International Organization for Migration (IOM)

259 Datasets - 106 Members - 1031 Followers - Visit Website
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: September 15, 2018-September 15, 2018 ... More
    Modified [?]: 31 January 2019
    Confirmed [?]: 7 March 2024
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 14 February 2018
    NPM Bangladesh has produced a number of tools based on its regular data collection activities and drone flights. SW Map package: for mobile use, this enables users to visualize the site maps and boundaries on their own mobile. Together with the relevant files, users can also find a manual showing step by step how to copy files from their own computer to SW Map running on another portable device. KMZ file: for desktop use, this enables users to visualize the site maps and boundaries on Google Earth. By adding or removing layers, it is possible to visualize each location assessed by NPM Baseline 10. These files are available on HDX. Historical UAV imagery of Rohingya settlements in Cox Bazar in GIS, KML Google Earth, Mbtiles (SW Maps), format. Updates of imagery will be added on top of the list. NPM has also produced individual packages by camps: - Please click [here] {} to access the data by camp as of September 2018. - Please click here to access the data by camp as of August 2018. - Please click here to access the data by camp as of July 2018. - Please click here to access the data by camp as of June 2018. - Please click here to access the data by camp as of May 2018. - Please click here to access the data by camp as of April 2018. All majhee blocks shapefiles are also available at the following link: Please click here to access the most current majhee block shapefiles, as well as all historical versions.
    3200+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Never
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: November 30, 2018-November 30, 2018 ... More
    Modified [?]: 8 January 2019
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 8 January 2019
    Zimbabwe, Tsholotsho District displacement and migration trends before 2016 up to October 2018, while also assessing the needs of the affected population.
    50+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: IOM - DTM Baseline Assessment
  • Time Period of the Dataset [?]: December 31, 2018-December 31, 2018 ... More
    Modified [?]: 8 January 2019
    Dataset Added on HDX [?]: 8 January 2019
    The dataset contains disp at sub national level. The assessments are for Sulawesi Earthquake 2018
    200+ Downloads
    This dataset updates: Never
    This dataset is part of the data series [?]: IOM - DTM Site and Location Assessment