Cameroon - Analysis and Refinement of Targeting Mechanisms for Food and Multipurpose Cash Assistance to Central African Republic Refugees - 2016

  • This dataset updates: Never
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: UNHCR - Socioeconomic assessment of Refugees

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Source UNHCR
Time Period of the Dataset [?] November 19, 2016-November 30, 2016 ... More
Modified [?] 19 December 2022
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 7 February 2021 Less
Expected Update Frequency Never

Kind of Data: Sample survey data [ssd]
Unit of Analysis: All Central African refugee households residing in the 5 subsistence zones under study within Cameroon's Adamanou, Eastern and Northern regions.
Sampling Procedure: The survey's objective was to deliver representative data on all refugees living in 5 subsistence zones under study within the Adamanou, Eastern and Northern regions of Cameroon. These subsistence zones were defined along characteristics of geography, production patterns, market access, etc. - a total of 11 such zones were identified within the three regions, and the 5 zones with the highest refugee concentration were retained for the survey. The total Central African refugee population in Cameroon at the time of the survey was estimated at around 52,000 households; the total in the three regions at around 46,800 households; the total in the five selected subsistence zones within the three regions at around 26,000 households.The survey was designed to be representative of the latter 26,000. The refugees within the five zones were located in 7 refugee camps and 11 non-camp sites.

For this survey a stratified, single-stage (i.e. non-clustered) sample design was applied. The camps and non-camp sites were considered sampling strata. Within each of these 18 strata, a systematic sample of households was drawn from UNHCR's registration list, this enabled the later addition of data from UNHCER registration database for the households included in the survey.

The total sample size was 2,206 refugee households.

NB: The original data collection also included a small number of households from the neighbouring host community; however, these observations were dropped from the public-release version of the dataset.
Data Collection Mode: ['Face-to-face [f2f]']

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