HXLated csv containing Health indicators
Indicators: Adolescent fertility rate, Age dependency ratio, Birth rate, Death rate, Fertility rate, International migrant stock, Life expectancy at birth, Mortality rate, Net migration, People practicing open defecation, People using at least basic drinking water services, People using at least basic sanitation services, People using safely managed drinking water services, Population, Population ages 0-14, Population ages 00-04, Population ages 05-09, Population ages 10-14, Population ages 15-19, Population ages 15-64, Population ages 20-24, Population ages 25-29, Population ages 30-34, Population ages 35-39, Population ages 40-44, Population ages 45-49, Population ages 50-54, Population ages 55-59, Population ages 60-64, Population ages 65 and above, Population ages 65-69, Population ages 70-74, Population ages 75-79, Population ages 80 and above, Population growth, Sex ratio at birth, Survival to age 65