Dataset codebook (may be different for previous versions):
fid: (integer) record order in data upload.
admin_level: (text) administrative level of a feature based on government hierarchy in OSM. ''2'' is country level. Higher levels may be adjusted according to region area to look more consistent for different countries in the global version of the dataset.
osm_admin_level: (text) administrative level of a feature within a government hierarchy in OSM.
name: (text) primary name of the feature in OSM
name_en: (text) A common name in English language of the feature in OSM
population: (double precision) total population of administrative boundary based on aggregated population from Kontur Population: Global Population Density for 400m H3 Hexagons dataset.
hasc: (text) HASC and iso-3166-1 alpha-2 codes of region taken from Wikidata by its connection with OSM feature using ‘wikidata’ tag,
geom: geometry (Polygon, EPSG 4326) Geometry representation of the data.
Global version of Kontur Boundaries is available at
Dataset codebook for topology build:
fid: (integer) record order in data upload.
id: (integer) record order in data upload.
admin_level: (text) administrative level of a feature based on government hierarchy in OSM. ''2'' is country level. Higher levels may be adjusted according to region area to look more consistent for different countries in the global version of the dataset.
maritime: (boolean) flag which demonstrates if the border segment overlaps with the maritime area.
Wikidata. Hierarchical Administrative Subdivision codes to represent country subdivisions is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License: HASC - Wikidata
Facebook High Resolution Settlement data: Facebook Connectivity Lab and Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University. 2016. High Resolution Settlement Layer (HRSL). Source imagery for HRSL © 2016 DigitalGlobe. Licence - Creative Commons Attribution International
Global Human Settlement Layer: Dataset: Schiavina, Marcello; Freire, Sergio; MacManus, Kytt (2019): GHS population grid multitemporal (1975, 1990, 2000, 2015) R2019A. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) DOI: 10.2905/42E8BE89-54FF-464E-BE7B-BF9E64DA5218 PID: Concept & Methodology: Freire, Sergio; MacManus, Kytt; Pesaresi, Martino; Doxsey-Whitfield, Erin; Mills, Jane (2016): Development of new open and free multi-temporal global population grids at 250 m resolution. Geospatial Data in a Changing World; Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE). AGILE 2016.
Copernicus Global Land Service: Land Cover 100m: Marcel Buchhorn, Bruno Smets, Luc Bertels, Bert De Roo, Myroslava Lesiv, Nandin-Erdene Tsendbazar, Martin Herold, Steffen Fritz. (2020). Copernicus Global Land Service: Land Cover 100m: collection 3: epoch 2019: Globe (Version V3.0.1) [Data set] licensed for reuse under CC BY 4.0. Zenodo.
Microsoft Buildings: (see the full list of locations in Methods). This data is licensed by Microsoft under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) NZ Building Outlines: sourced from the LINZ Data Service licensed for reuse under CC BY 4.0.
OpenStreetMap: Some data (c) Contributors Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)