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Organisations [212]
  • Code for Venezuela

    13 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 7 Members - 71 Followers
    Member since 8 June 2020
    Code for Venezuela is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing together technologists and innovators who care about Venezuela leveraging their talent and network to solve the most pressing needs of the country.
  • CONRED Guatemala

    4 Datasets - 2 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 61 Followers
    Member since 8 May 2015
    CONRED es el órgano responsable de coordinar con las instituciones públicas, privadas, organismos nacionales e internacionales, sociedad civil en los distintos niveles territoriales y sectoriales, la gestión de riesgo a los desastres, como estrategia integral que contribuye al desarrollo sostenible de Guatemala.
  • Copernicus

    239 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 4 Members - 0 Followers
    Member since 15 October 2024
    Copernicus is the Earth observation component of the European Union’s Space programme. It offers information services that draw from satellite Earth Observation and in-situ (non-space) data. It sets out to fulfil the growing need amongst European policy- makers, businesses, scientists and individuals to access timely accurate information services. By delivering vast amounts of Earth observation data through a unified system, this innovative programme starts a new chapter in the way we manage the environment, understand and mitigate the effects of climate change and ensure civil security for a safer and more sustainable future.
  • Country-Based Pooled Funds (OCHA)

    3 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 5 Members - 127 Followers
    Member since 9 March 2017
    Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) are established by the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) when a new emergency occurs or when an existing humanitarian situation deteriorates. They allow donors to pool contributions into single, unearmarked country-specific funds to support humanitarian efforts, and are managed locally under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC). CBPFs allocate funds to the best placed responders (international and national NGOs, UN Agencies, Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement organizations) through an inclusive and transparent process in support of priorities set out in Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP). In 2016, CBPFs were the largest source of direct funding for national NGOs. Currently, there are 18 active CBPFs, which together received a record $706 million in donor contributions in 2016. Recognizing their critical role, the UN Secretary-General's Agenda for Humanity called on donors to increase the proportion of HRP funding channeled through CBPFs to 15 percent by 2018, which would translate to more than $1.9 billion per year. More details -
  • Cox's Bazar Education Sector

    9 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 86 Followers
    Member since 25 January 2019
    The education-focused coordination group responding to the emerging educational needs in Cox's Bazar. Organisation Data Description: baseline, programmatic data
  • Crosscut

    18 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 2 Followers
    Member since 14 March 2024
    Public health institutions in many low- and middle-income countries are awash in data for the first time in history. However, much of the value of this data has not yet been fully realized. This leads to more costly, less effective health programs. Crosscut is a U.S.-based consultancy and technology company that seeks to give Global Health programs an easy way to use complex data to solve specific problems. Our vision is to unlock complex data for Global Health programs to make operations more efficient and effective.
  • Danish Refugee Council

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 6 Members - 28 Followers
    Member since 13 February 2023
    Founded in 1956, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is Denmark’s largest, and a leading international NGO - one of the few with a specific expertise in forced displacement. In 40 countries 7,500 employees protect, advocate and build sustainable futures for refugees and other displacement affected people and communities. DRC works during displacement at all stages: In the acute crisis, in exile, when settling and integrating in a new place, or upon return. DRC provides protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance. DRC supports displaced persons in becoming self-reliant and included into hosting societies. DRC works with civil society and responsible authorities to promote protection of rights and peaceful coexistence. Our 6,000 volunteers in Denmark make an invaluable difference in integration activities throughout the country.
  • Data for Children Collaborative

    106 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 0 Followers
    Member since 28 November 2024
    The Data for Children Collaborative is a specialist unit within the Edinburgh Futures Institute at the University of Edinburgh. The Data for Children Collaborative enables impactful collaboration by bringing together diverse expertise from academia, the public and the private sectors to address complex problems facing children that require a data-driven solution. The School of Geosciences at the University of Edinburgh - As one of the largest and most successful groupings of geographers, Earth and environmental scientists in the UK, we tackle the most environmental and social challenges of our times. We have pioneered research on the human contribution to climate change which helped underpin the UN Paris Agreement.
  • Data for Good at Meta

    221 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 10 Members - 569 Followers
    Member since 13 March 2019
    We are interested in hearing from people who have used these datasets to improve our products and better understand the impact of this data. Please consider taking this two-minute survey. Data for Good at Meta's program includes tools built from de-identified data on our platform, as well as tools that we develop using satellite imagery and other publicly available sources. When data is shared responsibly with the communities that need it, it can improve wellbeing and save lives.
  • Development Initiatives

    6 Datasets - 4 Archived Datasets - 4 Members - 205 Followers
    Member since 17 February 2015
    Development Initiatives (DI) is a global organisation harnessing the power of data and evidence to end poverty, reduce inequality and increase resilience. Our work covers development and humanitarian financing, measuring poverty, inclusive data and more. DI’s Global Humanitarian Assistance (GHA) programme analyses resource flows and programming targeting people at risk of and affected by crises, promoting data transparency and access to information through our research and publications – including our annual GHA reports. Further resources, datasets and interactive data tools are available on our website, including more specific analysis on aspects of humanitarian response, such as gender-relevant financing, cash and voucher assistance, climate finance and localisation. For further details of our work please contact us by email, follow us on Twitter or visit our website.
  • Disease Outbreaks Data Project

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 0 Followers
    Member since 28 October 2024
    The Disease Outbreaks Data Project arose from the need for open, reliable information on pandemic- and epidemic-prone disease outbreaks, offering broad coverage of diseases, time periods, and geography, and ensuring statistical soundness for research purposes. The dataset provided is the result of a collaborative effort by a team of researchers from the University of Göttingen, the University of Groningen, and the University of Bordeaux. The project was made possible through financial support from the ENLIGHT network, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Germany.
  • Education and Conflict Monitor

    2 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 129 Followers
    Member since 20 September 2018
    The Education and Conflict Monitor is an initiative of the Education Above All Foundation working in collaboration with its partners including the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, Insecurity Insight, and Re-coded to collect, share and visualize data on education insecurity. Conflict and insecurity are no reasons to deprive individuals and communities of their right to safe, quality education. Our goal is to make accurate data available to decision-makers during armed conflict and in humanitarian situations to prevent further conflict, to protect the right to education, and to ensure that post-conflict societies can harness the power of education to build peace.
  • Education Cluster Yemen

    5 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 91 Followers
    Member since 24 July 2018
    Education Cluster in Yemen
  • Esri

    7 Datasets - 1 Archived Dataset - 13 Members - 500 Followers
    Member since 25 August 2016
    Since 1969, Esri has helped organizations map and model our world. Our GIS technology allows users to effectively manage and analyze geographic information so they can make better decisions. We offer flexible, configurable, and easy-to-use geospatial solutions that let anyone access informative maps and location apps anywhere and on any platform or device. These solutions are supported by our experienced staff and extensive network of business partners and international distributors. Esri applications provide the backbone for the world’s mapping and location analysis. Esri software is used in more than 350,000 organizations worldwide including NGOs, international organizations, and foundations engaged with the humanitarian community. Private ownership, a zero-debt policy, and a firm commitment to fulfilling the needs of our customers all help Esri maintain its position as the world leader in GIS software. As a socially conscious business, we are proud that our technology is used by many organizations who apply location-based insights to solve problems and make our world a better place to live. We also actively support organizations involved in education, conservation, sustainable development, and humanitarian assistance. Learn more here: and
  • ETH Zürich - Weather and Climate Risks

    7 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 7 Followers
    Member since 23 November 2023
    Using state-​of-the-art probabilistic modelling, CLIMADA allows to estimate the expected economic damage as a measure of risk today, the incremental increase from economic growth and the further incremental increase due to climate change. The economics of climate adaptation methodology as implemented in CLIMADA provides decision makers with a fact base to understand the impact of weather and climate on their economies, including cost/benefit perspectives on specific risk reduction measures. The model is well suited to provide an open and independent view on physical risk, in line with e.g. the TCFD (Task Force for Climate-​related Financial Disclosure), and underpins the Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA) approach. As of today, CLIMADA provides global coverage of major climate-​related extreme-​weather hazards at high resolution via a data API, namely (i) tropical cyclones, (ii) river flood, (iii) agro drought and (iv) European winter storms, all at 4km spatial resolution - wildfire to be added soon. For all hazards, historic and probabilistic event sets exist, for some also under select climate forcing scenarios (RCPs) at distinct time horizons (e.g. 2040).
  • ETH Zürich, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

    3 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 12 Followers
    Member since 1 September 2023
    Our research revolves around computational methods to convert image-like sensor data into models of the world. The data we are interested in comes from various sources, including consumer cameras, airborne mapping cameras, laser scanners, range cameras, optical and RADAR systems on remote sensing satellites, etc. The output we aim to deliver are maps and models of the environment, such as virtual 3D object models, or maps of elevation and land-cover. We focus on automatic image interpretation, i.e. we aim to create computer systems which can, with minimal user interaction, extract both accurate geometric measurements and useful semantic interpretations of the observed world from the image data.

    956 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 5 Members - 106 Followers
    Member since 29 April 2022
    FEWS NET, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network, is a leading provider of early warning and analysis on acute food insecurity around the world.
  • FieldMaps

    5 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 1 Member - 97 Followers
    Member since 19 January 2022
    FieldMaps builds mobile, offline, interactive reference maps & globally aggregated datasets for humanitarian use. We leverage open source tools to automate the production of very high resolution outputs from a wide variety of sources. Our algorithm for edge extending allows us to create global edge-matched administrative boundaries updated frequently with new sources.
  • Fields Data

    61 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 9 Members - 183 Followers
    Member since 22 September 2020
    Fields Data is a humanitarian data-preparedness organisation leveraging local expertise to mitigate the effects of disasters. We collect and share organizational information to facilitate partnerships and help projects increase their efficiencies and social impact. We envision a humanitarian and development community working together to reduce duplication, optimise resources and maximise their impacts.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations

    440 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 13 Members - 710 Followers
    Member since 21 November 2014
    The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Our goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. With 195 members - 194 countries and the European Union, FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide.
  • Food Security and Nutrition Working Group, West and Central Africa

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 21 Members - 124 Followers
    Member since 18 April 2018
    Food Security and Nutrition Working Group, West and Central Africa
  • Food Security Information Network

    3 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 27 Followers
    Member since 5 July 2023
    The Food Security Information Network (FSIN) facilitates the exchange of technical expertise, knowledge and best practice among food security and nutrition practitioners. Its purpose is to promote timely, independent and consensus-based information about food crises, while also highlighting and addressing critical data gaps. FSIN coordinates the publication of the Global Report on Food Crises.
  • geoBoundaries

    130 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 202 Followers
    Member since 3 September 2021
    The geoBoundaries Global Database of Political Administrative Boundaries Database is an online, open license resource of boundaries (i.e., state, county) for every country in the world. We currently track approximately 1 million boundaries within over 200 entities, including all 195 UN member states. All boundaries are available to view or download in common file formats, including shapefiles; we seek to represent countries as they would represent themselves in the case of conflicted boundaries.
  • GeoThings

    2 Datasets - 0 Archived Datasets - 3 Members - 258 Followers
    Member since 18 December 2017
    GeoThings was funded in 2015, a spin-off company from Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan as the very first technical-oriented social enterprise, focused on information coordination for disaster and emergency preparedness and response. With the investments from the technical industrial leaders, GeoThings started its journey aiming for the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as the assistant tool and coordination platform for pre-disaster preparedness, in-disaster response, and post-disaster assessment. Not only cooperating with the regional organizations and non-government organizations, GeoThings actively participates in various international activities/communities and was invited as an expert observer of UN-GGIM, co-worked with OCHA on MicroMappers project, became the member of OGC, and partnered with Mapbox, Planet Labs, Digital Humanitarian Networks (DHN), and Humanitarian OSM Team (HOT). Our major software service, geoBingAn, which means “all the best” in Taiwanese, is an App/Web service platform that is currently used by various organizations and agencies. The geoBingAn service has been adopted by some of the city-level government agencies in Taiwan that allows the citizens to report issues such as street light outage to government, and further extended with Asian Development Bank for regional capacity building to strengthen the disaster resilience and emergency response in Armenia, Bangladesh, Fiji, and Philippines.
  • Ginkgo Biosecurity

    1 Dataset - 0 Archived Datasets - 2 Members - 56 Followers
    Member since 26 March 2020
    Ginkgo Biosecurity, the biosecurity and public health unit of Ginkgo Bioworks, is building global infrastructure for biosecurity to empower governments, communities, and public health leaders to prevent, detect, and respond to a wide variety of biological threats. For more information, visit