Bhutan administrative level 0 (country), 1 (district, dzongkhag), and 2 (block, gewog) boundary polygon and line shapefiles
Bhutan - Subnational Administrative Boundaries
Data and Resources [4]
Modified: 30 October 2020
Bhutan administrative level 0 (country), 1 (district, dzongkhag), and 2 (block, gewog) boundary EMF files
Modified: 30 October 2020
Bhutan administrative level 0 (country), 1 (district, dzongkhag), and 2 (block, gewog) boundary polygon and line geodatabase
Modified: 4 April 2023
Bhutan administrative level 0 (country), 1 (district, dzongkhag), and 2 (block, gewog) gazetteer
Additional information