South Sudan - Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS), Jamjang Refugee Camps - 2019

  • This dataset updates: Never
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: UNHCR - SENS Survey


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Source UNHCR, Samaritan's Purse, WFP, UNICEF, IRC, AHA
Time Period of the Dataset [?] October 21, 2019-October 31, 2019 ... More
Modified [?] 14 January 2022
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 31 January 2022 Less
Expected Update Frequency Never

Kind of Data: Sample survey data [ssd]
Unit of Analysis: Children 0-59 months Women 15-49 years Refugee households
Sampling Procedure: Systematic random sampling was used to identify the survey respondents. Houses/tents were physically labelled with unique numbers per zone/block/compound in each camp. To reduce the non-response rate and ensure results were representative of people living in the camps at the time of the survey, empty shelters as verified through neighbours were labelled but not included in the sampling frame. The sampling interval per camp was calculated based on actual number of houses/tents that were physically verified before the survey and the sample size. Using the list generated from the physical counting and labelling of houses/tents in the camps, a sampling interval for each camp was determined by dividing the total number of verified tents/houses by the estimated sample. The first household was thereafter determined randomly using the lottery method by drawing a random number within the sampling interval. The interval was applied across the sampling frame to generate a list of households to be surveyed in the field. Each team was provided with a list of households to be surveyed daily. All the eligible household members were included in the survey; that is all children 6 to 59 months and women 15 to 49 years in a sampled household. The interview was conducted in most cases with the mother in the household or in her absence with an adult member of the household who was knowledgeable with the everyday running of the household. The survey defined a household as the number of people who regularly stay together and eat from the same pot.

In the event of an absent household or individual, the team members returned to the household during the day. If the household or individual was not found after returning, the household or individual was counted as an absentee and was not replaced. If an individual or household refused to participate, it was considered a refusal and the individual or household was not replaced with another. If a selected child was disabled with a physical deformity preventing certain anthropometric measurements, the child was still included in the assessment for the relevant indicators. If it was determined that a selected household did not have any eligible children, the relevant questionnaires were administered to the household.
Data Collection Mode: Face-to-face interview: Mobile

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