Bottom-up gridded population estimates for Nigeria, version 1.2

  • GeoTIFF
    Modified: 27 January 2021

    Bottom-up gridded population estimates (~100m) for Nigeria. This zip file contains a geotiff raster with estimates of total population size for each approximately 100 m grid cell across the study area. It also contains a geotiff raster with estimates of uncertainty in the population estimates.

  • GeoTIFF
    Modified: 27 January 2021

    Bottom-up gridded population estimates (~100m) for specific age-sex groups. This zip file contains geotiff rasters with estimates of population sizes for individual age-sex groups for each approximately 100 m grid cell across the study area.

  • SHP
    Modified: 27 January 2021

    Bottom-up population totals for administrative units in Nigeria. This zip file contains population totals for administrative units in Nigeria (i.e. states and local government areas). The boundaries are included as shapefiles with the population estimates included in the attribute tables. The population estimates are also included as .csv spreadsheets.

  • GeoTIFF NGA_population_v1_2_mastergrid.tif
    Modified: 27 January 2021

    Mastergrid for gridded population estimates. This geotiff raster contains the mastergrid used to define where population estimates were made. It contains a value of 1 where population estimates were made and a value of 0 or NA everywhere else. Cell IDs from the mastergrid can be used to lookup values in the SQL database.

  • PDF
    Modified: 27 January 2021

    Description of the methods used to produce the NGA v1.2 bottom-up gridded population estimates. This zip file contains a peer-reviewed manuscript describing the methods used to produce population estimates in this data set including model code and input data.

  • PDF NGA_population_v1_2_README.pdf
    Modified: 27 January 2021

    README: NGA Population v1.2. This README file provides information about the data included in the data release, how it was produced, source data that were used, and known assumptions and limitations of the results.

  • SQL NGA_population_v1_2_sql.sql
    Modified: 27 January 2021

    SQL database with Bayesian posterior population predictions. This SQLite database contains samples from the Bayesian posterior predictions of population size in each grid cell. The database can be used to develop applications that query the population estimates.

  • PNG
    Modified: 27 January 2021

    Image tiles for gridded population estimates. These image tiles (XYZ format) allow for rapid display of the 100 m gridded population estimates across the study area in web applications.

Source GRID3 (Geo-Referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development)
Time Period of the Dataset [?] September 16, 2020-April 18, 2024 ... More
Modified [?] 27 January 2021
Dataset Added on HDX [?] 27 January 2021 Less
Expected Update Frequency As needed
Methodology Census
Caveats / Comments

Recommended citations

WorldPop. 2019. Bottom-up gridded population estimates for Nigeria, version 1.2. WorldPop, University of Southampton. doi:10.5258/SOTON/WP00655

WorldPop. 2020. Bottom-up gridded population estimates for individual age-sex groups in Nigeria, version 1.2.1. WorldPop, University of Southampton. doi:10.5258/SOTON/WP00661

Leasure DR, Jochem WC, Weber EM, Seaman V, Tatem AJ. 2020. National population mapping from sparse survey data: A hierarchical Bayesian modeling framework to account for uncertainty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1073/pnas.1913050117

For further details, please, read NGA_population_v1_2_README.pdf

Contact for more information.

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