Burkina Faso - Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey - 2014

  • This dataset updates: Never
This dataset is part of the data series [?]: UNHCR - SENS Survey

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Source UNHCR
Time Period of the Dataset [?] July 01, 2014-July 30, 2014 ... More
Modified [?] 21 June 2021
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 11 October 2021 Less
Expected Update Frequency Never

Kind of Data: Sample survey data [ssd]
Unit of Analysis: children 0-59 months women 15-49 years refugee households
Sampling Procedure: The sample size was determined based on the Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transition (SMART) methodology and calculated using ENA for SMART software. Each camp was treated as a strata in the sample.The sample size for each module is as follows:

  • Goudebo: 223 out of 2,581 households (sample frame size) sampled for the mosquito net module, 453 out of 2,581 households sampled for the water and sanitation module, 189 women in 189 households out of 2,581 households sampled in the women's module and 352 children out of 1,667 children sampled for the children's module.
  • Mentao: 211 out of 2,581 households sampled for the mosquito net module, 423 out of 2,581 households sampled for the water and sanitation module, 162 women in 143 households out of 2,581 households sampled in the women's module and 279 children out of 2,183 children sampled for the children's module.
  • Sagniongo: 105 out of 459 households sampled for the mosquito net module,193 out of 459 households sampled for the water and sanitation module, 98 women in 80 households out of 459 households sampled in the women's module and 152 children out of 310 children sampled for the children's module.
    Data Collection Mode: Face-to-face [f2f]
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