National dataset of Ebola in DRC (2021) - infections, recoveries, deaths, hospitalized, active cases, contact cases and gender data (if available). This dataset is a Pivot Table of the subnational data available on our HDX page.
Democratic Republic of the Congo : Ebola (2021) Cumulative cases (national)
Data and Resources [4]
Modified: 15 March 2021
National dataset of Ebola in DRC (2021) - infections, recoveries, deaths, hospitalized, active cases, contact cases and gender data (if available). This dataset is a Pivot Table of the subnational data available on our HDX page.
Modified: 15 March 2021
National dataset of Ebola in DRC (2021) - infections, recoveries, deaths, hospitalized, active cases, contact cases and gender data (if available). This dataset is a Pivot Table of the subnational data available on our HDX page.
Modified: 15 March 2021
National dataset of Ebola in DRC (2021) - infections, recoveries, deaths, hospitalized, active cases, contact cases and gender data (if available). This dataset is a Pivot Table of the subnational data available on our HDX page.
Additional information
Time Period of the Dataset [?]
February 06, 2021-March 14, 2021 ... More
Modified [?]
15 March 2021
Dataset Added on HDX [?]
15 March 2021 Less
Expected Update Frequency
As needed
HERA - Humanitarian Emergency Response Africa
Caveats / Comments