or event that overwhelms local capacity, necessitating a request at the national or international level for external assistance; an unforeseen and often sudden event that causes great damage, destruction and human suffering”. Only natural disasters (biological excluded) are included in this publication. For a disaster to be entered into the database, at least one of the following criteria must be fulfilled: • 10 or more people reported killed • 100 or more people reported affected • declaration of a state of emergency • call for international assistance Since 2014, EM-DAT also georeferences natural disasters, adding geographical values to numeric data which is essential for deeper analysis.
  • Cesvi Palestine

    4 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 1 Member - 67 Followers
    Member since 23 May 2019
    Cesvi is an International NGO operating since 1985 with HQ in Italy. Cesvi operates worldwide to support the most vulnerable populations in promoting human rights and achieving their ambitions, for sustainable development. It also believes that the recognition of human rights contributes to the wellbeing of everyone on the planet, a shared home to be safeguarded.
  • Childhood Education International

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 8 Followers
    Member since 5 December 2023
    Since 1892, Childhood Education International has been committed to one primary objective: ensuring children’s access to quality education worldwide. We create programs and projects that support pre-primary to primary school-age children so they can learn, grow, and develop optimally. We collaborate with teachers, education leaders, families, community leaders, health professionals, government agencies, the private sector, and civil society organizations. Together we provide innovative solutions that enhance learning and development for all children.
  • Cirrolytix

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 22 Followers
    Member since 16 March 2022
    Social impact technology company
  • CLEAR Global (previously Translators without Borders)

    29 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 6 Members - 109 Followers
    Member since 23 September 2019
    CLEAR Global provides specialized language and translation support for humanitarian responses. CLEAR Global is interested in hearing from people who have used our datasets. Please consider taking our brief survey.