See resource descriptions below for links to indicator metadata
Sao Tome and Principe - Health Indicators
Modified: 15 January 2025
Health systems: Care-seeking by type of patient and source of care (%), Total density per 100 000 population: Hospitals, Total density per 100 000 population: Health posts, Total density per 100 000 population: Health centres, Total density per 100 000 population: District/rural hospitals, Total density per 100 000 population: Provincial hospitals, Total density per 100 000 population: Specialized hospitals, Median availability of selected generic medicines (%) - Public, Median consumer price ratio of selected generic medicines - Public, Hospital beds (per 10 000 population), Median consumer price ratio of selected generic medicines - Private
Modified: 15 January 2025
Malaria: Estimated number of malaria cases, Estimated number of malaria deaths, Number of confirmed malaria cases, Estimated malaria incidence (per 1000 population at risk), Estimated malaria mortality rate (per 100 000 population), Number of imported malaria cases, Number of indigenous malaria cases, Number of malaria positive cases by microscopy, Number of malaria suspects examined by microscopy, Number of indigenous P. falciparum malaria cases, Number of presumed malaria cases, Number of indigenous P. vivax malaria cases, Number of malaria positive cases by rapid diagnostic test (RDT), Number of suspected malaria cases, Total number of malaria cases (presumed + confirmed cases)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Tuberculosis: Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100 000 population per year), Tuberculosis treatment coverage, New cases tested for RR-/MDR-TB (%), Previously treated cases tested for RR-/MDR-TB (%), Treatment success rate for patients treated for MDR-TB (%), Cases started on MDR-TB treatment, Treatment success rate: new TB cases, Tuberculosis - new and relapse cases, Treatment success rate: previously treated TB cases, Treatment success rate: HIV-positive TB cases, Treatment success rate: XDR-TB cases, Number of incident tuberculosis cases, Number of incident tuberculosis cases in children aged 0 - 14, Estimated number of MDR/RR-TB incident cases, Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100 000 population) (HIV-positive cases), Number of incident tuberculosis cases, (HIV-positive cases), HIV-positive TB patients on ART (antiretroviral therapy) (%), TB patients with known HIV status (%), Tested TB patients HIV-positive (%), Confirmed cases of RR-/MDR-TB
Modified: 15 January 2025
Neglected tropical diseases: Number of new reported cases of human African trypanosomiasis (T.b. gambiense), Number of new reported cases of human African trypanosomiasis (T.b. rhodesiense), Status of elimination of trachoma as a public health problem, Population in areas that warrant treatment with antibiotics, facial cleanliness and environmental improvement for elimination of trachoma as a public health problem, Number of people who received treatment with antibiotics for trachoma, Number of confirmed cases of Buruli ulcer reported, Status of endemicity of Buruli ulcer, Number of suspected cases of Buruli ulcer reported, Estimated number of individuals in the country requiring preventive chemotherapy for onchocerciasis, Status of endemicity of onchocerciasis, Reported number of individuals treated for onchocerciasis, Number of people operated for trachomatous trichiasis, Status of endemicity of Taenia solium, Number of pigs in the country, Practice of backyard pig production, Status of yaws endemicity, Number of confirmed yaws cases reported
Modified: 15 January 2025
Nutrition: Mean hemoglobin level of children aged 6-59 months, Mean hemoglobin level of non-pregnant women (aged 15-49 years), Mean hemoglobin level of pregnant women (aged 15-49 years), Mean hemoglobin level of women of reproductive age (aged 15-49 years), Low birth weight number (in thousands), Low birth weight prevalence (%), Prevalence of underweight among adults, BMI < 18 (age-standardized estimate) (%), Prevalence of underweight among adults, BMI < 18 (crude estimate) (%), Prevalence of overweight among adults, BMI ≥ 25 (age-standardized estimate) (%), Prevalence of overweight among adults, BMI ≥ 25 (crude estimate) (%), Prevalence of obesity among adults, BMI ≥ 30 (age-standardized estimate) (%), Prevalence of obesity among adults, BMI ≥ 30 (crude estimate) (%), Prevalence of thinness among children and adolescents, BMI +1 standard deviations above the median (crude estimate) (%), Prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents, BMI > +2 standard deviations above the median (crude estimate) (%), Overweight numbers among children under 5 years of age (millions), model-based estimates, Early initiation of breastfeeding (%), Number of children aged 6-59 months with anaemia (thousands), Prevalence of anaemia in children aged 6-59 months (%), Number of non-pregnant women (aged 15-49 years) with anaemia (thousands), Prevalence of anaemia in non-pregnant women (aged 15-49) (%), Number of pregnant women (aged 15-49 years) with anaemia (thousands), Number of women of reproductive age (aged 15-49 years) with anaemia (thousands), Prevalence of anaemia in women of reproductive age (aged 15-49) (%), Stunting prevalence among children under 5 years of age (% height-for-age +2 SD), survey-based estimates, Underweight prevalence among children under 5 years of age (% weight-for-age <-2 SD), survey-based estimates, Wasting prevalence among children under 5 years of age (% weight-for-height <-2 SD), survey-based estimates, Severe wasted prevalence among children under 5 years of age (% weight-for-height <-3 SD), survey-based estimates, Severe wasted numbers among children under 5 years of age (millions), model-based estimates, Severe wasted prevalence among children under 5 years of age (%), model-based estimates, Stunting numbers among children under 5 years of age (millions), model-based estimates, Stunting prevalence among children under 5 years of age (% height-for-age <-2 SD), model-based estimates, Underweight numbers among children under 5 years of age (millions), model-based estimates, Underweight prevalence among children under 5 years of age (%), model-based estimates, Wasted numbers among children under 5 years of age (millions), model-based estimates, Wasted prevalence among children under 5 years of age (%), model-based estimates, Continued breastfeeding 12-23 months, Exclusive breastfeeding under six months, Exclusively breastfed for the first two days after birth, Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, Children born in the last 24 months, Ever breastfed, Egg and/or Flesh Food Consumption 6-23 months, Introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods 6-8 months, Minimum Acceptable Diet 6-23 months, Minimum dietary diversity 6-23 months, Minimum Meal Frequency 6-23 months, Zero vegetable or fruit consumption, 6-23 months, Preterm birth (number), Preterm birth rate (per 100 live births), Infants exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life (%)
Modified: 15 January 2025
World Health Statistics: Joint effects of air pollution attributable deaths, Number of under-five deaths, Number of infant deaths, Number of neonatal deaths, Number of deaths among children ages 5 to 9 years, Number of deaths among adolescents (10 to 19 years of age), Households with out-of-pocket payments greater than 40% of capacity to pay for health care (food, housing and utilities approach - developed by WHO/Europe) (%, national), Population with household spending on health greater than 10% of total household budget (SDG 3.8.2, estimated data) (millions), Population with household spending on health greater than 10% of total household budget (SDG 3.8.2, estimated data) (%), Population with household spending on health greater than 10% of total household budget (SDG 3.8.2, reported data) (%), Population with household spending on health greater than 25% of total household budget (SDG 3.8.2, estimated data) (%), Population with household spending on health greater than 25% of total household budget (SDG 3.8.2, reported data) (%), Households impoverished by out-of-pocket payments (relative poverty line reflecting basic needs: food, housing, utilities - developed by WHO/Europe) (%, national), Households further impoverished by out-of-pocket payments (relative poverty line reflecting basic needs: food, housing, utilities - developed by WHO/Europe) (%, national), Households pushed below or further below a relative poverty line (reflecting basic needs: food, housing, utilities - developed by WHO/Europe) by out-of-pocket payments (%, national), Population pushed below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%), Population pushed below the $2.15 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Population pushed below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Population pushed below the $3.65 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Population pushed below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures - 60% of median daily per capita consumption or income (%, national, rural, urban), Total population pushed below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions), Total population pushed below the $2.15 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed below the $2.15 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Total population pushed below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions), Total population pushed below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Total population pushed below the $3.65 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed below the $3.65 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Total population pushed below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures - 60% of median daily per capita consumption or income (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures - 60% of median daily per capita consumption or income (%, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Population pushed further below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Population pushed further below the $2.15 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Total population pushed further below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Population pushed further below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Population pushed further below the $3.65 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Population pushed further below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures - 60% of median daily per capita consumption or income (%, national, rural, urban), Total population pushed further below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures - 60% of median daily per capita consumption or income (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed further below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures - 60% of median daily per capita consumption or income (%, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $2.15 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $2.15 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $3.65 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $3.65 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Current health expenditure (CHE) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) (%), Current health expenditure (CHE) per capita in US$, External health expenditure (EXT) as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%), External health expenditure (EXT) per capita in US$, Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%), Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) (%), Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) as percentage of general government expenditure (GGE) (%), Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) per capita in US$, Out-of-pocket expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%), Out-of-pocket expenditure (OOP) per capita in US$, Domestic private health expenditure (PVT-D) as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%), Domestic private health expenditure (PVT-D) per capita in US$, Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV, Number of people dying from HIV-related causes, Number of new HIV infections, Medical doctors (per 10,000), Medical doctors (number), Generalist medical practitioners (number), Specialist medical practitioners (number), Medical doctors not further defined (number), Nursing and midwifery personnel (per 10,000), Nursing and midwifery personnel (number), Nursing personnel (number), Midwifery personnel (number), Dentists (per 10,000), Dentists (number), Dental Assistants and Therapists (number), Dental Prosthetic Technicians (number), Pharmacists (number), Pharmaceutical Technicians and Assistants (number), Environmental and Occupational Health and Hygiene Professionals (number), Environmental and Occupational Health Inspectors and Associates (number), Medical and Pathology Laboratory scientists (number), Medical and Pathology Laboratory Technicians (number), Physiotherapists (number), Physiotherapy Technicians and Assistants (number), Community Health Workers (number), Proportion of vaccination cards seen (%), Estimated malaria incidence (per 1000 population at risk), Measles-containing-vaccine second-dose (MCV2) immunization coverage by the nationally recommended age (%), Infant mortality rate (probability of dying between birth and age 1 per 1000 live births), Adolescent birth rate (per 1000 women), Under-five mortality rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births), Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100 000 population per year), Prevalence of HIV among adults aged 15 to 49 (%), Mental health policy, Stand-alone policy or plan for mental health, Stand-alone mental health legislation, Government expenditures on mental health as a percentage of total government expenditures on health (%), Adolescent mortality rate (per 1 000 age specific cohort), Number of deaths, Deaths per 1 000 live births, Distribution of causes of death among children aged < 5 years (%), Estimate of current cigarette smoking prevalence (%) (age-standardized rate), Estimate of current tobacco smoking prevalence (%) (age-standardized rate), Estimate of current tobacco use prevalence (%) (age-standardized rate), Probability (%) of dying between age 30 and exact age 70 from any of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease, Prevalence of underweight among adults, BMI < 18 (age-standardized estimate) (%), Prevalence of underweight among adults, BMI < 18 (crude estimate) (%), Prevalence of overweight among adults, BMI ≥ 25 (age-standardized estimate) (%), Prevalence of overweight among adults, BMI ≥ 25 (crude estimate) (%), Prevalence of obesity among adults, BMI ≥ 30 (age-standardized estimate) (%), Prevalence of obesity among adults, BMI ≥ 30 (crude estimate) (%), Prevalence of thinness among children and adolescents, BMI +1 standard deviations above the median (crude estimate) (%), Prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents, BMI > +2 standard deviations above the median (crude estimate) (%), General availability of ACE inhibitors in the public health sector, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of alcohol use disorders, General availability of Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) in the public health sector, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, General availability of aspirin (100 mg) in the public health sector, General availability of blood pressure measurement at the primary health care level, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of cancer, General availability of CC blockers in the public health sector, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for chronic respiratory diseases, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of chronic respiratory diseases, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for cardiovascular diseases, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of cardiovascular diseases, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for cancer, General availability of total cholesterol measurement at the primary health care level, General availability of combination budesonide formoterol inhaler in the public health sector, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of diabetes, Implementation of a nutrition public awareness program, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for diabetes, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to reduce unhealthy diet related to NCDs, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for eye health, Existence of tax on foods high in fat, sugars or salt, General availability of diabetes testing (by HbA1c) at the primary health care level, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for hearing health, General availability of insulin in the public health sector, General availability of Fixed dose combination avail (lisinopril + amlodipine) in the public health sector, General availability of Fixed dose combination avail (lisinopril + hydrochlorothiazide) in the public health sector, General availability of metformin in the public health sector, Existence of any policies on marketing of foods to children, Existence of a national multisectoral commission, agency or mechanism for NCDs, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of major NCDs through a primary care approach, Existence of an Operational Unit, Branch, or Dept. in Ministry of Health with responsibility for NCDs, General availability of nicotine replacement therapy in the public health sector, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of overweight/obesity, General availability of oral morphine in the public health sector, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to reduce overweight/obesity, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to reduce physical inactivity, Existence of national guidelines for physical activity, Existence of national guidelines for physical activity for children and adolescents aged 5-19, Existence of national guidelines for physical activity for adults, Existence of national guidelines for physical activity for older adults, Existence of national guidelines for physical activity for children under 5, Implementation of a recent mass participation event, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of physical inactivity, Existence of policy promoting physical activity: active ageing, Existence of policy promoting physical activity: childcare settings, Existence of policy promoting physical activity: community-based and sports initiatives, Existence of policy promoting physical activity: public open spaces, Existence of policy promoting physical activity: walking and cycling, Existence of policy promoting physical activity: workplace initiatives, Existence of tax incentives to promote physical activity, Existence of price subsidies for healthy foods, General availability of peak flow measurement at the primary health care level, Existence of tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, Existence of any policies to reduce population salt consumption, Existence of national policies on saturated fatty acids / trans-fats, General availability of spirometry at the primary health care level, General availability of statins in the public health sector, General availability of steroid inhalers in the public health sector, General availability of Fixed dose combination avail (telmisartan + amlodipine) in the public health sector, General availability of Fixed dose combination avail (telmisartan + hydrochlorothiazide) in the public health sector, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of tobacco dependence, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to decrease tobacco use, Existence of national policies on trans-fatty acid elimination, General availability of urine testing for albumin, General availability of alteplase for acute stroke management in the public health system, General availability of beta blockers in the public health sector, General availability of bone marrow transplantation in the public health system, Existence of national screening program for breast cancer, Most widely used screening method in national cervical cancer screening program, Existence of national screening program for cervical cancer, General availability of coronary bypass or stenting in the public health system, General availability of diabetic retinopathy screening in the public health system, General availability of diabetes testing (by blood glucose measurement, OGTT) at the primary health care level, General availability of dialysis in the public health system, General availability of dilated fundus examination at the primary health care level, General availability of foot vibration perception by tuning fork at the primary health care level, Existence of an operational, multisectoral national NCD policy, strategy or action plan that integrates several NCDs and their risk factors, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for oral health, Implementation of physical activity public awareness program, General availability of palliative care in community or home-based care in the public health system, General availability of palliative care in primary health care in the public health system, General availability of retinal photocoagulation in the public health system, General availability of renal replacement by transplantation in the public health system, Availability of cardiovascular risk stratification in 50% or more primary health care facilities, Provision for care of acute stroke and rehabilitation in more than 50% of public sector health facilities, General availability of sulphonylurea(s) in the public health sector, Existence of a set of time-bound national targets based on WHO guidance, General availability of thrombolytic therapy in the public health system, General availability of urine strips for glucose and ketone measurement at the primary health care level, Mean HDL cholesterol, age-standardized, Mean HDL cholesterol, crude, Mean Non-HDL cholesterol, age-standardized, Mean Non-HDL cholesterol, crude, Mean total cholesterol, age-standardized, Mean total cholesterol, crude, Prevalence of cervical cancer screening among women aged 30-49 years (%), Prevalence of diabetes, age-standardized, Prevalence of diabetes, crude, Diabetes treatment coverage, age-standardized, Total NCD Deaths (in thousands), Prevalence of insufficient physical activity among adults aged 18+ years (age-standardized estimate) (%), Prevalence of insufficient physical activity among adults aged 18+ years (crude estimate) (%), Insufficiently active (crude estimate), Premature deaths due to noncommunicable diseases (NCD) as a proportion of all NCD deaths, Overweight numbers among children under 5 years of age (millions), model-based estimates, Prevalence of anaemia in children aged 6-59 months (%), Prevalence of anaemia in non-pregnant women (aged 15-49) (%), Prevalence of anaemia in women of reproductive age (aged 15-49) (%), Stunting prevalence among children under 5 years of age (% height-for-age +2 SD), survey-based estimates, Underweight prevalence among children under 5 years of age (% weight-for-age <-2 SD), survey-based estimates, Wasting prevalence among children under 5 years of age (% weight-for-height <-2 SD), survey-based estimates, Severe wasted prevalence among children under 5 years of age (% weight-for-height <-3 SD), survey-based estimates, Severe wasted numbers among children under 5 years of age (millions), model-based estimates, Severe wasted prevalence among children under 5 years of age (%), model-based estimates, Stunting numbers among children under 5 years of age (millions), model-based estimates, Stunting prevalence among children under 5 years of age (% height-for-age <-2 SD), model-based estimates, Underweight numbers among children under 5 years of age (millions), model-based estimates, Underweight prevalence among children under 5 years of age (%), model-based estimates, Wasted numbers among children under 5 years of age (millions), model-based estimates, Wasted prevalence among children under 5 years of age (%), model-based estimates, Pneumoccocal conjugate vaccines (PCV3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for cooking (%), Rotavirus vaccines completed dose (RotaC) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Estimated road traffic death rate (per 100 000 population), Alcohol, total per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) (SDG Indicator 3.5.2), three-year average, Proportion of health facilities with a core set of relevant essential medicines available and affordable on a sustainable basis, Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) prevalence among children under 5 years (%), New HIV infections (per 1000 uninfected population), HPV immunization coverage estimates among primary target cohort (9-14 years old girls) (%), Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls aged 15–49 years subjected to physical and/or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, Reported number of people requiring interventions against NTDs, Total net official development assistance to medical research and basic health sectors per capita (US$), by recipient country, Amount of water- and sanitation-related official development assistance that is part of a government-coordinated spending plan (constant 2022 US$ millions), Concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning (per 100 000 population), Crude suicide rates (per 100 000 population), Mortality rate attributed to exposure to unsafe WASH services (per 100 000 population) (SDG 3.9.2), Number of deaths attributed to non-communicable diseases, by type of disease and sex, Life expectancy at birth (years), Healthy life expectancy (HALE) at birth (years), Neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 live births), Healthy life expectancy (HALE) at age 60 (years), Stillbirth rate (per 1000 total births), Life expectancy at age 60 (years), Mortality rate among children ages 5 to 9 years (per 1000 children aged 5), Diphtheria - number of reported cases, Japanese encephalitis - number of reported cases, Pertussis - number of reported cases, Total tetanus - number of reported cases, Poliomyelitis - number of reported cases, Yellow fever - number of reported cases, Mumps - number of reported cases, Congenital Rubella Syndrome - number of reported cases, Neonatal tetanus - number of reported cases, Rubella - number of reported cases, Measles - number of reported cases, Hepatitis B (HepB3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Neonates protected at birth against neonatal tetanus (PAB) (%), Hib (Hib3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), BCG immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Polio (Pol3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Measles-containing-vaccine first-dose (MCV1) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), SDG 6.3.1 Proportion of safely treated domestic wastewater flows (%), Population with basic handwashing facilities at home (%), Population using at least basic sanitation services (%), Population using safely managed sanitation services (%), Population using at least basic drinking-water services (%), Population using safely managed drinking-water services (%)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Child mortality: Number of under-five deaths, Number of infant deaths, Number of neonatal deaths, Number of deaths among children ages 5 to 9 years, Number of deaths among adolescents (10 to 19 years of age), Infant mortality rate (probability of dying between birth and age 1 per 1000 live births), Under-five mortality rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births), Adolescent mortality rate (per 1 000 age specific cohort), Number of deaths, Deaths per 1 000 live births, Distribution of causes of death among children aged < 5 years (%), Neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 live births), Stillbirth rate (per 1000 total births), Mortality rate among children ages 5 to 9 years (per 1000 children aged 5)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Noncommunicable diseases: Estimate of current cigarette smoking prevalence (%), Estimate of current cigarette smoking prevalence (%) (age-standardized rate), Estimate of daily cigarette smoking prevalence (%) (age-standardized rate), Estimate of current tobacco smoking prevalence (%), Estimate of current tobacco smoking prevalence (%) (age-standardized rate), Estimate of daily tobacco smoking prevalence (%) (age-standardized rate), Estimate of current tobacco use prevalence (%), Estimate of current tobacco use prevalence (%) (age-standardized rate), Estimate of daily tobacco use prevalence (%) (age-standardized rate), Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies, Probability (%) of dying between age 30 and exact age 70 from any of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease, Prevalence of underweight among adults, BMI < 18 (age-standardized estimate) (%), Prevalence of underweight among adults, BMI < 18 (crude estimate) (%), Prevalence of overweight among adults, BMI ≥ 25 (age-standardized estimate) (%), Prevalence of overweight among adults, BMI ≥ 25 (crude estimate) (%), Prevalence of obesity among adults, BMI ≥ 30 (age-standardized estimate) (%), Prevalence of obesity among adults, BMI ≥ 30 (crude estimate) (%), Prevalence of thinness among children and adolescents, BMI +1 standard deviations above the median (crude estimate) (%), Prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents, BMI > +2 standard deviations above the median (crude estimate) (%), General availability of ACE inhibitors in the public health sector, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of alcohol use disorders, Has conducted a recent, national adult risk factor survey covering harmful alcohol use, General availability of Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) in the public health sector, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, General availability of aspirin (100 mg) in the public health sector, Has conducted a recent, national adult risk factor survey covering raised blood pressure/hypertension, General availability of blood pressure measurement at the primary health care level, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of cancer, General availability of CC blockers in the public health sector, Has conducted a recent, national adult risk factor survey covering raised total cholesterol, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for chronic respiratory diseases, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of chronic respiratory diseases, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for cardiovascular diseases, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of cardiovascular diseases, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for cancer, Existence of population-based cancer registry, General availability of total cholesterol measurement at the primary health care level, General availability of combination budesonide formoterol inhaler in the public health sector, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of diabetes, Has conducted a recent, national adult risk factor survey covering raised blood glucose/diabetes, Implementation of a nutrition public awareness program, Has conducted a recent, national adult risk factor survey covering unhealthy diet, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for diabetes, Existence of a diabetes registry, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to reduce unhealthy diet related to NCDs, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for eye health, Existence of tax on foods high in fat, sugars or salt, General availability of diabetes testing (by HbA1c) at the primary health care level, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for hearing health, General availability of insulin in the public health sector, General availability of Fixed dose combination avail (lisinopril + amlodipine) in the public health sector, General availability of Fixed dose combination avail (lisinopril + hydrochlorothiazide) in the public health sector, General availability of metformin in the public health sector, Existence of any policies on marketing of foods to children, Existence of a national multisectoral commission, agency or mechanism for NCDs, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of major NCDs through a primary care approach, Existence of an Operational Unit, Branch, or Dept. in Ministry of Health with responsibility for NCDs, General availability of nicotine replacement therapy in the public health sector, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of overweight/obesity, Has conducted a recent, national adult risk factor survey covering overweight and obesity, General availability of oral morphine in the public health sector, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to reduce overweight/obesity, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to reduce physical inactivity, Existence of national guidelines for physical activity, Existence of national guidelines for physical activity for children and adolescents aged 5-19, Existence of national guidelines for physical activity for adults, Existence of national guidelines for physical activity for older adults, Existence of national guidelines for physical activity for children under 5, Implementation of a recent mass participation event, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of physical inactivity, Existence of policy promoting physical activity: active ageing, Existence of policy promoting physical activity: childcare settings, Existence of policy promoting physical activity: community-based and sports initiatives, Existence of policy promoting physical activity: public open spaces, Existence of policy promoting physical activity: walking and cycling, Existence of policy promoting physical activity: workplace initiatives, Has conducted a recent, national adult risk factor survey covering physical inactivity, Existence of tax incentives to promote physical activity, Has a STEPS survey or a comprehensive health examination survey every 5 years, Existence of price subsidies for healthy foods, General availability of peak flow measurement at the primary health care level, Has conducted a recent, national adult risk factor survey covering salt/sodium intake, Existence of tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, Existence of any policies to reduce population salt consumption, Existence of national policies on saturated fatty acids / trans-fats, General availability of spirometry at the primary health care level, General availability of statins in the public health sector, General availability of steroid inhalers in the public health sector, General availability of Fixed dose combination avail (telmisartan + amlodipine) in the public health sector, General availability of Fixed dose combination avail (telmisartan + hydrochlorothiazide) in the public health sector, Existence of evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for the management of tobacco dependence, Has conducted a recent, national adult risk factor survey covering tobacco use, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan to decrease tobacco use, Existence of national policies on trans-fatty acid elimination, General availability of urine testing for albumin, General availability of alteplase for acute stroke management in the public health system, General availability of beta blockers in the public health sector, General availability of bone marrow transplantation in the public health system, Existence of national screening program for breast cancer, Most widely used screening method in national cervical cancer screening program, Existence of national screening program for cervical cancer, General availability of coronary bypass or stenting in the public health system, General availability of diabetic retinopathy screening in the public health system, General availability of diabetes testing (by blood glucose measurement, OGTT) at the primary health care level, General availability of dialysis in the public health system, General availability of dilated fundus examination at the primary health care level, General availability of foot vibration perception by tuning fork at the primary health care level, Existence of an operational, multisectoral national NCD policy, strategy or action plan that integrates several NCDs and their risk factors, Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for oral health, Implementation of physical activity public awareness program, General availability of palliative care in community or home-based care in the public health system, General availability of palliative care in primary health care in the public health system, General availability of retinal photocoagulation in the public health system, General availability of renal replacement by transplantation in the public health system, Availability of cardiovascular risk stratification in 50% or more primary health care facilities, Provision for care of acute stroke and rehabilitation in more than 50% of public sector health facilities, General availability of sulphonylurea(s) in the public health sector, Existence of a set of time-bound national targets based on WHO guidance, General availability of thrombolytic therapy in the public health system, General availability of urine strips for glucose and ketone measurement at the primary health care level, Mean HDL cholesterol, age-standardized, Mean HDL cholesterol, crude, Mean Non-HDL cholesterol, age-standardized, Mean Non-HDL cholesterol, crude, Mean total cholesterol, age-standardized, Mean total cholesterol, crude, Prevalence of cervical cancer screening among women aged 30-49 years (%), Prevalence of diabetes, age-standardized, Prevalence of diabetes, crude, Diabetes treatment coverage, age-standardized, Total NCD Deaths (in thousands), Prevalence of insufficient physical activity among adults aged 18+ years (age-standardized estimate) (%), Prevalence of insufficient physical activity among adults aged 18+ years (crude estimate) (%), Insufficiently active (crude estimate), Premature deaths due to noncommunicable diseases (NCD) as a proportion of all NCD deaths, Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), by beverage type, Alcohol, total per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) (SDG Indicator 3.5.2), three-year average, Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), three-year average, Alcohol, unrecorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), three-year average, Crude suicide rates (per 100 000 population), Number of deaths attributed to non-communicable diseases, by type of disease and sex
Modified: 15 January 2025
Maternal and reproductive health: Mean hemoglobin level of non-pregnant women (aged 15-49 years), Mean hemoglobin level of pregnant women (aged 15-49 years), Mean hemoglobin level of women of reproductive age (aged 15-49 years), Adolescent birth rate (per 1000 women), Births attended by skilled health personnel (%), Number of non-pregnant women (aged 15-49 years) with anaemia (thousands), Prevalence of anaemia in non-pregnant women (aged 15-49) (%), Number of pregnant women (aged 15-49 years) with anaemia (thousands), Number of women of reproductive age (aged 15-49 years) with anaemia (thousands), Prevalence of anaemia in women of reproductive age (aged 15-49) (%), Proportion of births delivered in a health facility (Facility births) (%), Births by caesarean section (%), Antenatal care coverage - at least four visits (%)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Air pollution: Household air pollution attributable deaths, Household air pollution attributable DALYs, Joint effects of air pollution attributable deaths, Household air pollution attributable DALYs (per 100 000, age-standardized), Ambient air pollution attributable deaths, Ambient air pollution attributable death rate (per 100 000 population, age-standardized), Household air pollution attributable death rate (per 100 000 population, age-standardized), Household and ambient air pollution attributable DALYs, Household and ambient air pollution attributable DALYs (per 100 000 capita, age-standardized), Ambient air pollution attributable DALYs, Ambient air pollution attributable DALYs (per 100 000 population, age-standardized), Population with primary reliance on fuels and technologies for cooking, by fuel type (in millions), Population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for cooking (in millions), Population with primary reliance on polluting fuels and technologies for cooking (in millions), Proportion of population with primary reliance on fuels and technologies for cooking, by fuel type (%), Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for cooking (%), Proportion of population with primary reliance on polluting fuels and technologies for cooking (%), Concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning (per 100 000 population), Mortality rate attributed to exposure to unsafe WASH services (per 100 000 population) (SDG 3.9.2)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Dementia diagnosis, treatment and care: Total density per 100 000 population: Hospitals, Existence of dementia national nongovernmental organization, Dementia nongovernmental organization equipped with office, Dementia nongovernmental organization office branches (Sub-national), Dementia nongovernmental organization office branches (Local), Dementia nongovernmental organization office branches (National only), Dementia nongovernmental organization staff primarily salaried/volunteer, Provision of governmental funding to dementia nongovernmental organization for activities/services, Dementia nongovernmental organization's involvement in policy development, Implementation level of dementia standards/ guidelines/ protocols (National), Implementation level of dementia standards/ guidelines/ protocols (Sub-national), Existence of approved government dementia standards/ guidelines/ protocols, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for prevention and risk reduction of dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for diagnosis of dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for management of dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for other post-diagnostic supports of people with dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for treatment and support of carers and families of people with dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for advance care directives, power of attorney or guardianship for people with dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for palliative and end-of-life care for people with dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols of care in nursing & residential care facilities for people with dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols of care in hospital for people with dementia, Availability of mechanisms to coordinate dementia care across sectors, Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Health), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Social), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Education), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Employment), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Justice), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Housing), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Civil society), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Private sector), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Other), Implementation level [national/subnational] of dementia care coordination, Presence of formal agreement/joint plan for dementia care coordination, Availability of dementia care coordination standards/ guidelines/ protocols, Availability of dementia diagnostic rate, Existence of community-based health or social care services for dementia, Availability of diagnostic services in community for dementia, Availability of behaviour and psychological management in community for dementia, Availability of psychosocial and rehabilitation services in community for dementia, Availability of activities of daily living support services in community for dementia, Availability of palliative and end-of-life care services in community for dementia, Availability of social and financial protection for dementia, Accessibility of diagnostic services in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Accessibility of behaviour and psychological management in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Accessibility of psychosocial and rehabilitation services in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Accessibility of activities of daily living support services in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Accessibility of palliative and end-of-life care services in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Accessibility of social and financial protection for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Majority provider of diagnostic services in community for dementia [public, private], Majority provider of behaviour and psychological management in community for dementia [public, private], Majority provider of psychosocial and rehabilitation services in community for dementia [public, private], Majority provider of activities of daily living support services in community for dementia [public, private], Majority provider of palliative and end-of-life care services in community for dementia [public, private], Majority provider of social and financial protection for dementia [public, private], Estimated number of people receiving behaviour and psychological management services in community for dementia, Estimated number of people receiving psychosocial and rehabilitation services in community for dementia, Estimated number of people receiving activities of daily living support services in community for dementia, Estimated number of people receiving palliative and end-of-life care services in community for dementia, Estimated number of people with dementia receiving social and financial protection for dementia, Dementia care facilities [hospitals], Care facilities [long-term care], Care facilities [hospice centres], Adult day centres, Outpatient health centres, Estimated percentage of hospitals following national dementia standards, Estimated number of people with dementia living in residential long-term care, Estimated percentage of residential long-term care facilities following national dementia standards, Estimated number of people with dementia receiving services at outpatient health centre, Hospital beds (per 10 000 population)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Environment and health: Household air pollution attributable deaths, Household air pollution attributable DALYs, Joint effects of air pollution attributable deaths, Household air pollution attributable DALYs (per 100 000, age-standardized), Ambient air pollution attributable deaths, Ambient air pollution attributable death rate (per 100 000 population, age-standardized), Household air pollution attributable death rate (per 100 000 population, age-standardized), Household and ambient air pollution attributable DALYs, Household and ambient air pollution attributable DALYs (per 100 000 capita, age-standardized), Ambient air pollution attributable DALYs, Ambient air pollution attributable DALYs (per 100 000 population, age-standardized), Climate change attributable deaths, Climate change attributable DALYs ('000), Climate change attributable deaths per 100'000 capita, Climate change attributable DALYs per 100'000 capita, Climate change attributable deaths ('000) in children under 5 years, Climate change attributable deaths per 100'000 children under 5 years, Climate change attributable DALYs ('000) in children under 5 years, Climate change attributable DALYs per 100'000 children under 5 years, Electric field (kV/m), Electric field (V/m), Magnetic flux density (microT), Power density (W/m^2), Power frequency (Hz), Specific absorption rate (SAR) (W/kg), Existence of standards, Legislative status, Occupational carcinogens attributable DALYs ('000), Occupational carcinogens attributable deaths per 100'000 capita, Occupational carcinogens attributable DALYs per 100'000 capita, Occupational noise attributable DALYs ('000), Occupational noise attributable DALYs per 100'000 capita, Occupational ergonomic stressors attributable deaths, Occupational ergonomic stressors attributable DALYs ('000), Occupational ergonomic stressors attributable deaths per 100'000 capita, Occupational ergonomic stressors attributable DALYs per 100'000 capita, Occupational injuries attributable deaths, Occupational injuries attributable DALYs ('000), Occupational injuries attributable deaths per 100'000 capita, Occupational airborne particulates attributable deaths, Occupational airborne particulates attributable DALYs ('000), Occupational airborne particulates attributable deaths per 100'000 capita, Occupational airborne particulates attributable DALYs per 100'000 capita, Occupational carcinogens attributable deaths, Population with primary reliance on fuels and technologies for cooking, by fuel type (in millions), Population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for cooking (in millions), Population with primary reliance on polluting fuels and technologies for cooking (in millions), Proportion of population with primary reliance on fuels and technologies for cooking, by fuel type (%), Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for cooking (%), Proportion of population with primary reliance on polluting fuels and technologies for cooking (%), Existence of any subnational radon activity, Existence of national radon survey(s), National radon concentration levels, Existence of national radon database, Data in national radon database, Existence of national radon map, Existence of national radon regulations, Radon in building regulations for new buildings, Radon in building regulations for existing buildings i.e. renovation/remodeling/major alteration, Existence of national reference level for dwellings and buildings with high public occupancy, Reference level for dwellings (Bq/m3), Reference level for buildings with high public occupancy (Bq/m3), Existence of national reference level for workplaces, Reference level for workplaces (Bq/m3), Existence of official protocols for radon measurements, Radon concentration measurements for new buildings, Radon concentration measurements for existing buildings, Authorization/accreditation required for official radon measurement providers, Mandatory preventive measures (new buildings), Mandatory mitigation measures if legal value is exceeded (existing buildings), Financial support provided for mitigation (existing dwellings), Official standards/guidelines for prevention/mitigation, Existence of training/education on prevention/mitigation, Inclusion of radon education for building professionals, Amount of water- and sanitation-related official development assistance that is part of a government-coordinated spending plan (constant 2022 US$ millions), Concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning (per 100 000 population), Mortality rate attributed to exposure to unsafe WASH services (per 100 000 population) (SDG 3.9.2), Percentage of children under 15 years exposed to second-hand smoke, Second-hand smoke attributable DALYs ('000) in children under 5 years, Second-hand smoke attributable DALYs per 100'000 children under 5 years, Percentage of women (15+ years) exposed to second-hand smoke, Percentage of men (15+ years) exposed to second-hand smoke, Second-hand smoke attributable deaths, Second-hand smoke attributable DALYs ('000), Second-hand smoke attributable deaths per 100'000 capita, Second-hand smoke attributable DALYs per 100'000 capita, Second-hand smoke attributable deaths ('000) in children under 5 years, Second-hand smoke attributable deaths per 100'000 children under 5 years, Existence of national regulation, Access restrictions, Information requirements, Deaths attributable to the environment, Age-standardized deaths attributable to the environment (per 100 000 population), Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) attributable to the environment, Age-standardized DALYs attributable to the environment (per 100 000 population), Deaths attributable to the environment (%), Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) attributable to the environment (%), SDG 6.3.1 Proportion of safely treated domestic wastewater flows (%), Population using at least basic sanitation services (%), Population using safely managed sanitation services (%), Population using safely managed drinking-water services (%)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Global Dementia Observatory (GDO): Total density per 100 000 population: Hospitals, Identification of other plans in which dementia is integrated (Ageing), Identification of other plans in which dementia is integrated (Disability), Identification of other plans in which dementia is integrated (Mental health), Identification of other plans in which dementia is integrated (NCD), National regulator approval of anti-dementia medication, Availability of generic anti-dementia medication, Availability of at least one anti-dementia medication approved for on-label use reimbursement, Availability of atleast one adult hygiene products for people with dementia, Availability of atleast one housing adjustment for people with dementia, Availability of atleast one assistive technology for people with dementia, Existence of dementia national nongovernmental organization, Dementia nongovernmental organization equipped with office, Dementia nongovernmental organization office branches (Sub-national), Dementia nongovernmental organization office branches (Local), Dementia nongovernmental organization office branches (National only), Dementia nongovernmental organization staff primarily salaried/volunteer, Provision of governmental funding to dementia nongovernmental organization for activities/services, Dementia nongovernmental organization's involvement in policy development, Existence of dementia carer support services, Implementation level [national/subnational] of dementia carer support services, Existence of dedicated resources for dementia carer support services, Existence of implementation plan for dementia carer support services, Existence of respite care for dementia carers, Existence of financial benefits/social protection for dementia carers, Accessibility of dementia carer training and education [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Majority provider of dementia carer training and education (NGO), Majority provider of dementia carer training and education (Private sector), Majority provider of dementia carer training and education (Public sector), Accessibility of psycho-social supports for dementia carers [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Majority provider of psycho-social supports for dementia carers (NGO), Majority provider of psycho-social supports for dementia carers (Private sector), Majority provider of psycho-social supports for dementia carers (Public sector), Accessibility of respite care for dementia carers [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Majority provider of respite care for dementia carers (NGO), Majority provider of respite care for dementia carers (Private sector), Majority provider of respite care for dementia carers (Public sector), Accessibility of financial benefits/social protection for dementia carers [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Majority provider of information on financial benefits/social protection for dementia carers (NGO), Majority provider of information on financial benefits/social protection for dementia carers (Private sector), Majority provider of information on financial benefits/social protection for dementia carers (Public sector), Estimated number of dementia carers receiving training and education, Estimated number of dementia carers receiving psycho-social supports, Estimated number of dementia carers receiving respite care, Estimated number of dementia carers receiving financial benefits/social protection, Existence of at least one functioning dementia awareness campaign, Implementation level [national/subnational] of dementia awareness campaign, Availability of dementia-friendly initiatives that improve accessibility, Existence of dementia-friendly initiative to improve accessibility of public spaces, Existence of dementia-friendly initiative to improve accessibility of public transportation, Existence of dementia-friendly initiative for assistance with home modification, Existence of dementia-friendly initiative with assistive technology for loss of capacity, Existence of dementia-friendly initiative supporting community places for older people, Existence of dementia-friendly initiative supporting social opportunities, Inclusion of dementia training and education for non-health workers, Existence of dementia training for volunteers, Existence of dementia training for police and fire services, Existence of dementia training for first responders, Existence of dementia training for legal professionals, Existence of dementia training for community workers, Existence of dementia training for school children, Existence of dementia training for financial service staff, Existence of dementia training for retail and hospitality staff, Routine monitoring of people with dementia, Availability of routine hospital admissions records for people with dementia for monitoring purposes, Availability of routine outpatient visit records for people with dementia for monitoring purposes, Availability of routine outpatient intervention and treatment records for people with dementia for monitoring purposes, Availability of routine pharmaceutical records for people with dementia for monitoring purposes, Availability of routine antipsychotic prescription records for people with dementia for monitoring purposes, Availability and status of dementia reporting in the past two years, Existence of a current dementia research plan/programme, Implementation level [national/subnational] of dementia research plan/programme, Dementia integrated into other national research plan/programme, Identification of other research plans in which dementia is integrated (Mental health), Identification of other research plans in which dementia is integrated (Ageing), Identification of other research plans in which dementia is integrated (Neuro or neurodegenerative disease), Identification of other research plans in which dementia is integrated (NCD), Implementation level [national/subnational] of research plan in which dementia is integrated, Availability of funding for dementia-specific research plan/programme, Total expenditure on dementia research (local currency, self-report), Total expenditure on dementia basic research (local currency, self-report), Total expenditure on dementia clinical/translational research (local currency, self-report), Total expenditure on dementia implementation research (local currency, self-report), Number of people with dementia involved in research routinely monitored, Availability of investigational pharmaceutical trials for dementia, Number of investigational pharmaceutical trials for dementia, Inclusion of dementia in ministry portfolio, Inclusion of dementia in a branch of government [health, ageing, social services, mental health, noncommunicable disease], Total number of published dementia research output, Existence of dementia national plan, Availability of funding for dementia national plan, Targets for monitoring implementation of dementia national plan, Identification of other plans in which dementia is integrated (Other), Existence of dementia sub-national plan(s), Percentage of sub-national regions covered by dementia plan, Existence of dementia legislation, Implementation level [national/subnational] of dementia legislation, Existence of other laws that apply to the rights of people with dementia, Existence of legislation for supported decision making for people with dementia, Existence of legislation to file appeals protecting the rights of people with dementia, Existence of legislation to promote community-based services for people with dementia, Existence of legislation to promote monitoring of human rights conditions of people with dementia in facilities where they reside, Existence of legislation to end coercieve practices for people with dementia, Existence of legislation for advanced care directives for people with dementia, Existence of legislation to end discrimination against people with dementia, Existence of legislation to end discrimination against carers of people with dementia, Implementation level of dementia standards/ guidelines/ protocols (National), Implementation level of dementia standards/ guidelines/ protocols (Sub-national), Existence of approved government dementia standards/ guidelines/ protocols, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for prevention and risk reduction of dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for diagnosis of dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for management of dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for other post-diagnostic supports of people with dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for treatment and support of carers and families of people with dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for advance care directives, power of attorney or guardianship for people with dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols for palliative and end-of-life care for people with dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols of care in nursing & residential care facilities for people with dementia, Existence of standards/ guidelines/ protocols of care in hospital for people with dementia, Availability of mechanisms to coordinate dementia care across sectors, Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Health), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Social), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Education), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Employment), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Justice), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Housing), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Civil society), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Private sector), Identification of different sectors in dementia care coordination (Other), Implementation level [national/subnational] of dementia care coordination, Presence of formal agreement/joint plan for dementia care coordination, Availability of dementia care coordination standards/ guidelines/ protocols, Inclusion of basic dementia competencies in training of physicians, Inclusion of basic dementia competencies in training of specialists, Inclusion of basic dementia competencies in training of nurses, Inclusion of basic dementia competencies in training of pharmaceutical personnel, Inclusion of basic dementia competencies in training of social workers, Inclusion of basic dementia competencies in training of personal support workers, Availability of dementia diagnostic rate, Existence of community-based health or social care services for dementia, Availability of diagnostic services in community for dementia, Availability of behaviour and psychological management in community for dementia, Availability of psychosocial and rehabilitation services in community for dementia, Availability of activities of daily living support services in community for dementia, Availability of palliative and end-of-life care services in community for dementia, Availability of social and financial protection for dementia, Accessibility of diagnostic services in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Accessibility of behaviour and psychological management in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Accessibility of psychosocial and rehabilitation services in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Accessibility of activities of daily living support services in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Accessibility of palliative and end-of-life care services in community for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Accessibility of social and financial protection for dementia [Capital/capital and main cities/capital, main cities, rural areas], Majority provider of diagnostic services in community for dementia [public, private], Majority provider of behaviour and psychological management in community for dementia [public, private], Majority provider of psychosocial and rehabilitation services in community for dementia [public, private], Majority provider of activities of daily living support services in community for dementia [public, private], Majority provider of palliative and end-of-life care services in community for dementia [public, private], Majority provider of social and financial protection for dementia [public, private], Estimated number of people receiving behaviour and psychological management services in community for dementia, Estimated number of people receiving psychosocial and rehabilitation services in community for dementia, Estimated number of people receiving activities of daily living support services in community for dementia, Estimated number of people receiving palliative and end-of-life care services in community for dementia, Estimated number of people with dementia receiving social and financial protection for dementia, Dementia care facilities [hospitals], Care facilities [long-term care], Care facilities [hospice centres], Adult day centres, Outpatient health centres, Outpatient social centres, Estimated percentage of hospitals following national dementia standards, Estimated number of people with dementia living in residential long-term care, Estimated percentage of residential long-term care facilities following national dementia standards, Estimated number of people with dementia receiving services at outpatient health centre, Estimated number of people with dementia receiving services at outpatient social centre, Hospital beds (per 10 000 population)
CSVGlobal Health Estimates: Life expectancy and leading causes of death and disability Indicators for Sao Tome and PrincipeModified: 15 January 2025
Global Health Estimates: Life expectancy and leading causes of death and disability: Number of under-five deaths, Number of infant deaths, Number of neonatal deaths, Number of deaths among children ages 5 to 9 years, Number of deaths among adolescents (10 to 19 years of age), Infant mortality rate (probability of dying between birth and age 1 per 1000 live births), Under-five mortality rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births), Age-standardized suicide rates (per 100 000 population), Adolescent mortality rate (per 1 000 age specific cohort), Number of deaths, Deaths per 1 000 live births, Distribution of causes of death among children aged < 5 years (%), Number of maternal deaths, Probability (%) of dying between age 30 and exact age 70 from any of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease, Total NCD Deaths (in thousands), Premature deaths due to noncommunicable diseases (NCD) as a proportion of all NCD deaths, Estimated number of road traffic deaths, Estimated road traffic death rate (per 100 000 population), Distribution of road traffic deaths by type of road user (%), Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning (per 100 000 population), Crude suicide rates (per 100 000 population), Number of deaths attributed to non-communicable diseases, by type of disease and sex, Life expectancy at birth (years), Healthy life expectancy (HALE) at birth (years), Neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 live births), Adult mortality rate (probability of dying between 15 and 60 years per 1000 population), Healthy life expectancy (HALE) at age 60 (years), Stillbirth rate (per 1000 total births), Life expectancy at age 60 (years), Mortality rate among children ages 5 to 9 years (per 1000 children aged 5)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Global Information System on Alcohol and Health: Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), by beverage type, Alcohol, drinkers only per capita (15+) consumption in litres of pure alcohol, three-year average, Alcohol, abstainers lifetime (%), age-standardized, Alcohol, abstainers past 12 months (%), age-standardized, Alcohol, consumers past 12 months (%), age-standardized, Alcohol, former drinkers (%), age-standardized, Alcohol dependence (15+ ), 12-month prevalence (%) with 95%CI, Alcohol use disorders (15+), 12 month prevalence (%) with 95%, Cautions and arrests for drink-driving, per 100,000 population, Alcohol-related road traffic crashes, per 100,000 population, Alcohol-related road traffic crashes (% of all traffic crashes), Alcoholic excise tax revenue as a per cent of government revenue, Annual revenues from alcohol excise tax in millions US$, Alcohol expenditure as a per cent of total household expenditure, Legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limits, Excise duty (average) per hectolitre in Euros, Awareness activities, Alcohol, total per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) (SDG Indicator 3.5.2), three-year average, Cautions and arrests for public drunkenness, per 100,000 population, Alcohol, heavy episodic drinking (15+) past 30 days (%), age-standardized, Alcohol-attributable fractions, all-cause deaths (%), Alcohol, regional prevalence of alcohol dependence (%), Alcohol, regional prevalence of alcohol use disorders (%), Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), three-year average, Alcohol, average daily intake in grams among drinkers, three-year average, Alcohol, harmful use (15+), 12 month prevalence (%) with 95%CI, 15-19 years old, current drinkers (%), National guidelines for the prevention and reduction of alcohol-related harm in schools, National guidelines for alcohol problem prevention and counselling at workplaces, Server training, Legislation on alcohol testing at workplaces, Standard drink defined, National systems for monitoring alcohol consumption and harms, National surveys on adult alcohol consumption, National surveys on youth alcohol consumption, 15-years old any alcoholic beverage consumed in past 12 months, (%), 15-years old first drink at 13 years or younger, (%), 15-years old any alcoholic beverage consumed in past 30 days, (%), 15-years old, any alcoholic beverage consumed at least once a week, (%), 13-15-years old any alcoholic beverage consumed in past 30 days, (%), 13-15-years old first drink before age 14, (%), Alcohol-related crimes (% of all crimes), Cancer, age-standardized death rates (15+), per 100,000 population, National system of epidemiological data collection for alcohol use, National system of data collection based on health service delivery, Report with epidemiological data on lcohol use and AUDs, Report with data from health services on alcohol use and AUDs, National organization for monitoring alcohol, Alcohol, total (recorded + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption, projections, Heavy episodic drinking (youth 15 -19 years) past 30 days (%), Heavy episodic drinking (youth 15 -19 years), drinkers only, past 30 days (%), Alcohol, unrecorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), three-year average, Alcohol, tourist consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), three-year average, Regional prevalence, AAFs ,all-cause deaths (%), Average price 500 mls Beer in US$, Average price 750 mls Wine in US$, Average price 500 mls Spirits in US$, Alcohol-attributable all-cause deaths per 100,000, age standardized, Alcohol-attributable DALYs per 100,000 people (age standardized)
Modified: 15 January 2025
HIV: Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV, Number of people dying from HIV-related causes, Testing and counselling facilities, reported number, Testing and counselling facilities, estimated number per 100 000 adult population, Reported number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy, Reported number of children receiving antiretroviral therapy, Number of pregnant women living with HIV who received antiretrovirals for preventing mother-to-child transmission, Estimated number of pregnant women living with HIV, Estimated number of pregnant women living with HIV needing antiretrovirals for preventing mother-to-child transmission, Estimated number of children needing antiretroviral therapy based on WHO methods, Estimated antiretroviral therapy coverage among children, Testing and counselling facilities, reporting period, Number of new HIV infections, Estimated antiretroviral therapy coverage among people living with HIV (%), Percentage of HIV-positive results returned to people in the calendar year, Prevalence of HIV among adults aged 15 to 49 (%), New HIV infections (per 1000 uninfected population)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Health financing: Current health expenditure (CHE) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) (%), Current health expenditure (CHE) per capita in US$, External health expenditure (EXT) as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%), External health expenditure (EXT) per capita in US$, Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%), Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) (%), Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) as percentage of general government expenditure (GGE) (%), Domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) per capita in US$, Out-of-pocket expenditure as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%), Out-of-pocket expenditure (OOP) per capita in US$, Domestic private health expenditure (PVT-D) as percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (%), Domestic private health expenditure (PVT-D) per capita in US$
Modified: 15 January 2025
Health taxes: Use of earmarked excise tax on beverages, Excise taxes on beverages (%), Excise taxes are applied on beverages, Automatic adjustment of specific excise on beverage, Type of excise tax applied on beverage, Import duties on beverages (%), Other taxes on beverages (%), Beverage price, If tiered on the beverage, the tiers are sugar-content-based, Sugar-content of beverage per 100ml, Total taxes on beverages (%), Value-added/sales tax on beverages (%)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Hepatitis: Deaths caused by chronic hepatitis B (HBV) infection (number), Chronic hepatitis B (HBV) infected persons diagnosed (number), Chronic hepatitis B (HBV) diagnosis coverage as a percentage of infected (%), New chronic hepatitis B (HBV) infections (number), People living with chronic hepatitis B (HBV) (number), Prevalence of chronic hepatitis B (HBV) in the general population (%), Persons on chronic hepatitis B (HBV) treatment (number), Chronic hepatitis B (HBV) treatment rate as percentage of diagnosed (%), Chronic hepatitis B (HBV) treatment rate as percentage of total infected (%), Deaths caused by chronic hepatitis C (HCV) infection (number), Chronic hepatitis C (HCV) infected persons diagnosed, including cured (number), Chronic hepatitis C (HCV) infected persons diagnosed (number), Chronic hepatitis C (HCV) diagnosis coverage as percentage of total HCV infected, including cured (%), New chronic hepatitis C (HCV) infections (number), People living with chronic hepatitis C (HCV) including cured (all ages) (adjusted number), People living with chronic hepatitis C (HCV) (number), Prevalence of chronic hepatitis C (HCV) ) in the general population (%), Persons on chronic hepatitis C (HCV) treatment, cumulative (number), Chronic hepatitis C (HCV) cumulative treatment rate as percentage of total infected, including cured  (%), Persons initiated chronic hepatitis C(HCV) treatment (number), Chronic hepatitis C (HCV) treatment rate as percentage of diagnosed (%)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Immunization coverage and vaccine-preventable diseases: Proportion of vaccination cards seen (%), Measles-containing-vaccine second-dose (MCV2) immunization coverage by the nationally recommended age (%), Pneumoccocal conjugate vaccines (PCV3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Rotavirus vaccines completed dose (RotaC) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), HPV immunization coverage estimates among primary target cohort (9-14 years old girls) (%), Diphtheria - number of reported cases, Japanese encephalitis - number of reported cases, Pertussis - number of reported cases, Total tetanus - number of reported cases, Poliomyelitis - number of reported cases, Yellow fever - number of reported cases, Mumps - number of reported cases, Congenital Rubella Syndrome - number of reported cases, Neonatal tetanus - number of reported cases, Rubella - number of reported cases, Measles - number of reported cases, Hepatitis B (HepB3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Neonates protected at birth against neonatal tetanus (PAB) (%), Hib (Hib3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), BCG immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Polio (Pol3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Measles-containing-vaccine first-dose (MCV1) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Mental health: Mental health policy, Age-standardized suicide rates (per 100 000 population), Stand-alone policy or plan for mental health, Stand-alone mental health legislation, Government expenditures on mental health as a percentage of total government expenditures on health (%), Crude suicide rates (per 100 000 population)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Oral Health: Dentists (per 10,000), Dental Assistants and Therapists (number), Affordability of fluoride toothpaste, Per capita expenditure on dental healthcare (US$), Total expenditure on dental healthcare in million (US$), Prevalence of edentulism in people 20+ years (%), Number of labour days needed to buy annual supply of fluoride toothpaste per person, Dental prosthetic technicians (per 10 000 population), Presence of dedicated staff for oral health working on NCDs at the MoH, Oral health: Noma recognized as a national public health problem, Total productivity losses due to 5 oral diseases in million (US$), Prevalence of severe periodontal disease in people 15+ year (%), Per capita availability of refined sugar (g/day), Prevalence of untreated caries of deciduous teeth in children 1-9 years (%), Prevalence of untreated caries of permanent teeth in people 5+ years (%)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Priority health technologies: Availability of national standards or recommended lists of medical devices, Types of lists recommending health technology for high burden diseases, Total density per million population: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Total density per million population: Computed tomography units, Total density per million population: Positron Emission tomography, Total density per million population: Linear Accelerator, Use of nomenclature system, Health technology (medical device) national policy, Unit in the Ministry of Health responsible for the management of medical devices, Procurement of medical devices carried out at the national level, Availability of national list of approved medical devices for procurement or reimbursement, National guidelines, policies or recommendations on the procurement of medical devices, Availability of technical specifications of medical devices to support procurement or donations, Total density per million population: Telecobalt Unit, Total density per million population: Radiotherapy units, Total density per million females aged from 50 to 69 years old: Mammography units, Biomedical engineers density (per 10 000 population), Number of biomedical engineers, Biomedical technicians density (per 10 000 population), Number of biomedical technicians
Modified: 15 January 2025
Resources for Substance Use Disorders: Government unit/official responsible for prevention for substance use, Ministry/office that takes primary responsibility for prevention for substance use, Five years change in international cooperation for prevention for substance use, Government unit/official responsible for treatment of substance use disorders, Ministry/office that takes primary responsibility for treatment of substance use disorders, Involvement of representatives of affected or targeted populations in the development and formulation of policies and strategies for treatment of substance use disorders, Involvement of representatives of affected or targeted populations in the development and implementation of national programmes for treatment of substance use disorders, Involvement of representatives of affected or targeted populations in the development and formulation of policies and strategies for prevention for alcohol and drugs, Involvement of representatives of affected or targeted populations in the development and implementation of national programmes for prevention for alcohol and drugs, Five years change in international cooperation for treatment of substance use disorders, Confidentiality of people in treatment for substance use disorders, Voluntary treatment for people with alcohol use disorders in the criminal justice system, Voluntary treatment for people with drug use disorders in the criminal justice system, Compulsory treatment for people with alcohol use disorders in the criminal justice system, Compulsory treatment for people with drug use disorders in the criminal justice system, Five-year change in government resources for prevention for substance use, Five-year change in government resources for treatment of substance use disorders, Financing methods for treatment for alcohol use disorders, Financing methods for treatment for drug use disorders, Hypothecated taxes to be spent on prevention and treatment for substance use disorders, Government benefits for people with alcohol use disorders, Government benefits for people with drug use disorders, Main sector for treatment for alcohol use disorders, Main sector for treatment for drug use disorders, Specialized treatment facilities for substance use disorders, Specialized treatment facilities for alcohol use disorders, Specialized treatment facilities for drug use disorders, Self-help groups, Main substance at treatment entry, Reported treatment coverage for substance dependence, Guidelines on pharmacological treatment for substance use disorders, Pharmacotherapy with methadone, Pharmacotherapy with buprenorphine, Pharmacotherapy with buprenorphine/naloxone, Access restrictions to maintenance treatment, Timeframe for maintenance treatment of opioid dependence, Registration of medications for alcohol dependence and withdrawal, Registration of medications for opioid withdrawal, Registration of naloxone for injection for opioid overdose, Availability of naloxone, Screening and brief intervention for substance use in primary health care, Screening and brief intervention for substance use in antenatal services, Recommendations for screening and brief interventions for substance use in primary health care, Recommendations for screening and brief interventions for substance use in antenatal services, Groups and agencies involved in prevention programs, Prevention programmes for alcohol, Prevention programmes for specific populations for alcohol, Prevention programmes for drugs, Prevention programmes for specific populations for drugs, Programmes readily available, Standards of treatment and care for public specialized treatment facilities, Special treatment programmes for gambling disorder, Treatment programmes for women with alcohol use disorders, Special housing services for alcohol use disorders, Special housing services for drug use disorders, Employment services for alcohol use disorders, Employment services for drug use disorders, Open access interventions for alcohol, Open access interventions for drugs, Health professionals providing treatment for alcohol and drug use disorders, Standards of care for professionals providing treatment for alcohol and drug use disorders, Educational attainment in prevention, Postgraduate training programme in prevention, Continuing professional development in prevention, Educational attainment in treatment, Continuing professional development in treatment, Epidemiological data collection for substance use, Service delivery data collection for substance use, Regular reports on epidemiological and service delivery data for substance use, System of monitoring alcohol involvement in forensic pathology, System of monitoring drugs involvement in forensic pathology, Epidemiological data collection system for substance use among children and adolescents, Treatment programmes for children and adolescents with alcohol use disorders, Treatment programmes for children and adolescents with drug use disorders
Modified: 15 January 2025
Road Safety: Existence of a national drink-driving law, Definition of drink-driving by BAC, Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit for drivers, Attribution of road traffic deaths to alcohol (%), Existence of a national seat-belt law, Applicability of seat-belt law to all occupants, Seat-belt wearing rate (%), Existence of a national child-restraint law, Existence of national speed limits, Maximum speed limits, Applicability of national motorcycle helmet law to all occupants, Law requires helmet to be fastened, Existence of a road safety lead agency, Existence of a national road safety strategy, Availability of funding for national road safety strategy, Existence of a universal access telephone number for pre-hospital care
Modified: 15 January 2025
SDG Target 3.8 | Achieve universal health coverage (UHC): Households with out-of-pocket payments greater than 40% of capacity to pay for health care (food, housing and utilities approach - developed by WHO/Europe) (%, national), Population with household spending on health greater than 10% of total household budget (SDG 3.8.2, estimated data) (millions), Population with household spending on health greater than 10% of total household budget (SDG 3.8.2, estimated data) (%), Population with household spending on health greater than 10% of total household budget (SDG 3.8.2, reported data) (%), Population with household spending on health greater than 25% of total household budget (SDG 3.8.2, estimated data) (%), Population with household spending on health greater than 25% of total household budget (SDG 3.8.2, reported data) (%), Households impoverished by out-of-pocket payments (relative poverty line reflecting basic needs: food, housing, utilities - developed by WHO/Europe) (%, national), Households further impoverished by out-of-pocket payments (relative poverty line reflecting basic needs: food, housing, utilities - developed by WHO/Europe) (%, national), Households pushed below or further below a relative poverty line (reflecting basic needs: food, housing, utilities - developed by WHO/Europe) by out-of-pocket payments (%, national), Population pushed below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%), Population pushed below the $2.15 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Population pushed below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Population pushed below the $3.65 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Population pushed below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures - 60% of median daily per capita consumption or income (%, national, rural, urban), Total population pushed below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions), Total population pushed below the $2.15 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed below the $2.15 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Total population pushed below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions), Total population pushed below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Total population pushed below the $3.65 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed below the $3.65 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Total population pushed below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures - 60% of median daily per capita consumption or income (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures - 60% of median daily per capita consumption or income (%, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Population pushed further below the $1.90 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Population pushed further below the $2.15 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Total population pushed further below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Population pushed further below the $3.20 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Population pushed further below the $3.65 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, national, rural, urban), Population pushed further below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures - 60% of median daily per capita consumption or income (%, national, rural, urban), Total population pushed further below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures - 60% of median daily per capita consumption or income (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed further below a relative poverty line by household health expenditures - 60% of median daily per capita consumption or income (%, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $2.15 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $2.15 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $3.65 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (millions, regional, global), Total population pushed further below the $3.65 a day poverty line by household health expenditures (%, regional, global), Primary data availability for UHC Service Coverage Index (SDG 3.8.1) (%), UHC Service Coverage Index (SDG 3.8.1), UHC Service Coverage sub-index on service capacity and access, UHC Service Coverage sub-index on infectious diseases, UHC Service Coverage sub-index on noncommunicable diseases, UHC Service Coverage sub-index on reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
Modified: 15 January 2025
Sexually Transmitted Infections: Congenital syphilis number of cases, reported, Prevalence of condom use by adults during higher-risk sex (15-49) (%), Population aged 15-24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS (%), Antenatal care attendees who were positive for syphilis (%), reported, Women accessing antenatal care (ANC) services who were tested for syphilis (%), reported, Antenatal care attendees positive for syphilis who received treatment (%), reported, Congenital syphilis rate per 100 000 live births, reported, Incident rate of active syphilis (per 1000), Incident cases of active syphilis in 15-49 year olds (in thousands), Prevalence of active syphilis in 15-49 year olds (%), Prevalent cases of active syphilis (in thousands)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Tobacco control: Prevalence of current cigarette smoking among adults (%), Prevalence of current e-cigarette use among adults (%), Prevalence of current smokeless tobacco use among adults (%), Prevalence of current tobacco smoking among adults (%), Prevalence of current tobacco use among adults (%), Prevalence of daily cigarette smoking among adults (%), Prevalence of daily e-cigarette use among adults (%), Prevalence of daily smokeless tobacco use among adults (%), Prevalence of daily tobacco smoking among adults (%), Prevalence of daily tobacco use among adults (%), Age range of latest adult prevalence survey (nonsmoked), Representation of latest adult prevalence survey (nonsmoked), Name of latest adult prevalence survey (nonsmoked), Title of most recent survey of adults, Age range of most recent survey of adults, Representativeness of most recent survey of adults, Process evaluation was employed to assess implementation, Formative research was conducted, Outcome evaluation was employed to assess effectiveness, Campaign was part of a comprehensive tobacco control programme, Campaign was pre-tested, At least one national mass media campaign ran during the survey period, Earned media/public relations were used to promote the campaign, Overall compliance with bans on direct advertising (score), Compliance with ban on advertising on national television and radio (score), Compliance with ban on promotional discounts (score), Compliance with ban on use of brand name of non-tobacco product for tobacco product (score), Compliance with ban on indentifying non-tobacco products with tobacco brand names (score), Compliance with ban on appearance of tobacco brands in TV and/or films (score), Compliance with ban on appearance of tobacco products in TV and/or films (score), Compliance with ban on sponsorship (contributions and/or publicity of contributions) (score), Compliance with ban on advertising in local magazines and newspapers (score), Compliance with ban on billboard and outdoor advertising (score), Compliance with ban on advertising at point of sale (score), Compliance with ban on free distribution in mail or through other means (score), Overall compliance with bans on promotion and sponsorship (score), Estimate of current cigarette smoking prevalence (%), Estimate of current cigarette smoking prevalence (%) (age-standardized rate), Estimate of current tobacco smoking prevalence (%), Estimate of current tobacco smoking prevalence (%) (age-standardized rate), Estimate of current tobacco use prevalence (%), Estimate of current tobacco use prevalence (%) (age-standardized rate), Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies, Number of full-time equivalent staff in national agency, National agency for tobacco control exists, Budget year, Reported currency, Annual budget for tobacco control in currency reported, Government objectives on tobacco control exist, Treatment for tobacco dependence available in the community, Treatment for tobacco dependence available in health clinics or other primary care facilities, Treatment for tobacco dependence available in hospitals, Treatment for tobacco dependence available in offices of health professionals, Treatment for tobacco dependence available in other settings, Bupropion - legally sold, Bupropion - place available, Cytisine - legally sold, Cytisine - place available, Offering help to quit tobacco use, Nicotine replacement therapy - legally sold, Nicotine replacement therapy - place available, Access to a toll-free quit line, Varenicline - legally sold, Varenicline - place available, National smoking ban: FINES FOR VIOLATIONS, National smoking ban in HEALTH-CARE FACILITIES, National smoking ban in EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES EXCEPT UNIVERSITIES, National smoking ban in UNIVERSITIES, National smoking ban in GOVERNMENT FACILITIES, National smoking ban in INDOOR OFFICES, National smoking ban in RESTAURANTS, National smoking ban in PUBS AND BARS, National smoking ban in PUBLIC TRANSPORT, Protecting people from tobacco smoke, Overall compliance with regulations on smoke-free environments (score), Compliance with smoke-free health-care facilities law (score), Compliance with smoke-free education facilities except universities law (score), Compliance with smoke-free universities law (score), Compliance with smoke-free government facilities law (score), Compliance with smoke-free indoor offices law (score), Compliance with smoke-free restaurants law (score), Compliance with smoke-free pubs and bars law (score), Compliance with smoke-free public transport law (score), National smoking ban: NUMBER OF PLACES SMOKE-FREE, Raising taxes on tobacco, Anti-tobacco mass media campaigns, Do the health warnings on cigarette packaging include a photograph or graphic?, Do the health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging include a photograph or graphic?, Do the health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging include a photograph or graphic?, Do health warnings appear on each cigarette package and any outside packaging and labelling used in the retail sale?, Do health warnings appear on each other smoked tobacco package and any outside packaging and labelling used in the retail sale?, Do health warnings appear on each smokeless tobacco package and any outside packaging and labelling used in the retail sale?, Health warnings on cigarette packaging law applys to products whether manufactured domestically imported AND for duty-free sale, Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging law applys to products whether manufactured domestically imported AND for duty-free sale, Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging law applys to products whether manufactured domestically imported AND for duty-free sale, Health warnings on cigarette packaging do not remove or diminish the liability of the tobacco industry, Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging do not remove or diminish the liability of the tobacco industry, Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging do not remove or diminish the liability of the tobacco industry, Do health warnings on cigarette packaging describe the harmful effects of tobacco use on health?, Do health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging describe the harmful effects of tobacco use on health?, Do health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging describe the harmful effects of tobacco use on health?, Does the law mandate specific health warnings on cigarette packaging?, Does the law mandate specific health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging?, Does the law mandate specific health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging?, How many health warnings are approved by the law for cigarette packaging?, How many health warnings are approved by the law for other smoked tobacco packaging?, How many health warnings are approved by the law for smokeless tobacco packaging?, Health warnings on cigarette packaging law requires or establishes fines for violations, Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging law requires or establishes fines for violations, Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging law requires or establishes fines for violations, Ban on deceitful terms on cigarette packaging, Ban on deceitful terms on other smoked tobacco packaging, Ban on deceitful terms on smokeless tobacco packaging, Cigarette packaging and labelling must not use figurative or other signs including colors or numbers as substitutes for prohibited misleading terms and descriptors, Smokeless tobacco packaging and labelling must not use figurative or other signs including colors or numbers as substitutes for prohibited misleading terms and descriptors, Law mandates that health warnings appear on tobacco packages, Law mandates that health warnings appear on other smoked tobacco packages, Law mandates that health warnings appear on smokeless tobacco packages, Cigarette packaging and labelling must not use descriptors depicting flavours, Other smoked tobacco packaging and labelling must not use descriptors depicting flavours, Smokeless tobacco packaging and labelling must not use descriptors depicting flavours, Cigarette packaging and labelling must not display quantitative information on emission yields (such as tar nicotine and carbon monoxide) including when used as part of a brand name or trademark, Other smoked tobacco packaging and labelling must not display quantitative information on emission yields (such as tar nicotine and carbon monoxide) including when used as part of a brand name or trademark, Smokeless tobacco packaging and labelling must not display quantitative information on emission yields (such as tar nicotine and carbon monoxide) including when used as part of a brand name or trademark, The quit line number must appear on cigarette packaging or labelling, The quit line number must appear on other smoked tobacco packaging or labelling, The quit line number must appear on smokeless tobacco packaging or labelling, Plain packaging of cigarettes is mandatory (ie. the use of logos colours brand images or promotional information on packaging other than brand names and product names displayed in a standard colour and font style is prohibited)., Plain packaging of other smoked tobacco products is mandatory (ie. the use of logos colours brand images or promotional information on packaging other than brand names and product names displayed in a standard colour and font style is prohibited)., Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front and back of cigarette packaging, Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front and back of other smoked tobacco packaging, Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front and back of smokeless tobacco packaging, Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front of cigarette packaging, Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front of other smoked tobacco packaging, Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - front of smokeless tobacco packaging, Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - back of cigarette packaging, Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - back of other smoked tobacco packaging, Percentage of principal display area mandated to be covered by health warnings - back of smokeless tobacco packaging, Health warnings on cigarette packaging must be placed at the top of the principal display areas of the package, Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging must be placed at the top of the principal display areas of the package, Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging must be placed at the top of the principal display areas of the package, Does the law mandate font style, font size and colour of health warnings on cigarette packaging?, Does the law mandate font style, font size and colour of health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging?, Does the law mandate font style, font size and colour of health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging?, Are the health warnings on cigarette packaging rotating?, Are the health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging rotating?, Are the health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging rotating?, Are the health warnings on cigarette packaging written in the principal language(s) of the country?, Are the health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging written in the principal language(s) of the country?, Are the health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging written in the principal language(s) of the country?, Health warnings on cigarette packaging must not be obscured in any way including by required markings such as tax stamps, Health warnings on other smoked tobacco packaging must not be obscured in any way including by required markings such as tax stamps, Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging must not be obscured in any way including by required markings such as tax stamps, Warning about the dangers of tobacco, Title of most recent adolescent survey, Age range of most recent adolescent survey, Representativeness of most recent adolescent survey, Year of most recent adolescent survey, Prevalence of current cigarette smoking among adolescents (%), Prevalence of current e-cigarette use among adolescents (%), Prevalence of current smokeless tobacco use among adolescents (%), Prevalence of current tobacco smoking among adolescents (%), Prevalence of current tobacco use among adolescents (%), Prevalence of daily cigarette smoking among adolescents (%), Prevalence of daily e-cigarette use among adolescents (%), Prevalence of daily smokeless tobacco use among adolescents (%), Prevalence of daily tobacco smoking among adolescents (%), Prevalence of daily tobacco use among adolescents (%), Age range of latest youth prevalence survey (nonsmoked), Representation of latest youth prevalence survey (nonsmoked), Name of latest youth prevalence survey (nonsmoked), Year of latest youth prevalence survey (nonsmoked)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Vaccine-preventable communicable diseases: Proportion of vaccination cards seen (%), Measles-containing-vaccine second-dose (MCV2) immunization coverage by the nationally recommended age (%), Pneumoccocal conjugate vaccines (PCV3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Rotavirus vaccines completed dose (RotaC) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), HPV immunization coverage estimates among primary target cohort (9-14 years old girls) (%), Diphtheria - number of reported cases, Japanese encephalitis - number of reported cases, Pertussis - number of reported cases, Total tetanus - number of reported cases, Poliomyelitis - number of reported cases, Yellow fever - number of reported cases, Mumps - number of reported cases, Congenital Rubella Syndrome - number of reported cases, Neonatal tetanus - number of reported cases, Rubella - number of reported cases, Measles - number of reported cases, Hepatitis B (HepB3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Neonates protected at birth against neonatal tetanus (PAB) (%), Hib (Hib3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), BCG immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Polio (Pol3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), Measles-containing-vaccine first-dose (MCV1) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Violence prevention: Lifetime prevalence of child emotional abuse (%), Lifetime prevalence of child sexual abuse (%), Child maltreatment: Extent of implementation of home-visiting programmes, Elder abuse: Extent of implementation of caregiver-support programmes, Intimate partner violence: Extent of implementation of dating violence prevention programmes, Youth violence: Extent of implementation of life-skills and social development programmes
Modified: 15 January 2025
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH): Amount of water- and sanitation-related official development assistance that is part of a government-coordinated spending plan (constant 2022 US$ millions), SDG 6.3.1 Proportion of safely treated domestic wastewater flows (%), Population using at least basic sanitation services (%), Population using safely managed sanitation services (%), Population using safely managed drinking-water services (%)
Modified: 15 January 2025
Global strategy: Estimated antiretroviral therapy coverage among people living with HIV (%), Probability (%) of dying between age 30 and exact age 70 from any of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease, Coverage of national cervical cancer screening program (%), New HIV infections (per 1000 uninfected population), Malaria incidence (per 1 000 population at risk), Crude suicide rates (per 100 000 population), Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco smoking among persons aged 15 years and older
Modified: 15 January 2025
Health workforce: Medical doctors (per 10,000), Medical doctors (number), Generalist medical practitioners (number), Specialist medical practitioners (number), Medical doctors not further defined (number), Nursing and midwifery personnel (per 10,000), Nursing and midwifery personnel (number), Nursing personnel (number), Midwifery personnel (number), Dentists (per 10,000), Dentists (number), Dental Assistants and Therapists (number), Dental Prosthetic Technicians (number), Pharmacists (number), Pharmaceutical Technicians and Assistants (number), Environmental and Occupational Health and Hygiene Professionals (number), Environmental and Occupational Health Inspectors and Associates (number), Medical and Pathology Laboratory scientists (number), Medical and Pathology Laboratory Technicians (number), Physiotherapists (number), Physiotherapy Technicians and Assistants (number), Community Health Workers (number)