In round 76, 86,159 IDPs and 18,055 displaced households were assessed.
Burundi Displacement - [IDPs] - Baseline Assessment [IOM DTM]
Modified: 17 July 2024
In round 75, 102,824 IDPs and 21,979 displaced households were assessed.
Modified: 18 December 2024
IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix is a comprehensive system to analyse and disseminate information to better understand the movements and needs of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Burundi. The baseline assessment aims at providing information on the stock (presence) by colline of IDPs which are categorized into two groups: Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) including IDPs who returned to their colline of origin but not their home and returnees who became IDPs. The baseline assessment also collects information on the cause of displacement and the type of shelter hosting IDPs. Data collection is conducted four times per year by trained Burundian Red Cross volunteers operating at all administrative levels: provinces, communes and collines. In Round 74, 79,917 IDPs and 17,008 displaced households were assessed.
Modified: 16 October 2023
73,931 IDPs and 17,151 displaced households were identified in July 2023 in Burundi.
Modified: 26 July 2023
The baseline assessment aims at providing information on the stock (presence) by colline of IDPs which are categorized into two groups: Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) including IDPs who returned to their colline of origin but not their home and returnees who became IDPs. The baseline assessment also collects information on the cause of displacement and the type of shelter hosting IDPs. Data collection is conducted four times per year by trained Burundian Red Cross volunteers operating at all administrative levels: provinces, communes and collines. From 2 May to 19 May 2023, DTM Burundi has identified 76,987 displaced individuals including 69,535 internal displaced persons and 7,452* returnees from abroad who remain displaced in country accross 1,324 collines (administrative boundaries level 3).
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs): are Burundian nationals who have been forced to flee or forced to leave their home or their usual place of residence, in particular as a result of armed conflict, situations of violence widespread, human rights violations or natural or man-made disasters or to avoid their effects, and which have not crossed the internationally recognized borders of a State. For the purpose of DTM, only IDPs displaced since 2013 or later are considered IDPs. *Returnees who became IDPs: Burundian nationals who had been displaced outside the country and have since returned (spontaneously or assisted) to Burundi but continue being in displacement (because their houses were destroyed or for other reasons).
Modified: 16 June 2023
From 1-7 March 2023, the DTM team in Burundi conducted the 71st round of Baseline assessment in 1,353 Collines (Administrative Boundary level 3) and identified 73,586 displaced persons (IDPs) in 16,690 households. . Nearly all displacements were due to natural disasters (89%) and 11% due to other causes.
The total number of displaced persons includes the internally displaced persons (1) and returnees who remain displaced in country (2):
(1) Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs): are Burundian nationals who have been forced to flee or forced to leave their home or their usual place of residence, in particular as a result of armed conflict, situations of violence widespread, human rights violations or natural or man-made disasters or to avoid their effects, and which have not crossed the internationally recognized borders of a State. For the purpose of DTM, only IDPs displaced since 2013 or later are considered IDPs.
(2) Returnees who became IDPs: Burundian nationals who had been displaced outside the country and have since returned (spontaneously or assisted) to Burundi but continue being in displacement (because their houses were destroyed or for other reasons)
Modified: 30 December 2022
DTM has identified 75,300 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 17,128 households. Almost all displacements were due to natural disasters (89%), while 11% were due to other reasons.
Modified: 30 September 2022
DTM has identified 83,588 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 19,047 households, 91% of the displacement were due to natural disasters and 9% other reasons.
Modified: 31 May 2022
DTM has identified 84,791 displaced persons in 19,407 households, 91% of the displacement were due to natural disasters and 9% other reasons in the month of April 2022 covering all 18 provinces of Burundi.
Modified: 13 April 2022
The DTM has identified 84,373 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 19,413 households, 92% of the displacement were due to natural disasters and 8% other reasons in the month of February 2022 covering all 18 provinces of Burundi.
Modified: 1 December 2021
The DTM has identified 113,408 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 25,390 households, 83% of the displacement were due to natural disasters and 17% other reasons in the month of September 2021 covering all 18 provinces of Burundi.
Modified: 17 September 2021
DTM has identified 115,981 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 25,975 households, 83% of the displacement were due to natural disasters and 17% other reasons in the month of August 2021 covering all 18 provinces of Burundi.
Modified: 17 September 2021
The DTM has identified 122,483 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 27,300 households, 84% of the displacement were due to natural disasters and 16% other reasons in the month of July 2021 covering all 18 provinces of Burundi.
Modified: 10 August 2021
The DTM has identified 127,339 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 27,912 households, 85% of the displacement were due to natural disasters and 15% other reasons in the month of June 2021 covering all 18 provinces of Burundi.
Modified: 12 August 2021
The DTM has identified 127,775 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 28,569 households, 85% of the displacement were due to natural disasters and 15% other reasons in the month of May 2021 covering all 18 provinces of Burundi.
Modified: 12 August 2021
The DTM has identified 107,870 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 25,149 households in the month of April 2021.
Modified: 29 April 2020
The DTM has identified 117,239 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 25,754 households in the month of February
Modified: 29 April 2020
The DTM has identified 116,951 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 25,780 households in the month of November.
Modified: 21 February 2020
The DTM has identified 104,191 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 24,788 households in the month of November.
Modified: 20 January 2020
The DTM has identified 104,191 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 23,343 households in the month of November.
Modified: 13 January 2020
The DTM has identified 102,722 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 23,009 households in the month of November.
Modified: 23 December 2019
The DTM has identified 103,352 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 23,162 households in the month of September.
Modified: 29 October 2019
The DTM has identified 103,412 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 23,180 households in the month of September.
Modified: 29 October 2019
The DTM has identified 106,197 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 23,752 households in the month of August.
Modified: 5 September 2019
During July 2019, DTM has identified 109,372 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 24,466 households.
Modified: 5 September 2019
During June 2019, DTM has identified 113,067 IDPs. The main causes for the displacements have been: 77 per cent natural disasters and 23 per cent other reasons.
Modified: 24 June 2019
During May 2019, DTM has identified 115,708 internally displaced persons. The main causes for the displacements have been: 76% natural disasters and 24% other reasons .
Modified: 24 June 2019
During April 2019, DTM has identified 119,890 internally displaced persons. The main causes for the displacements have been: 76% natural disasters and 24% other reasons .
Modified: 14 May 2019
During the month of February, the DTM identified 124,578 internally displaced persons and 27,720 families. The main reasons for displacement were: natural disasters (75%) and the socio-political situation (25%).
Modified: 14 May 2019
During the month of February, the DTM identified 130,562 internally displaced persons and 28,927 families. The main reasons for displacement were: natural disasters (75%) and the socio-political situation (25%).
Modified: 12 March 2019
The DTM identified 134,054 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 29,536 IDP households. 76% of IDPs were displaced as a result of natural disasters, while 24% were displaced due to socio-political situation.
Modified: 29 January 2019
The DTM identified 139,634 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 30,742 IDP households. 77% of IDPs (106,964) were displaced as a result of natural disasters, while 23% of IDPs (31,908) were displaced due to socio-political situation.
Modified: 3 January 2019
The DTM has identified 142,625 internally displaced persons (IDPs) amidst 31,593 households. 76% of IDPs (107,908) were displaced as a result of natural disasters and 24% of IDPs (33,955) were displaced as a result of sociopolitical issues.
Modified: 13 December 2018
he DTM has identified 147,086 internally displaced persons (IDPs) amidst 32,527 households. 75% of IDPs (110,460) were displaced as a result of natural disasters and 24% of IDPs (34,864) were displaced as a result of sociopolitical issues. Oct 2018
Modified: 13 December 2018
The DTM has identified 151,520 internally displaced persons (IDPs) amidst 33,493 households. 75% of IDPs (113,121) were displaced as a result of natural disasters and 25% of IDPs (37,639) were displaced as a result of sociopolitical issues. Sep 2018
Modified: 13 December 2018
DTM has identified 159,152 internally displaced persons (IDPs) amidst 35,157 households. 74% of IDPs (117,538) were displaced as a result of natural disasters and 26% of IDPs (40,856) were displaced as a result of sociopolitical issues. Aug 2018
Modified: 11 September 2018
The DTM for the month of July 2018 covers all 18 provinces of Burundi, and, identified 168,674 IDPs amidst 37,283 households. 74% of IDPs (124,012) were displaced as a result of natural disasters and 26% of IDPs (43,926) were displaced as a result of sociopolitical issues. 13% of displaced households were headed by women, and 3% of households were headed by minors. In addition, 1% of IDPs lived with disabilities, 1% of minors were unaccompanied and 2% of IDPs were pregnant women.
Modified: 7 August 2018
The DTM has identified 178,267 internally displaced persons (IDPs) amidst 39,334 households. 102,034 IDPs (57%) were living with host families, 3,427 IDPs (2%) were living in displacement sites, 33,309 IDPs (19%) were living in emtpy and straw houses, and 39,497 IDPs (22%) were living in rented housing. 73% of IDPs (129,965) were displaced as a result of natural disasters and 27% of IDPs (47,553) were displaced as a result of sociopolitical issues.
Modified: 13 July 2018
The DTM has identified 187,026 internally displaced persons (IDPs) amidst 41,060 households. 108,855 IDPs (58%) were living with host families, 3,552 IDPs (2%) were living in camps and displacement sites, 34,658 IDPs (19%) were living in emtpy and straw houses, and 39,961 IDPs (21%) were living in rented housing. 74% of IDPs (137,532) were displaced as a result of natural disasters and 26% of IDPs (48,680) were displaced as a result of sociopolitical issues.
Modified: 22 May 2018
April 2018 covers all 18 provinces of Burundi. The DTM has identified 169,374 internally displaced persons (IDPs) amidst 37,791 households. 90,355 IDPs (53%) were living with host families, 3,561 IDPs (2%) were living in camps and displacement sites, 33,315 IDPs (20%) were living in emtpy and straw houses, and 42,143 IDPs (25%) were living in rented housing. 71% of IDPs (119,693) were displaced as a result of natural disasters and 29% of IDPs (48,867) were displaced as a result of sociopolitical issues.
Modified: 22 May 2018
174,011 IDPs in 38,538 households were identified. 71% of IDPs were displaced as a result of natural disasters, while 29% were displaced because of the socio-political situation.
Modified: 12 June 2023
This dataset contains IDPs and household information up to Admin2 level. 39,175 households and 175,936 IDPs identified.
Modified: 9 March 2018
This dataset contains IDPs and household information up to Admin2 level. 39,175 households and 175,936 IDPs identified.
Modified: 6 November 2021
DTM Burundi identified 179,901 IDPs comprising 40,272 households. 81% of IDPs were women and youth under 18 years old, and 29% of IDPs were children under 5 years old. 7,371 IDPs (4%) were living in camps and displacement sites, 94,268 IDPs (53%) were living with host families, 31,371 IDPs (17%) were living in emtpy and straw houses, and 46,891 IDPs (26%) were living in rented housing. 68% of IDPs were displaced as a result of natural disasters and 32% of IDPs were displaced as a result of sociopolitical issues.
Modified: 14 March 2020
187,626 IDPs in 42,416 households were identified. 69% of IDPs were displaced as a result of natural disasters, while 31% were displaced because of the sociopolitical situation.
Modified: 12 March 2019
189,000 IDPs comprising 42,565 households. 80% of IDPs were women and youth under 18 years old, and 30% of IDPs were children under 5 years old. 7,308 IDPs were living in camps and displacement sites, 104,118 IDPs were living with host families, 26,252 IDPs were living in emtpy houses, and 51,322 IDPs were living in rented housing. 123,510 IDPs were displaced as a result of natural disasters and 64,673 IDPs were displaced as a result of sociopolitical issues.
Modified: 12 March 2019
188,294 IDPs in 42,234 households were identified. 66% of IDPs were displaced as a result of natural disasters, while 34% were displaced because of the sociopolitical situation.
Modified: 6 November 2021
191,806 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 42,859 households in the provinces of Gitega, Cankuzo, Bujumbura Rural, Rutana, Makamba, Ruyigi, Muyinga, Kirundo, Cibitoke, Rumonge, Bubanza, Bururi, Kayanza, Muramvya, Mwaro, Ngozi and Karusi. In terms of reasons for displacement, 66% cited natural disasters while 34% of migrants cited socio-political reasons. Women and children represented 52% of the displaced population. The large majority of IDPs (56%) live in host families, followed by 26% who live in rented houses.
Source | International Organization for Migration (IOM) |
Contributor | International Organization for Migration (IOM) |
Time Period of the Dataset [?] | January 31, 2016-August 27, 2024 ... More |
Modified [?] | 18 December 2024 |
Dataset Added on HDX [?] | 6 March 2018 Less |
Expected Update Frequency | Every six months |
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License | Other : |
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