Myanmar administrative level 0-5 boundaries (COD-AB) dataset.
The date that these administrative boundaries were established is unknown.
NOTE: THIS COD-AB was specially developed from the various existing Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU) 'v9.4' HDX datasets that are understood to be the last or final MIMU versions expected. These have been assembled into this COD-AB dataset without corrections to existing errors. Existing errors are documented in the 'MMR COD-AB ITOS error documentation.pdf' document ncluded with this dataset. Administrative level 5 covers urban areas only, and is not represented in the 'mmr_polbndl_adm01234_250k_mimu_itos_20240215' lines layer.
This COD-AB was most recently reviewed for accuracy and necessary changes in March 2024. The COD-AB requires improvements.
Sourced from Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU)
Live geoservices (provided by Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) with funding from USAID) are available for this COD-AB. Please see COD_External. (For any earlier versions please see here, here, and here.) Vetting, configuration, and geoservices provision by Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) with funding from USAID.
This COD-AB is suitable for database or GIS linkage to the Myanmar COD-PS.
An edge-matched (COD-EM) version of this COD-AB is available on HDX here.
Please see the COD Portal.
Administrative level 1 contains 18 feature(s). The normal administrative level 1 feature type is ""State/Region"".
Administrative level 2 contains 80 feature(s). The normal administrative level 2 feature type is ""District"".
Administrative level 3 contains 330 feature(s). The normal administrative level 3 feature type is ""Township"".
Administrative level 4 contains 14,174 feature(s). The normal administrative level 4 feature type is ""Town / Village tract"".
Recommended cartographic projection: Asia South Albers Equal Area Conic
This metadata was last updated on January 9, 2025.
This dataset updates: As needed